Interesting facts and a day out

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Tom was right, staring at the sky for two hours was very fun. Especially when it was in the freezing cold of night with very cranky Gryffindors. Not a good mix putting Slytherins and Gryffindors together when they're not in the best of moods.

Huddled close together the students tried to protect themselves against the bitter breeze that blew relentlessly at them as they stood at the top of the astronomy tower scowling at the far too cheery teacher. Ailill was standing with his arms around Tom, his back taking the brunt of the icy wind and from the looks that the two were getting, many others wanted someone to be their shield as well. Ailill was like an octopus with his hands weaved with Tom's and engulfing the other boy with his cloak.

"Malfoy," Alphard said after staring at the duo before him. "Come do to me what Peverell is doing to Slytherin"

"Absolutely not," the blond sniffed. "You should at the least be offering to do that to me."

"What? No, I'm younger, as the older of the two of us you should be taking the initiative to keep me warm."

"And as the older, you should be paying your respect in keeping me warm."

The rest of the Slytherins sighed at the bicker of the two, even though it has only been barely a day at Hogwarts they knew this was to be a recurring event watching the heir of Black and Malfoy argue. At least it's entertainment.

"Peverell, who's older you or Slytherin?" Black asked, trying to prove his point.

Tom poked his head out from where it was buried into Ailill's neck. He did not care for looking strong next to Ailill, he will take anything given to him from this boy, weakness be damned.

"Ailill's older by two months," Tom replied to the boy's question ignoring the cry of victory the Black boy let out.

With a look of resigned repulsion, Malfoy opened his arms to which Alphard smugly bundled into as he escaped the cold. Ailill was sniggering softly at the predicament the ever so elegant Abraxas was forced into. The teacher was at the top ruffling around with her stuff still not after starting the class, they were supposed to 'talk amongst themselves' for a few minutes. How was anyone able to concentrate when they had the breath of Everest at their necks freezing the nerves?

"Tell me something interesting," Tom demanded of Ailill as he looked up to squinted amber eyes.

"Hmm," gloved thumbs traced circles on the back of slightly smaller hands. "What do you wanna hear?"

"Anything, you always have the strangest of things to say."

"And how do you know I don't lie to make them more interesting?"

"Because you're not that boring."

"Okay," Ailill huffed amused. "Do you know that all of your big teeth, as in the ones that grow after your first set fall out, actually sit in your skull below your nose and under your eyes? Think of that image."

Many faces twisted after listening in on the conversation, why the fuck did an eleven-year-old boy know this?

"And how do you know this?" Tom inquired, partially amused.

"So y'know Benny down the road-"

"Benny showed you a baby skull?"

"No," Ailill shook his head in denial, "I saw Benny's skull."


"Now wait here a minute-" Lestrange said after eavesdropping on the talk.

"Okay, class!" The professor decided to now start teaching, cutting Rastus off. "Welcome to the core subject of astronomy that you will be taking until your O.W.Ls. An Astronomer is a scientist who works in the field of astronomy, the scientific study of celestial bodies outside Earth including planets, stars, and galaxies, as well as related natural phenomena. In this class we will be identifying start patterns and learning how to read planets through their phases."

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