Date Night, or game night?!

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Lucifer and Chloe had planned on having a date night since they had finished their case early and had a free evening to themselves. Trixie was of course going to be there so they had arranged to play a game of Monopoly. Dan had finally gotten used to the idea of Lucifer being the actual devil so they decided to invite him over too.

It was now 7 o'clock in the evening and the couple wanted to have some alone time before the two came over since Trixie was over at Dan's house since he had picked her up from school today. This meant that the two now had an hours until they were going to be interrupted. The two decided on watching a movie. They put on the movie and we're actually watching it for a while, until Lucifer decided to leave and go to the kitchen. Chloe wondered where he was going but decided to leave him to do whatever it is that he wanted to do.

About half an hour of Lucifer making a lot of noise in the kitchen had passed by and by now Chloe had been really curious as to what her devil boyfriend could be doing. A few extra minutes had passed by before Chloe decided to see what he was up to. However, just when she turned around to head towards the kitchen, Lucifer walked in with two plates of food. "Oh, what's this?", she asked, surprised. Lucifer grinned. "This, my dear favourite detective, is our dinner that I cooked for us." "Awww, you didn't have to do that". "Well, I just felt like I wanted to treat you." Chloe smiled. "Thank you Lucifer." "Your welcome, detective." The smiled at each other before eating their dinner in a comfortable silence.

Once they had finished eating, the put their plates into the dishwasher. Just as they were about to sit down, there was a knock at the door. Trixie and Dan had arrived for their family game night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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