(2) The book

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"Spike, prepare my bag. I'll be right back." Twilight told her dragon.

"Where are you going?" Spike asked.

"To Zecora's place."Twilight smiled.

"Why?"Spike asked

"Last time she came to the castle, she forgot her book. So, I have to return it to her." Twilight said.

"Why are you returning her book now? Our friends would be at the station anytime soon and we are on a mission. Remember?" Spike asked.

"That's why I'm telling you to stop talking and concentrate on preparing my bag. I'll meet you at the train station." Twilight assured her dragon.

"Ok fine!"

Twilight made her way to the Evergreen forest and went to Zecora's habitat.

~knock knock~

"Zecora? It's me, Twilight. Can I come in?" Twilight opened the wooden door and stepped inside the house.

"Zecora?" She tried calling the zebra, but no response came out.

Twilight made her way to the giant boiling bowl and peeked in, to see a blue substance. "What is that thing?" Twilight asked to no one in particular.

"It's a magical substance and also my newest antidote Princess.
If a curse is done, the substance shall undo the process." Zecora came in her house.

"Hi Zecora. I've come to return this book. You forgot it last time." Twilight said, handing the book to Zecora.

"You can keep it. I've got another copy of it."

"Are you sure?"


"Ok, thanks..." Twilight read the title, "The mystery of magical curse...umm... I've never read this book before."

"Maybe after reading a single page, you shall see all the meaning of the image."

"Right. Happy to see you Zecora. I'll have to leave now, bye." Twilight left the zebra's place.


Twilight flew as fast as she could to the train station and she saw her friends waiting for her. Even Spike was already there.

"You said you won't take long." Spike crossed his tiny paws.

"I...came as ....quickly as I... could, Spike." Twilight was out of breath.

"Let's go y'all! Or the train is gonna go without us." Applejack shouted.

Everypony went into the train and restored their bags safely. Twilight and her friends sat altogether.

"So, are you guys excited to see Flurry Heart?" Twilight asked.

"Oh yesss! I presume she must have already grown up a little bit!" Pinkie shouted.

"Yeah," The rest admitted in unison.

"Girls, I know that we are going on a quest, even though we're not even sure we are gonna find something. But, I really appreciate that you all agreed to come along. I'll completely understand if you don't want to come too. I have to tell you that, whether we find the allicorn or not, it maybe doesn't matter to you but I'll feel that I've put you into something that caused you to waste your time and something useless." Twilight expressed herself.

"Now sugarcube, wherever we go or whatever we do, we are in this together! You shouldn't feel like that. And it's not you who are bringing us, we came because we know we are helping and we'll never leave you alone." Applejack assured.

"Twilight darling, why ever would you think like that?" Rarity said.

"You have no reason to say that Twilight." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah... I know that I've judged the nightmare thing and all but AJ is right, we'll never leave your side." Rainbow said.

"Twilight, promise me you'll never talk like this again." Pinkie stared at Twilight.

Twilight's eyes were wet"...Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye." She laughed and her friends joined her.

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