10- a broken person

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Olivias POV
We arrive at the holiday house, which was about 2 hours away from where we all lived. We thanked graces mum for taking us and headed inside, it was beautiful.

Very classy and modern, with white walls and high ceilings, with a stunning kitchen with a White Island in the middle, outside was a patio with another hot tub, as well as a conservatory attached to the house, with a heated pool inside, this was going to be a good weekend.

For the first day and evening we just relaxed, as the boys were coming the day after, so we gossiped and drank, until we all dozed off to sleep.

It was Monday morning, the official start of our little group holiday, we wore hoodies and trakkies, as it was still March, well the end of March, so it was still cold.
Sophie and Grace began cooking some bacon and eggs, whilst me and Jacy made smoothies for us all. We all sat down at the kitchen island and ate breakfast together, before going to shower for when the boys arrived, at about 12pm, bryce and his friends arrived, and wow, they were all hot.

Sophie kissed Bryce hello, as we all hugged the others, all the boys properly gripped my waist as I hugged them to say hello, but I wish it was kacies grip on my waist.

We almost immediately get into the heated pool, as there was us 4 girls, and 5 boys, so we definitely couldn't fit into the hot tub. We take cocktails with us and all sit around the edge, chatting. A muscular boy came over towards me and began chatting to me.

'Well aren't you stunning' he says, flashing his pearly whites at me, he wasnt really my type on paper, but he was gorgeous nonetheless.

'Likewise' i replied with a smirk, as the girls watched me flirt.

He was probably about 6 foot, with a buzz cut, and green eyes, his eyes were very nice, but they weren't quite kacies, her eyes were dreamy, I could see happiness and love in hers, I could see my future in her eyes. I smiled thinking about her, I did miss her, but this little getaway was to have fun.

And we had never discussed what we actually were, let alone talked about being exclusive, so I'm a free bird. Just the way I liked it, I blocked her out of my mind and this boy continued to flirt to me. As the time passed I felt myself being more attracted to him. His name was tyler, I didn't like that name, but it definitely suited his bad boy aura. He wrapped his arm around my waist in the pool as he leaned in a kissed me, I couldn't complain, I kissed him back as my friends wooed to me. When I pulled away after a moment, I saw some of the other boys looking a little disappointed, but I had found my man for the next 2 days, sorry boys.

After about an hour of being in the pool, we got out and dried off, before going into the living room, and bought out bottles of spirits and the boys had many, many cans of beers. We turned the speaker on and began drinking, still chatting, as we weren't quite drunk enough to be dancing yet, tyler had his arm wrapped around my shoulder, as Grace announced, 'let's take a group picture' we all agreed and one of the boys stood up in front of the large sofa we were all sat on and took out his phone to take a picture. We took a few with different poses, Tyler's arm still around my shoulder, as I kiss his cheek in one of the pictures. They were very cute pictures to be honest.

We continued drinking, until we were all definitely drunk enough to go skinny dipping in the pool. And so we all stripped and jumped in. The boy once again began taking pictures of us all in the pool, as Tyler was behind me and covered my breasts with his arms in the picture, and I smiled into his chest.

After more pictures had been taken, I turned around to him and kissed him passionately. Before we snuck off from the pool, without the others noticing, and off to one of the many bedrooms, and you can guess what happened after that.

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