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543 7 1

Heather's POV

(Heather may or may not be participating in Worldwide. Probably just the 'Paris, London, Tokyo' part)

Logan, Carlos, James, and Kendall are sitting around the coffee table waiting for Jo's phone to ring. Jo and I are also waiting anxiously for it to ring too.

"This is so exciting!" Carlos jumps up in excitement.

"I know! I can't believe you're up for Emily in the new Chauncy Jackson Film." Logan smiles.

"Jo Taylor, Starring in Chauncy Jackson and the magic Gallows." Kendall grins.

"I've read every book in the series." Jo smiles.

"Yeah, and every actress in town wants this role." James explains.

"My sister Nicole  forced me to read the books when I found out Jo was trying out for the role." I smile.

"It would awful if they didn't hire you." Carlos laughs.

"Carlos." The four of us say together.

"I mean, to get this close to the role of a lifetime and not get it?"

"Carlos!!" We exclaim.

"Guys, I'm fine if I-I don't get the part." Jo explains, "I just want the phone to ring."

Jo's cell phone starts to ring and we all jump.

"Take it! Take it!" We encourage her.

"Hello?" She picks up the phone, "I got the part?"

We all jump up and use our confetti poppers.

"It's a three-movie deal?" Jo asks.

"Yeah!" I cheer as we use our confetti poppers again.

"It's shooting in New Zealand for three years?" Jo asks.

Logan, Carlos and James cheer while Kendall and I don't.

"They want me to leave this week?" Jo asks anxiously.

"Oh yes!" Carlos cheers.

"Carlos!" I whisper yell as Jo looks at us with worry.



"Oh. Oh. Really? Okay bye." 

"Really really what 'Really'?" Kendall asks as Jo hangs up on the phone.

"The agent said I can't do the movie if I can't get out of my New Town High contract." Jo explains.

"But if you do get out of the contract, then you go to New Zealand for three years, and your relationship is." Carlos blows raspberries.

"Carlos!" We exclaim and Carlos uses a confetti popper.

"Sit down!" Logan orders him.

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