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    You have got to be fucking kidding me.

You thought when you and Layla pulled into the parking lot of a large apartment complex. The sun had shed its last bit of light and the city was buzzing with life. If only you could be out enjoying the night life with your best friend. Instead you were sitting in the parking lot of Layla's soon to be ex.

Of course she was hoping this wouldn't end in an official break up, but the naive girl wasn't prepared for what was coming.

"Are you serious right now?" You asked while pinching the bridge of your nose.

"Please y/n, I'll only be a sec, please." Layla pleaded while already undoing her seatbelt and grabbing her purse. Her blonde hair was curled to perfection giving you the impression that this was planned.

"Lay, you said we were going clubbing." You let out, accompanied by an exhausted sigh. "We haven't been able to go clubbing in like a month and this is what you wanna do instead?"

She finished touching up her appearance, "I just need to talk to him and apologize real quick. I won't be long, promise." She said with a small smile and gave you a quick peck on the cheek.

You could feel anger bubbling at the thought of her constantly apologizing for no reason at all to a man that clearly doesn't care for her the way he should.

Crossing your arms, you huffed, looked out the window and replied "Fine, even though there's nothing you need to be sorry for and he's an asshole." You heard her movements cease and the atmosphere turn cold.

"Seriously, y/n," she fixed her lip gloss. "You need to get over your jealousy and stop villainizing people you don't like just because you feel like it." Her voice had an edge and she wouldn't look at you. "We all know you haven't gotten any in a while but don't make it everyone else's problem."

If she listened to you every once in a while she would know that you recently slept with a fellow junior from another campus. You met Ushijima at a party that Layla and her now ex boyfriend happened to attend as well. It happened a few more drunken times after that before he abruptly cut it off. Monotone voice and all, he let you know how little you mattered. You were aware of the arrangement you two agreed upon, hell, you were perfectly fine with it. But he apparently was unaware. Whether or not he was trying to hurt you? You weren't sure. But it fucking hurt.

Layla never bothered to keep any of that information in her perfect head. She wasn't always so cruel. This was something you didn't like. How defensive she got the second you brought up something negative about him. She may be your best friend but she doesn't get away with talking to you like that.

One more huff and you say, "Can you stop being a bitch already and just get this over with." You were fed up and what she said stung a little.

The next few minutes were quiet as she readied herself, neither of you wanting to address the tension filling the car. She silently opened the door and got out, strutting towards the entrance.

You hated him. They met last year at university and recently dated for a couple months. Last you had heard of her relationship, he told her they were over after she accused him of cheating. With his track record you wouldn't be surprised if that turned out to be true. You were definitely not the guy's biggest fan, but Layla refused to let you say anything negative about her boyfriend. All because of the hold he had on her. You heard your heart beat for a second.

    He has her right where he wants her and he knows it.

You thought as you decided what you wanted to do. She couldn't do this alone and you weren't about to let her.

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