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Mizuki Aya's POV

7 years had passed since I was forced to leave the village and leave my one and only friend alone. Since I stayed with my aunt, Captain Gigan and Jaeha-nii....This time, I'll train hard with Jaeha-nii so that we can defeat Yan Kumji and that royal guards of his. That's right, I became a pirate to show auntie how strong I was. You see, I specialize samurai swords or a katana or both of them since I can use them.

"Mizu-chan~, wanna go to the port with me?" Jaeha-nii asked. " I planned to go a while ago Jaeha-nii, but since you asked, sure I will" I said happily. "Careful you two," Aunt Gigan said.

With that being said, Jaeha-nii jumped out of the ship while he was carrying me all the way to the port.Sometimes, Jaeha-nii uses his dragon powers just to have fun with the ladies, he's such a playboy you know. I knew he has the green dragon's power 6 years ago when I moved to aunt Gigan's ship.....those bring back memories....Still, I can't forget about him...I hope he's not mad at me.

??? POV

I was traveling with Yona and the others since they got me out of that village...We arrived in to look for the green dragon but I could see someone with him from afar since I have the power of a dragon.....Could it be??

'Ao, I think I found your daughter in Awa....Should I follow them?? Please give me a sign...' I thought.

Mizuki Aya's POV

I was walking with Jaeha-nii in Awa when I sensed something is wrong....I saw Jaeha-nii's look. "Jaeha-nii...." "I know I can sense it too. The white and blue dragon are here, but they're not alone, I sense someone with them and it's strong- ugh!" "JAEHA-NII!" I shouted. "Not again!" he complained. "Don't tell me-".  I cut off. "Yeah, the dragon's blood inside me was reacting again" he told me. "Let's go back for now" I told him and he nodded.  'I can't believe it, he's here...But what is he doing here with the white dragon?' I thought. "Even if they are here, I will escape my destiny," Jaeha-nii said. "Don't worry Jaeha-nii, were here for you, we won't let them get in the way" I told him. "Arigatou Mizu-chan," He said while patting my head. "Mou~ will you stop that! I'm not a kid anymore! I'm already turning twenty this week" I pouted.

While we were walking, I could feel someone was following us....I told Jaeha-nii to hide at the back of the building we were in while I'm going to see who was following us...they were five, one girl and four boys. But then, I saw someone familiar, that guy with the mask on his face....that mask was dad's when he was still alive.....How come he has it?? Could it be?? No it couldn't have..." Ne, Jaeha-nii, let's go back to the ship now...I think I know who's been following us" with that being said, he nodded as we jump back to the ship.

"Did something happen while you two were in Awa?" Aunt Gigan asked. "None but, I heard from the villagers that Yan Kumji is on the move" Jaeha-nii answered.  "We must hurry aunt Gigan before his annoying royal guards catch us"  I told her and  she nodded

Jaeha's POV

This is why I'm so close to Mizu-chan, she's strong and confident like captain Gigan...That's why it's my turn to protect them and I'm returning it. "Mizu-chan I'll be back, I need to find some new recruitments to join" I told her and she nodded.  I was walking around when I saw a girl crying because of those royal guards. I kicked one of them when someone came and interrupted me and punches the other guard. Dang it! I was about to kick that guy. We were both shocked because of what happened.'This guy is strong, I think captain Gigan will like him' I thought. "Arigatou gozaimasu!" said the girl. "You're welcome miss" I told her and left to follow that black haired guy.

Where is that guy?? "Are you looking for me?" someone asked. "Yeah...I'm Jaeha, what's your name?" I asked. "Hak, and why are you following me?" he asked. "Well my captain is looking for new recruitments and I was wondering if you could join us..."  I then was cut off. "There you are Hak! Yun and I were worried" the girl in a cloak told him. "Ahh, gomen hime-san, this guy was asking me if we could join them" Hak said. Then another two came breathing heavily but one of them noticed that I'm the one their looking for. "Yona, he's the green dragon" the guy with masked told the girl whose name is Yona. "Nice to meet you Yona-chan, but could all of you join us to defeat Yan Kumji?" I asked and they nodded. "Great! Let's go" I said happily.

Mizuki Aya's POV

What's taking Jaeha-nii so long?? Anyway, while I was waiting for Jaeha-nii, I was training using my swords and sharpened them. After that, I cooked lunch for the crew. But I saw someone walking to the port and its Jaeha-nii with.....those guys, so that's what he meant by new recruitments, maybe he already met one of those guys. I wonder who they are and that guy with my father's mask?

"Jaeha-nii!" I shouted and hugged him. "I was only gone for an hour and you miss me already??" he asked "Oh shut up...By the way, who are they?" I asked while pointing at the new five recruitments. "Oh, Mizuki, meet Yona, Yun, Hak, Kija, and lastly the guy with the mask is...Sinha." He told me. 'WAIT! DID HE JUST SAY SINHA??' I thought. When I heard Sinha's name, I cried like there's nothing to cry about. I saw him looking at me with those angry eyes behind that mask. "Mizu-chan, is something wrong? Why are you crying?" Jaeha-nii asked. "It's nothing Jaeha-nii, I just remembered something...Anyway, it's nice meeting you guys, the name's Mizuki Aya and welcome to my aunt's pirate ship" I told them. "You guys need to eat, there's food inside" I said.

*after fifteen minutes*

I was outside getting some air when I felt someone behind my back. "So it's you all along am I right, Sinha?" I asked. "Mizuki...Why did you leave the village? You broke our promise..." he told me. "I left the village because I had to. Okay! Plus, my aunt needs me" I said. "W-was that the only reason?" he asked.

"What if I said no? What are you going to do? Kill me? Get mad at me because of me leaving? The only reason I left is because I was told to leave you alone and that stupid village...I was forced to leave. Okay...I had no choice but to understand the situation that time since both of us were hated" I told him....While I was crying, he pushed me to the wall and raised his sword at me. "I'm only going to say this once, I'm sorry for leaving and for everything...If you kill me with that sword, go ahead kill me" I told him. With that being said, he was shocked and released me. After that, he just walked away. Gomene Sinha...I was about to go inside my room when Jaeha-nii told me that aunt Gigan was going to announce something.

"Alright listen up! As we heard from Jaeha, there is a job exclusively for ladies only but, some ladies in town has gone missing and we know Yan Kumji's at fault. Starting tomorrow we'll make our move and I need three girls to pretend and go to that building." She announced.

"Yun and I will go, but who will be the third one?" Yona asked. "I will" I said confidently. "Ne, Mizu-chan, you aren't serious right?" Jaeha-nii asked. "Jaeha-nii, I'm dead serious" I told him.

Jaeha's POV

"Jaeha-nii, I'm dead serious," she told me. But that look in her eyes. I knew she was lying, by the looks of it, I can tell that she's scared and I can see her body shaking. "Mizu-chan, can I talk to you in private?" I asked and she nodded. We got away from so that we can talk. "What do you want to talk about Jaeha-nii?" she asked. "I know you're lying Mizuki, I can see it in your eyes. You're afraid are you?""What If I am? What will you do? I did this because I want to protect them and I'm the only one who was left, so I have no choice but to volunteer." She told me.







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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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