Arriving in Camelot

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We were silent. There was no talking while we wlked, Merlin knew I didnt talk much. I looked over at my dark haired brother, and for perhaps the millionth time I compared us. We looked nothing alike, Merlin had dark hair and soft brown eyes. I on the other hand had brilliant white hair and hard grey eyes that seemed to swirl and change. Merlin also had better clothes than I, he looked after himself a lot better than me. I just didnt care. "Merlin" I said softly causing the boy to look at me questioningly "will we be there soon?" Merlin smiled softly " yes little snowflake we'll be there soon". Little snowflake. That was his nickname for me, no one else ws ever allowed to use it. "Merlin, what do you think Camelot will be like? What happens if we get caught?" At this his expression darkened, "I will never, NEVER, let them harm you Aveline. They wont toch you. "I smiled gretfully at my big brother, I hated being touched by people I didnt like or know. Merlin knew this. He had always been protective of me, like REALLY protective. When I was little I got really sick and almost died, that was how my hair and eyes changed. After Merlins little declaration we walked in silence again. I looked up at the canopy of leaves above us, the sun light filtered through leaving soft shadows on the path. A gentle breeze played with my long hair and brushed over my bare skin. I was wearing a small leather top with no sleaves and a ripped skirt over breeches and knee high leather boots. (Cover image.) I snapped out of my daze as I felt Merlins hand brush my shoulder, not staying long. "Ave, we're here." The wlls were right in front of us, ' how long did I zone out?' I thought to myself. Shaking my thoughts away I followed Merlin through the gates ignoring the looks I was given. I dressed how I want, no one will change me I am how I am. We were here. We were in our new home. Camelot. Home. It didnt fit, this would never be home. Not to me at least. To me home was the woods around the village. Our village, the one we were born in.

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