ii. academic aptitudes

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Hi, everyone! I've just created an Instagram account called @letalestrangexx. I'll be posting there all the stuff about my books, including sneak peeks before publishing. 

Go check out my other stories, too! I've recently published them, and I would love to hear your thoughts!

Comment and vote pleassseee. They bring me much more motivation than you realize. This chapter is also dedicated to Ahsokafan45 for being so supportive and a great friend. I luv you, Queen.

Well, without furder ago, continue reading this chapter. (It's more of a filler, and I kind of hate it but oh well. the next ones will actually have some plot, i promise. okay, I'll shut up now.)

Classes at Hogwarts had been . . . peculiar.

There was no other way to put it because each class was contrastingly different, especially when she felt everyone was talking a different language. And now, as Professor Binns droned about the History of Wandlore, Ahsoka had to resist the urge to close her eyes and forget about how much she didn't know about magic. Looking around, she noticed the few students —minus Hermione Granger, who was vigorously writing notes— in the classroom were also either on the verge of jumping out the window or about to fall asleep.

"This is awful," she groaned and proceeded to bury her head on the desk, all attempts to pay attention vanishing after enduring another minute of the ghost's painfully boring voice.

She was most certainly not returning to History of Magic and scratched it off her list as she bolted out of the classroom as soon as the class ended. She ran through the halls, not particularly caring of the judgmental stares from the older students and the professors nearby until she nearly collided with Professor McGonagall.

"Sorry, Professor McGonagall," Ahsoka said with a sheepish grin, to which the witch replied with a pointed look and a raised eyebrow. "I was just coming to see you, actually."

"As was I, Miss Tano, it seems we have much to discuss your behavior earlier today."

"Great," she muttered sarcastically and followed McGonagall as they neared her office.

What was she going to be lectured about this time? She had done a lot in a span of a few hours. So far, she had received four detentions for the upcoming months even from professors she hadn't even seen in class yet. A new record, if she said so herself, but she doubted Professor McGonagall would applaud her for it. But it wasn't her fault entirely. It was just so easy breaking the rules here with no real punishment, and it was relieving to get in trouble for childish reasons other than the strict boundaries she had been following for the last months.

"So..." McGonagall started once she sat on her desk, "is it true?"

"Er...you'll have to be more specific."

"Did you stand up for Miss Granger after Professor Snape embarrassed her in front of the class?"

Oh, that.

"Yes, Miss Granger? Do you have something to add? I suppose being an insufferable know-it-all has its perks, or is it a gift you have developed to interrupt my class with nonsense?" Snape questioned scathingly.

The bushy-haired witch immediately lowered her hand, her face flushed red and tears pooling in her eyes.

"You can't talk to her like that," Ahsoka spoke up when Snape did nothing to reprimand Malfoy's taunts.

"Oh?" Snape questioned with a raised eyebrow as he focused his attention solely on the only student that had dared defy him (though Ron Weasley looked closely to exploding in anger). "And why is that?" he asked almost mockingly.

"You asked a question, and she had the answer. Just because you hate Gryffindor doesn't mean you get to act like a bully when you're supposed to teach us."

"Really? Well then, perhaps you can answer the question, seeing as you're so interested in learning — I thought so, so instead of playing hero, Miss Tano, I suggest you focus on your studies and gain what little knowledge that minuscule brain of yours can."


"Did you proceed to tell him he shouldn't treat his students that way?"

It was more like screamed at actually, but she kept that to herself.


"Did you refuse to continue working until he apologized to Miss Granger?"

"Yes." All Snape had done was deduct more house points. Not that she cared much about them, but Hermione had fixed her a disapproving yet grateful stare.

"And then laughed loudly after the incident with Mister Potter?"

"Yes." The corners of her mouth twitched upward involuntarily at the memory.

"There's no need to call me 'sir', professor."

The whole room gasped while she couldn't help but laugh. Loudly. Unfortunately, directing the former Potions professor's attention once he finished with the raven-haired boy.

"Something funny?" he sneered.

"Yes," the immature student blurted out before she could stop herself.

"And stormed out of his class before he could give you detention?"


Professor McGonagall paused, her eyebrows furrowing as if contemplating something before sighing.

"In my defense, he was—

"Have a biscuit, Ahsoka."

Ahsoka paused her rambling and stared at the Professor in confusion. "What?"

"A biscuit," McGonagall repeated, waving her wand as a tin of biscuits levitated from the other side of the room to the edge of the desk.

"Oh...thanks." After a moment of hesitation, the Gryffindor shrugged and gladly accepted the cookie.

"Have you made a decision yet about which classes would you like to pursue? —You're dropping History of Magic, Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, " McGonagall's frown deepened as she continued to read the list with her messy handwriting, "and the only classes you're continuing are Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology...and Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

"Oh, the last one was only to annoy ." And because it's the only thing I'm relatively good at.

"...I see. Well then, I'll let Hagrid know he'll have another student for his class; he'll be delighted to have you. In the meantime, there is something I'd like to discuss with you. It's regarding your academic history."

"What's that?" Ahsoka wondered aloud before she could stop herself.

"That is part of the problem, Miss Tano. Sit down; we have a lot to discuss."

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