Chapter 3

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I sat up against the wall. My eyes red as I stared in front of the mirror. People walked passed not noticing me.

I'm in the after life of course they wouldn't. My life was boring. Well in the after life it was boring.

I just sat around and watched. I saw Jason run to the room where I am. he pressed his hands up against the glass of the door I ran over to him.

I pressed my hands were pressed up against where his were.

He turned around and that's when I saw the girl. He went over to her and hugged her.

She was my friend. I wander if she was doing this behind my back. Stop. She was probably just trying to comfort him.

I still had my doubts. If I didn't make it I want him to move on. I don't want him to get hurt.

I don't want to see him cry. I don't want to see him stay up all night. I want him to be happy.

I care about him and all my friends and family. I want them all to be happy. I want them to enjoy life while they have it.

Cause when they lose it there's no going back. I lost mine already unless I can get into my body again.

I hope I do I only have so long. I began looking at myself again but this time I was just looking at myself on the bed.

I was about to burst out crying. I just stared at my lifeless body. The one that got hit.

I was just the soul of myself. The one left to suffer to crumble. I've read so many stories about seeing light and some there for you.

I've never read a story where the person is actually was in the after life. well now I know what its like.

I never dreamt that one day it would be me. I never hoped that to be here . I didn't want to be in the after life.

So I was going to try my very hardest to get out. I don't care if I took me a week my goal is to get out and see my family.


Hey so I'm having a competition for a cover I'll tell you in the next update explain it a lot more.

Ok thx a lot for the reads and everything. Vote, comment, and follow.



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