FILE 1: Raven

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Hello. I'm not going to tell you my name, or show my identity but you can call me Raven, and I'll let you know this much. I am 14, and I am a psycho.

No, really. I was diagnosed with psychosis. But that was based on research I did, if I ever sought out help I'd be put away. I hear voices in my head, see things, think things that normally scar people, and I enjoy every bit of it.

When people like me are diagnosed with psychosis, better known as being insane, they tell you "you suffer from..." I don't suffer from anything. I love what I am, this is what I was meant to be. Thinking back on it, I don't think I was ever completely sane. But it only recently got bad. I mean, is it normal to take a blade and cut yourself, not because your depressed, but because you like to watch it bleed? Or to bite bits of flesh off just to see what cannibals love about it so much? Or dream of the first time I get to slide a knife into someone's chest, throat, stomach...

Everything I say in this book is true.

Each story I tell actually happened.

I am what some would call crazy.

An absolute psycho...

By this point I'm sure you've realized why I refuse to say my real name, and if not then, well, you're an idiot. If I told you who I was, would you want to put me away? Yes? Thought so...

No way in hell am I going in there, the person who does put me there will not live to torture another soul with their so called 'treatments'. Tell me, how do think isolation helps a person become less insane? Exactly, it doesn't, it makes it far worse, and even though I love it; I like the small touch I have with reality.

I've been belittled my whole life, they're the ones that made me this way. I only ever wanted friends, and what I got were glares and whispers behind my back. They did this to me, made me feel alone, they're the ones that need to pay.

My idiot parents are at fault here too. All the yelling and scolding does get to you once and a while, and a person can only take so much before wanting to snap someone's neck.

But I feel I've said enough for now, just know that I'm done with the taunts and glares; and once I'm strong enough no one will stop me from putting a knife, or anything really I'm not going to be picky here, in their skulls.

Speaking of knives, I need to practice my knife throwing, and have a jujitsu class later(idiot parents don't realize it's not for 'self defense' but instead so I can successfully win a fight and prove I'm not the weakling everyone thinks I am.) So I bid you farewell, and warn you ahead of time. 



oh and by the way, this isn't some book I wrote for enjoyment full of fiction.

Welcome to my reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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