The plot twist 🙀

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"Give us your lunch money ugly!"

One of the bullies yelled. When suddenly, Piotr, Lewis' crush, came pouncing out an upstairs window. He jumped onto the bullies back and started fighting!


Lewis was in shock. He'd never seen his crush like this. Eventually, the bullies all dropped dead and Piotr came over.

"Sorry i never told you about this side of me... you see... I'm a werewolf. *snarl bark* Whoa- down boy... hehe."

Lewis found this extremely hot.

"Well you see... I've always had a crush on you. Teehee.."

Lewis giggled and blushed. Piotr was in shock.

"Really?! I have a crush on you too! We should date but I have a girlfriend who isn't actually my girlfriend but just thinks she is... she probably has blond hair and titties since this is always how it goes..."

"Oh.. how sad. We should kiss anyway."

Lewis replied.

Piotr nodded and kissed him. They kissed for a bit until...

Lewis x Piotr (SMUT)Where stories live. Discover now