Chapter 9: Art Is Also A Weapon

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"How do you think Jin and Namjoon are doing?" Jimin asks, staring at his ceiling with his hand resting in his stomach.

"Probably catching up with what they missed in 4 years... and probably looking for us as well," Yoongi says, his limbs spread out like a starfish on his clean bed.

"Do you think they fuck?"

"Positive." Jimin's face scrunched up before sighing.

"I miss Jin."

"I miss Namjoon."

"What's he like?" Yoongi licked his lips and groaned.

"Annoying, clumsy, weird dad jokes- he tried too hard... but he's funny, smart, kinda handsome, he's cool. Namjoons my best friend and my mentor."

"I met Namjoon for only a couple of minutes but he seems like a good guy for Jin, though I wonder how they met."

"On a mission, that's all Joon would say. Did you know Jin was married?" Jimin shook his head, putting his arm behind his head. "I didn't know either."

"Yoongi? Why wouldn't you talk at first? Now you're very chatty but since we've been alone, you talk more than me sometimes." The older hums and shuffled onto his side to face the wall.

"It's been hard for me to open up to others after what my parents tried to do. I barely speak to Namjoon but with you, I feel comfortable? I-I don't know, you're just different."

"Yeah, you say that a lot," Jimin mumbled, casting a nasty glare at the older who hadn't heard.

"Maybe it was because we both have or had horrible parents or because you were the only one to keep me company. Either way, you like me talking so don't ruin it cause I'll shut up if you want?"

"No, I need someone to talk to too. I would go crazy if not." Yoongi scoffed.

"You're already crazy, doll." Jimin hums and sat up, cracking his neck as he does so.

"What do we do now?"

"I don't know, we aren't trained for these things. We don't know where Zico is; just that we are way out of our leagues here."

"Maybe but we can't give up yet Yoongi." The younger got out of bed and pulled at his arm. "I'm somewhat gifted in computer and we got an address and a date from the party. It may be in a few days but that doesn't mean we can't do something now." The older then watches Jimin grab his computer and sit next to him on his bed. "What was the address again?"

"Uh, I think the zip code was 97634," Yoongi said rubbing his face while sitting up.

"Dude that's Hawaii, are we going to Hawaii? OH MY GOD!" The older groans and slammed his hand over Jimins mouth.

"Book the flight then. Maybe we'll be on the same plane as Zico." He chuckled and moved the younger away to jump into his bed. "That would be fun." Jimin rose a brow when Yoongi moved the covers over his head.

"You're so lazy." He mutters and then he went to the window, pushing the curtains open and crossing his arms.

This was the day after the masquerade party at the hotel and the two obviously didn't know what to do. Hell, they are in Paris and chasing after a guy who is like a ghost.

From under the covers, Yoongi's eyes opened when he heard a sniffle. Slowly moving the covers off, he turned to Jimin wiping his eyes.

"Come here, Moon." The smaller jumped and spun around, wiping the tears from his face while making his way to the olders side. "Tell me what's wrong," Yoongi spoke, helping Jimin under the covers and onto his arms.

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