Natural Oxytocin

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Ben was rounding on Dr. Robbins service today and he was excited. He loved babies and he had been told he was good with moms after helping with a previous patient and delivering April Kepner's baby. After being assigned to Marina, a mother who had been laboring for several hours and was still only 4 centimeters dilated. Ben kept checking her cervix only to find that she had only dilated up one centimeter.
Ben stepped out of the room and walked up to the nurses station where Dr. Robbins, , and both were standing.
"How is Marina doing?" Dr. Robbins asked:
"Still no significant change Dr. Robbins," Ben replied.
"You Americans are so weird when it comes to these things. God gave you all these pressure points for pleasure and what gets the baby in can get the baby out," Carina exclaimed.
"You mean nipple stimulation?" the doctors asked.
"No, no not upstairs but downstairs stimulation. It's like natural oxytocin that will not only help with the pain but also help speed up her dilation so you don't have to do unnecessary surgery," Carina exclaimed again.
"Oh I'm not doing that!" Ben stated.
"Not you, them!" Carina replied.
Dr. Robbins went into the room and suggested a c-section again but they refused so she suggested Carina's idea.
Ben waited around not wanting to interrupt when suddenly the husband burst out of the room.
"I THINK SHE IS READY!" Ben and Arizona rushed in to help Marina deliver her baby.
Once his shift was over Ben headed home and Miranda was already there. He went upstairs to find her already showered and in her night gown, laying on her back and staring at the ceiling. "Hey Miranda," he said giving her a quick peck on the lips then undressing so that he could take a shower. "Hey Ben," she replied with her lip still poked out.
"What's wrong baby," Ben asked standing in his boxers with his hand on his hips.
"Harper Avery fired me! And not only am I in pain from my body being exhausted, but being fired is painful...even if he died after doing it," Miranda explained while still staring up at the ceiling.
Ben went into the bathroom and turned on the shower thinking about what his wife was feeling. "Emotional and physical pain...maybe some natural oxytocin will help," Ben thought to himself. He finished showering, brushed his teeth and put on his night clothes. When he opened the bathroom door Miranda was still in the same position.
He fired me," Miranda exclaimed. Ben chuckled slightly, "No he didn't," he said as he went and sat on the end where her feet were and began massaging her feet.
"The words out of the man's mouth were you're fired," Miranda repeated.
"Well it doesn't count if the person died right after saying them," Ben giggled. Miranda playfully slapped his arm.
"But everything hurts. Pain is radiating from all sides," Miranda said as she twisted her neck to the side in an attempt to crack it.
"I learned a little something about natural pain relief today," Ben stated.
"You did," Miranda said still sad but wanting to know what he learned.
Ben gave her a sexy smirk as he got off the bed and grabbed her ankles and jerked her to the edge of the bed causing Miranda let out yell. "Ben what in the world," she said trying to sit up. But Ben swiftly pushed her long night gown up and put her legs over his shoulder as he kissed her inner thighs. Miranda let out a whimper as Ben continued to place gentle kisses on her thighs working his way up to her now wet sex. Ben smiled when he realized there were no panties in his way.
"Decided not to wear panties tonight I see," he announced as he kissed her wet lips. Miranda gasped and gripped the comforter, "I...I was focused on thinking about what happened today I just threw my night gown on and forgot to put some on," she said breathlessly.
Ben teased her as he continued to place soft gentle kisses on her thighs, lips and the bottom of her butt cheeks. "Benn," Miranda whined as she began circling her hips begging for him to just take her into his mouth already. Appeasing her he used his tongue to open her lips and he kissed her clit before taking it into his mouth, causing Miranda to moan loudly. Ben sucked on her clit gently at first and then harder causing her to grip his head with her thighs. Feeling her body beginning to shake he knew that she was close to cumming. "Ben I'm cumming, I'm cumming AHHH! IM CUMMING!"She yelled in a high pitched voice.
As she came Ben thrusted his tongue in and out of her as he rubbed clit sending her into an orgasm, "Benjamin Warren!" She said as she arched her back trying to deal with the overwhelming pleasure he was giving her. "Miranda Bailey," he moaned back as he continued to thrust his tongue and suck on her clit.
She sat up and quickly scooted to the head the bed while trying to catch her breath. Ben chuckled as he got up off his knees and laid in front of her, grabbed her hips and scooting her down a bit so that her vagina was in his face again. "I'm not done providing you pain relief Miranda, so no running from me," Ben said in a serious but playful tone. She nodded her head as she looked into his eyes and he looked into hers as he pushed his tongue back inside of her.
She gripped his head as she whimpered and moaned as he added a finger and sucked on her clit. Ben's face and beard were getting wet from her juices and he could feel her get close to another orgasm so he used his finger to quickly find her g-spot. He pushed on her g-spot and sucked on her simultaneously, causing her to scream. She dug her finger tips into his shoulders and thrusted her hips as he did this. Ben, ahhhh, mmmm, oh my gosh, I'm...I'm ahhhhhh, Miranda squirted in Ben's mouth as she came but he kept licking, fingering and sucking swallowing her juices as they came until she was shaking and begging him to stop.
Miranda laid there still trying to catch her breath as Ben got up to change his shirt that was soaked in her juices. And he also bought her a fresh night gown before getting into bed. Miranda got under the covers also and scooted close to him.
"You aren't still feeling any pain are you," Ben asked as he pulled her into his arms. "No...none at all...thank you," she said smiling before kissing him passionately. "Good, anytime that you feel like you need some pain relief just let me know and I will provide it for you," Ben whispered into her ear.
"Okay , what do I say when I feel that I need your dick inside of me?" Miranda said with a sexy look on her face.
"Ummm, that's a good question Chief...just ask can you have some Vitamin D," he said kissing her and she quickly moved to straddle him.
The End.

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