Apple Pie and Chloroform

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"I love you Y/N, remember to lock the doors once we're gone okay?" Dean said a bit sadly with his head nuzzled in the crook of your neck.
"I know Dean, now get out of here already." You replied a bit hastily, still aggravated that they were leaving you behind on this hunt.
Sam was loading the last duffel bag into the impala and you could tell he was in a hurry to get on the road. They had caught a case down in Detroit for a possible vengeful spirit who had a kill count of 3 that was rising at an alarming pace. You had wanted to go and even found the case for them, but Dean, being the overprotective bear he is, had crushed your hope rather quickly.
"I can handle it Dean! This isn't my first hunt and you know very well how capable amd valuable I am." You said to Dean, voice rising slightly at the end.
"No Y/N, you need to take a break. After what happened on the last hunt you need time to recover. You can come on the next one." He replied, obviously adament on not letting you join.
It wasn't like anything major happened on the last hunt, you just lost focus for a second, it happens to the best of us. Unfortunately, in that second, one of the werewolves you guys were in the middle of combat with took the opportunity to twist your leg from behind you, spraining your ankle. That was it for Dean, you were benched and on bedrest.
So here you were, watching the two men slide into the impala, ready to save lives. And you? You were assigned research and organizational duty in the bunker. Joy.
It won't be too bad, you thought to yourself, once you had locked the door and checked the alarm system. You had plans to make Deans favourite apple pie among other mouth watering pastries, trying to butter the man up. Hoping maybe he would let you out on a simple rogue vampire case or something when he got back.
Once you had finished about 6 hours worth of organizing old Men of Letters books and documents, and finished a batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, it was well past midnight. You padded down the chilly hallways of the bunker and into your washroom, brushing your teeth and changing into some of your more comfortable pajamas. You knew Dean and Sam would still be up researching, so you sat down on the edge of your bed and gave them a call.
"Hey baby, how's it going? You're on speaker phone." Deans smooth voice answered on the second ring.
You smiled softly, already slightly missing him.
"Pretty good I guess. It'd be better if I was on the hunt with you guys, though. It's kind of lonely when you have this huge bunker all to yourself." You replied, hoping to maybe instill a bit of guilt into him for keeping you from joining.
"Well whatever you do, don't throw a kegger without us." He said, an obvious smirk on his face as he didn't take the bait.
"Yeah whatever Dean." You heard Sam chuckle and couldn't help the small smile that crept onto your face. "How's the mission going so far?"
"Fairly good, we talked to two of the families whose kid died within the last two weeks as soon as we got here. As far as we can tell, they have nothing in common, so we're gonna go talk to the last family tomorrow morning. Try and piece this puzzle togther. What about you? What are you up to?" Dean replied, sounding a bit tired.
"I sorted through one of the last boxes of stuff from one of the spare bedrooms, and started a bit on the documents outisde the dungeon. I may have also started baking a few things, y'know, just some cookies and pie." You said, a teasing tone evident in your voice at the mention of pie.
"Oh don't tease me with pie, that's just cruel." You swore, there was a whine in his voice.
"Not teasing, just informing." You lied jokingly, a smug smirk etched onto your face now.
You heard some mumbling and the words 'lovebirds' and 'get a room' stood prominent as you listened to Sam.
"Sam, how's sharing a room with Dean again? Miss your room yet?" You joked with the giant.
"Bite me, Y/N." He quipped back, earning a laugh from you.
"We'll call you tomorrow babe, I for one need my four hours." Dean said, and you heard him stand up on the other end of the line. Sam made a noise of agreement and so you said your goodbyes, hanging up the phone after a quick 'I love you'.
A small smile still lingering on your face, you put your phone on your nightstand and crawled into bed, falling asleep rather quickly.
When you next opened your eyes, you were groggy and tired. The clock next to you read an annoyling bright 5:30a.m. You slowly throw your legs over the side of your bed and made your way down to the kitchen to poor yourself a glass of milk.
Without turning any lights on, you felt your way over to the fridge, opening it with a yawn. Still a bit out of it, you didn't hear the quite footsteps rounding the corner in the dark, and only even recognized the prescence of an unknown someone when they had your arms pinned behind your back and a cloth clamped over your nose and mouth. Your eyes went wide, trying desperately to adjust to the darkness, and you tried your best to scream, not that anyone would be there to help you in the currently unoccupied bunker.
Attempting to get out of your captors grip only seemed to make the situation worse, when you felt two extra pairs of hands restraining you, but you still fought. Now wide awake, you kicked your legs back, trying to inflict enough damage on someone to loosen their grip on you. You were kicking, squirming, and going to make it as hard as possible for whoever these bastards were to get you to do anything. You could feel your energy quickly draining and your movements becoming slower, as your head started to spin with a sickly sweet scent invading your nose. Chloroform. You knew it wasn't going to be long before your lights went out, but you put every last ounce of strength you had into the fight.
A deep, silky smooth voice started laughing from somewhere in the room. You payed little attention to him, focusing on timing your movements with the limited amount of consciousness you had left. Until he started to count back from 10. 10... 9... 8... And you started to sway on your feet. 7... 6... 5... And you stumbled forward pathetically into another body, who grabbed onto your roughly and shoved you sideways. They were playing with you. 4... 3... 2... And you knew you were done for. Black dots flashed their way across your vision and it felt like you were being sucked into a tunnel. 1... And you were falling.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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