1. the new job

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jamie miller was a young, peculiar, wide eyed man who was just looking for a bit of romance in his life. he had blonde straight hair and fair skin. he was average build, but not very tall.

he had just recently moved to new york city. he was living in a small run-down apartment, which wasn't very big.

jamie was starting his new job as an accountant in an office in manhattan. he was approached by one of the owner's of the company christoper pickle.

he was feeling fairly nervous about it all, he didn't want to make a bad impression on himself.

he woke up to the deathly sound of his alarm clock ringing next to him. "already?" he groaned, as he managed to roll out of bed.

he walked over to his full length mirror and sighed. "crap" he mumbled, as he noticed his bed head.

he walked to his bathroom and turned on the shower, as he freshened up.

after, he brushed his teeth and grabbed his hair gel. he figured the only way to hide his hideous hair was to slick it back.

he checked himself for a few moments and gave himself a pep talk, before finishing off getting ready.

he pushed his tie up to his collar, before patting himself down. he gave himself a nod. he thought he looked rather dapper in his suit.

he walked into the kitchen to make himself some food, so he had enough energy for work.

he made himself some porridge with extra oats, with his cup of warm milk.

jamie loved his warm milk. he had with every meal; breakfast, lunch and dinner, even when he went out to a restaurant he ordered it.

he locked up his apartment, before walking down to the street to call a taxi. he kept trying to grab the drivers attention, but he failed miserably. he sighed to himself, as he realised he was most likely going to be late on his first day. so much for making a good first impression.

this was all until a blonde guy, who was similar to jamie, however he was shorter than him. he found this shocking considering he was abnormally short himself.

"these guys are pretty tough" the man chuckled. "i'm bev, by the way" he smiled, as he put out his hand, as jamie shook it. "you must be new here?"

"yes, my name is jamie. i've just moved here from mississippi" he told bev, as he introduced himself to him. "i thought it was finally time to move out my mom's basement" he added, as bev awkwardly laughed.

there was a short interval of silence between the two, before jamie looked down at his watch. "crap" he cursed. "i'm gonna be late on my first day... brilliant. i can't even get myself a cab either" he complained.

suddenly, bev whistled and a cab pulled right over. jamie's eyes widened. "how did you do that?" he questioned in a high-pitched tone.

"a lot of practice" bev chuckled to him. "go on" he smiled, as he indicated for him to go into the taxi.

"thank you" jamie smiled. "how can i repay you?" he asked.

"well, actually i'm filming a few stuff for the content soon" bev explained. "it would be great if you could help out when you're free" he told him.

"sure, anything" he smiled, as he got into the cab, he paused and looked back at bev, before closing the door. "thanks again" he nodded, before they drove off.

the nerves were getting worse, as he made his way there. what if they didn't like him? what if they made fun of him? what if he didn't fit in?

he was overthinking it all and began to feel hot. he quickly undid his tie, so it wasn't as tight, as before. "uh, do you have any warm milk?" he asked the taxi driver.

"who do you think i am?" the man scoffed, as he shook his head. he made a sharp turn and told him to get out.

jamie quickly passed him his money, before stepping out in front of the huge building that was now his work.

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