Chapter 10: As Night Approaches

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Night was falling as the two figures slipped inconspicuously through the rush hour foot traffic. Although they were traveling in the opposite direction of most of the pedestrians, two teenage boys did not really stand out from the rest of the bustling crowd.

Which was why Nino was absolutely sure they were being followed.

He'd voiced these concerns to Adrien who pretended not to notice as he none-too-gently yanked his best friend down a side alley to avoid a crazy mob of fans. After they were clear of any signs and autographs, Adrien finally turned to address the possibility.

"I don't know, man, it doesn't really seem possible. I mean, Hawkmoth just akumatized Lila and typically it takes him a day or so to gather the strength to do so again. I think we're in the clear for now."

"I still don't like it," Nino admitted, fixing his hat and crossing his arms as they emerged back into the stream of traffic. "Why don't we just slip off to a side alley, do the whole power thing, and then super it to the Guardian's house? Wait...does the Guardian live in a house? Because I thought all these super ancient dudes always had, like, a tent set up in the middle of the desert or something."

"Because then we would run the risk of Hawkmoth seeing us and following us right to Master Fu," Adrien explained in a low voice, doing his best to keep his face turned completely toward Nino and not the curious crowd. "Ladybug gave me his address and made me promise that we wouldn't lead Hawkmoth right to him. I gave her my word that I would protect you both. And yes, he lives in a house."

"So...she knows then?"

"That I know that you know that she knows?" Adrien finished. "Yes. Well, that Chat knows. Obviously, I didn't tell her who I was. Revealing myself to you was enough excitement to last me a lifetime, bro. Or a few months at least."

Nino chuckled, somewhat to himself. What a tangled web the two supers were making for themselves. Marinette was in love with Adrien. Adrien was in love with Ladybug. Ladybug wasn't interested (so she claimed) in Chat Noir. Nino was getting a headache just trying to keep up with it all. Oh, just you wait, dude. The day the two of you riddle it all out will blow your mind for good.

But even at Adrien's reassurance, Nino couldn't get the prickling unease from his brain. He found himself tempted to put up his headphones and he almost did, but then he realized he really needed to be memorizing the way to the Guardian's house should he ever need to come back without Marinette or Adrien. So he settled for tapping a beat against his legs, an action he'd begun to recognize as a sign of nerves. He'd done it before, right before finding out Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities. Perhaps it was an unconscious sign of a great secret about to be unleashed. Perhaps he should be concerned about the implications he was receiving from this action, like, oh-my-goodness-gravy-what-great-traumatic-event-is-about-to-take-place-in-my-life-and-why-did-I-not-pack-my-super-rad-turtle-shell-shield-today?

They crossed the street near the Louvre and Adrien drug him through several cross-crossed back alleys (some of which looked mugging appropriate) and past multiple art galleries, none of which Nino recognized (not really a big surprise. Alya was more into art than he was). Plagg and Wayzz, who had both decided to ride this trip inside his cap, briefly peeked out to analyze their progress.

"Phew!" Adrien exclaimed, half an hour later, wiping his brow and glancing up at the sun as it dipped behind the horizon. "Man, it is so much easier to travel by rooftop! Speaking of which, that's something we need to get you warmed up to!" He slapped Nino on the back and the taller boy chuckled nervously.

"Hehe, though I appreciate the thought, Adrien. I think I'd rather keep my feet firmly planted on the ground if you don't mind."

"Eh, you'll get the hang of it!" Adrien laughed, clearly having no intention of letting Nino weasel his way out of it.

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