Chapter 1

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Aizawa was tired. Super tired. He just wanted to go home to his cats and sleep. He was about to finish up marking his students' assignments. The he would be all done, he could go home, but obviously life had other ideas.

Nedzu, the principal of UA, was approaching him, a notebook in hand.

He swore if that Rat Satan wanted him contribute his bloody plan for world domination, he was going to snap. How many times had that Rat wanted to dominate the world?

Too many times. Aizawa couldn't count on his hands and feet.

"Aizawa do you have a minute?" Nedzu asked and Aizawa instantly caught on. This was serious matter. Something was wrong.

"Yeah." Aizawa stopped writing, putting the pen down and looked at Nedzu.

"Do you know whose notebook this is? It was found outside your classroom."


"Some students reported some...disturbing things written inside. Maybe you'll recognize the writing." And there was something about this that made Aizawa uneasy. His stomach turned uncomfortably. Nedzu handed Aizawa the notebook, which Aizawa took. He flipped the book open to the first page.

The page was filled to the brim with messy, cursive writing, he didn't really recognize the hand writing that well. At first glance it looked like a normal notebook, but it wasn't. There was a few scribbled out words. Aizawa read. It wasn't pleasant.

(A/N: Please if you're like me and can't handle hateful insults even if it isn't directed towards you, don't read past this. I and maybe many others might get a bit emotional over insulting comments. I don't know it might just be me. But I warned you, I don't want to hurt anyone.)

'You want to be a hero? You don't even deserve the air you breath, you quirkless freak.'

Aizawa's breathe hitched, he was expecting this.

'Why are you so worthless? You could die tomorrow and no one would care.'

'Ew! Stay away! You might lose your quirk of you get too close.'

It's not worth it. I don't know why I keep fighting it...

'All Might wouldn't even be able to look at your ugly, useless ass.'

I don't want to be here anymore...

Aizawa had a sinking feeling he knew who it was, but he wouldn't believe on pure instinct. He continued reading.

'You're willing, just jump, you dense motherfucker.'

'Nobody likes you! No one will ever like you, dumb Deku.'

Aizawa felt rage bubbling. There's only one person who's called that name. He knew exactly who it was. The rage inside him only grew as he read more.

'I bet your whole family hates you. Probably why your dad left.'

'Can you even name something your good for? Why even bother?'

'You can't be more than a rate in the gutter.'

They probably wouldn't even notice if I snuck up to the roof...

Why am I like this? Why am I broken?

'You want my opinion.'

Aizawa was filled with blinding rage. He couldn't even stop himself from responding to the comment.

"No one asked your opinion." He was snapped out of his thoughts from the burning fire to the hateful, disgusting insults, when Nedzu talked.

"Any idea which student this belongs to?" Aizawa forgot Nedzu was here, too focused on the revolting remarks.

Aizawa calmed himself down. In. Out.

He shut the book and placed it slowly on the desk.

"I don't know." Aizawa lied through his teeth.

"Please try to find out. We'll need to evaluate the student carefully."

"Yeah." Aizawa simply responded, nodding slightly.

"If it's as severe as this suggests, they may not be able to continue in the hero course." Aizawa looked down at the book. Opening it, peeking at it once again.

"Do find them soon." At that Nedzu left the room, leaving Aizawa in the empty classroom with just his thoughts.

'I have to go.'








Aizawa banged the door with the notebook in hand, leaning against the door. Waiting for the person on the other side of the door to open it.

"Just a second! I'll be right there!" The door opened as soon as Aizawa had heard the answer.

A green hair boy opened the door.


He stared for a hot second.

"Hey." Izuku was confused, his teacher was at the door of his room.

Did he do something wrong?

Did he miss an assignment?

"A word?" Izuku wasn't sure what was going on, but it couldn't be that bad, right?




How'd you like that?


Cya ❤

(757 words)

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