the date~ Vera Farmiga

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Me and Vera has been dating for a while but she is always busy and really never has the time for me but I can't help but to think that maybe she doesn't love me anymore, while I was thinking I hear the door open to the shared room me and Vera share. I smiled at her lovely and she smiled back she came close to me and kissed me on the cheek "hey sweetie how was your day?" Vera asked "It was good I really missed you though" she smiled once again and held my cheek "I'm sorry sweetie I've just been busy with a lot of stuff but I'm always here for you no matter what...ok?" I smiled "ok but how was your day?" I asked her "it was tiring" she chuckles lightly I chuckled with her "well then you should rest" she held my cheek more and said "well I was kinda hoping to take you on a date for the time I couldn't be with you" I smiled really happily "really!?" "Yes really now go get ready my love" I kissed her on the lips and left to get ready.

(That's the dress you can change it if you want but I really think it's pretty)

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(That's the dress you can change it if you want but I really think it's pretty)

I got finished putting on my dress that Vera gave me for my birthday, I looked in the mirror smiling I did light makeup and was wearing red lipstick Vera walked up behind me and hugged me "you look gorgeous my love" she said in my ear which I returned with a slight blush "thank you-" I turned around to her and looked at her she was wearing a black dress.

"-you look gorgeous as well sweetie" she smiled with a slight blush "thank you love ready to go?" I nodded my head 'yes' she smiled and took my hand softly and went to get the car keys and we went out of the house we shared

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"-you look gorgeous as well sweetie" she smiled with a slight blush "thank you love ready to go?" I nodded my head 'yes' she smiled and took my hand softly and went to get the car keys and we went out of the house we shared. We got to the car and she opened the door for me "thank you" I said as I get in the car she closed the door when I was in the car and got in herself. She started the car and drive to a fancy restaurant I looked out the window and saw it it really looked fancy, she finds a parking spot and turned off the car and got out of the car but when I was about to get out the door was already open so I got out and she closed the door, I kissed her on the cheek as a thank you she took my hand and held it as we walked to the fancy restaurant. We got there and omg it was fancy as shit I looked around and a the waitress who worked here came up to us and Vera said to her "table for two?" Then the waitress said "this way" and we followed her to a table "thank you" Vera said to the waitress "hope you enjoy" she said as she walked away, Vera pulled out a chair for me and I sat down and she sat across of me and she grabs the menu and I do the same as well and look at it "so what are you getting love?" Vera asked I look up at her "can I be completely honest I don't know" she laughed lightly "what are you getting?" "I'm getting the pot roast...Trying something new" I giggled softly "well I shall get the same" so after that we was just talking as a waitress came up to us "may I take your orders?" I look at Vera and she looked back at me and smiled "can we get the pot roast? Please" the waitress wrote it down "ok and for the drinks?" "Can we get wine?" Vera said and the waitress wrote that down "ok your order will come as soon as it can" said the waitress "thank you" Vera then the waitress walked away "can't wait I'm hungry as hell" I said Vera laughs "me to" after a long wait our food came, the waitress put our food down and our glasses for our wine she pours the wine into our cups "enjoy your meals" she said will a smiled "thank you" me and Vera said at the same time we ate our food and after eating and choking and laughing we finished and it was time to go "babe let's split it" I said to Vera and she just looked at me like '😐' I sighed so she looked away and paid we got up from our table I left a 30 dollar for the waitress because she was so nice. We left and walked to the car and she opened the door for me I smiled and said 'thank you' she smiled and closed my door and got in herself she started her car and started to drive "did you have fun?" Vera asked me "of course I did everything I do with you is fun!" A smile came up on her face "I'm glad you had fun love" she puts her hand on my thighs and I put my hand on top of hers. We got home after a 1 hour drive we finally got home this time I got out faster the flash himself and closed my door and went to her door and opened it "my lady" she got out the car after she turned it off I closed the door and went inside, we took a quick shower and got ready for bed, me and Vera was bushing our teeth after a little bit we finished and layed down. She pulled me close and kissed my cheek "I love you very much you know that right y/n" I look at her and kissed her on the lips and she kissed back "yes I know that Vera I love you very much as well" she kissed me on the lips and we kinda made out but we stopped "good night love" Vera as she kissed me one last time "good night Vera"

I'm a simp and need help 🥲

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