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This is the final part if this myth. See... I told you it would be quick! I hope you enjoyed it, and please tell me what you thought of it in the comments. 

Thor was rather pleased with himself and took his time getting back to Asgard. Loki meanwhile is contemplating how Thor managed to catch him. Eventually he came to the conclusion that it was a fluke. So using his sharp teeth he started chewing the leather. By this time Thor had arrived at Thrudheim (the thunder realm in Asgard). He arranged his weapons, now silver and shining with his new found vision. It was at this point that Loki was able to get out of the bag. Loki, still in the form of Hilda, darted out and sprinted for the door. But having this new vision tho was easily able to catch Loki and hold him in a way that his razor sharp fangs couldn't inject poison into Thor's skin. The closest thing he found was a helmet and a shield, putting them together he made a type of container to hold Hilda. As soon as Thor left the room, Loki changed back into his natural shape and crept out.

Loki was observant and had noticed the arm band the first time he had been captured, but had dismissed it. But now thinking back to it Thor was not one to wear such things. He concluded that this arm band was the source of Thor's new ability. When Thor was asleep Loki slipped it off and put it on his own arm. Immediately, even in the dark of the night ,he could tell that there was a change. Yes, he could just steal it now, but what was the fun in that? Loki could be patient, and if he was going to do this he was going to hurt as many people as possible

. He watched and waited. He followed Thor everywhere he went for several weeks. Noting that at every quarter moon he went to Yggdrasil and laid the band down beside the enormous tree, and Loki also noted that Thor had chosen to keep the arm band a secret, and quickly made something up about how he had gotten it. Soon Loki had a plan.

One night, Loki went to Sif, Thor's wife, and told her that her husband had had an affair. Sif was wary, as Loki was known to cause trouble. Loki asked if she had noticed Thor's new arm band, he said it was a gift from Thor's mistress. Sif dismissed it, but Loki told her to wait until the quarter moon, her husband would go down to Yggdrasil. Sif was still unconvinced but on the quarter moon she decided to wait. She pretended to be asleep when Thor left. She followed him until she saw Yggdrasil, now thinking that it was possible Loki had been speaking the truth. She was about to step out of the shadows when another figure appeared in the distance, a beautiful young woman (who Loki had taken the form up) was coming closer. Sif had had enough, and couldn't take anymore. She ran back and stayed up thinking of what she could do.

Loki approached her the next day and seeing the bags under her eyes he knew that his plan had worked. He told her that he knew how to find a potion that would help her marriage. She agreed willingly. He said that unfortunately such potions do come at a price and he asked her for Thor's arm band, happy to be rid of it. Sif agreed, but every time she tried to get it she realized that he always had it on. Eventually she decided to wait until the quarter moon where she knew he would set it down next to the tree.

The night of the quarter moon arrived and she followed Thor out into the night. Even with Thor's excellent vision it was hard to see at night. And Sif stayed far back as Loki had warned her that Thor would be extra cautious. Thor lay the arm band down next to the tree, and knowing she had only minutes before the other lady showed up she darted out of the shadows and grabbed the arm band that had started to glow gently. Thor's face was a mixture of surprise, and guilt for her finding out about his arm band, he started to tell her that this arm band wasn't what she thought it was, which of course only added to Sif's anger. Caught in a spur of the moment, and having momentarily forgotten that she was to return this to Loki, she dropped the arm ring on the ground and ground it with her boot. The black gem cracked and both Thor, Sif, and Loki (who was waiting in a nearby bush), were blown off their feet. The color of the black gem escaped and went out into Yggdrasil, and escaped into all corners of the world. Of course it was never quite as condensed as when Thor wore the arm band, and it is for that reason that humans can only see a part of the spectrum of color. Loki although rather annoyed that he personally could not have the arm band he was also intrigued by the chaos, and disruption that Thor had triggered, and rejoiced in the new light spread across the world. And that is the story of how color was spread into the world.

I probably could talk about the marriage but to be honest, who cares. And equally important is the red flags that were drawn by how easily Sif believed about the affair, so no, I am not going to give everyone a happy ending, and I will leave it up to other Myths to answer those questions. 

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