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1913 words.

"Jake, I am freaking out! It has been a week! One week!" Niall yelled down the phone to his best friend, who he'd been calling every day since he took the test on his birthday.

"Oh my god, Niall, you have to stop freaking out and calling me every day! I had to wait a year for my results to come through! A year! Some people are still waiting after what could be ten years!" Jake yelled back.

"Yes, I know you waited a year, but you didn't freak out because you're a dom and doms don't have emotion! Hang on. Did you freak out? Because-"

"Yes, Niall, I did freak out, and you're wrong, doms do have emotion. We just don't show it, but we do when we want to. Now, normally, when it takes a while, it means your match is from another country. Elsie's from Australia. Usually, that would take a little longer, maybe, but I had already been in the system for a year when she did her test. What I want you to do now is go get a glass of water, lay down in bed, and put on some calming music to cool down. Think you can do that?" He then informed Niall cutting him off in the process.

"Yes, thank you, sorry for disturbing you. Bye." He said quietly.


He hung up before placing the phone on charge and leaving the room to get a glass of water as Jake had instructed. Once he got to the kitchen, he saw his dad come in with a yellow envelope.

"Is that -" Niall started but couldn't finish from the shock.

"Yeah. Here you go, son. Don't worry about it I'm sure he'll be fine and if he's a bitch and horrible we'll request a new dom for you yeah." He reassured handing him the letter.

Niall just nodded and took it from his grip and grabbed his water before making his way upstairs again to play his calming music playlist, courtesy of Jake, lay down and stare at the envelope.

"To open or not to open," He joked to himself, "Open yeah I gotta open it."

So that's what he did. Niall teared the seal of the envelope open and pulled out the piece of paper careful not to rip it. His hands were shaking like an earthquake but he managed to unfold the letter. He skipped all the annoying information crap and went to the part where the name was. Zayn Malik it read it also said they were to meet at the testing centre on the 1st of November at 3pm. Niall sighed and put the letter in his draw before falling asleep for his afternoon nap. 


"Shit!" Niall exclaimed once awake. He'd had another nightmare, one of his many flaws.

Niall took the water from his bedside table and chugged it down all at once. He looked at the clock, and it read 1:49, so he only slept for half an hour. Niall didn't understand what was going on. He didn't understand why he had nightmares every night. Was his brain trying to tell him something? Did the little people in there know something he didn't?

Niall decided to put all those questions and worries behind him and try to fall back to sleep. That didn't really go to plan because as soon as he shut his eyes, Elsie came bursting through his door.

"Niall, did it come yet? Did it come?" She asked quite loudly upon entering. "Oh, were you sleeping?"

"I was, but not anymore." Niall grumbled.

"Oops, sorry, but did it come?" She asked again.

"Yeah, it's on the floor somewhere." Niall answered, falling back onto his pillow and pulling the duvet over his head.

"Why'd you do that? It's important and very easy to lose in this clutter. You really need to clean your room it's like a dumping ground, ah, here it is." Elsie told Niall off in a way. "D'you mind if I read it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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