Chapter 14 (Hospital Visit)

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(Eridan P.O.V.)

I sat at Cronus's side, holding my head in my hands. (Y/n) put an arm around my shoulder, she sniffled here and there. Cronus laided there, the only movement he made was his shallow breathing. Others where their, I noticed Gammy. Gammy was sitting on the other side of Cronus, holding his hand and speaking to him. I didn't hear her though. I laid my head on the bed closing my eyes and putting my hand on his. I drifted off to sleep.
It was a spring day, I was 3 sweeps old. Cronus was there, in his usually greaser outfit. He was smiling as he picked me up, despite my flailing and refusal. He just chuckled and took me to our pond that we used to have before we moved. He jumped in and once we were under he let me go. I swam deeper, he followed. I breathed the water accidentally, freakingo out.
"Hey, Eri, calm down," he chuckled. "Your not gonna drowvn, your a seadwveller."
I spun around. "I knoww that!"
He chuckled, "Then you shouldn't be freaking out, vwhat if Duelscar sawv, hmm?"
I sighed, and began to swim deeper, knowing Cro was right. Cro swam past me, spinning and swimming back up to me and pulled me into his arms. "Cro!"
"I lovwe you, chief, don't you forget that."
"Let me go! My cod!"
"I don't knowv vwhat I wvould do vwithout a brother like you."
"Cod, Cro, stop being sappy!"
He kissed my forehead.
"Stop it!" I pushed him away and swam to the surface as fast as I could.
"Chief!" He swam after me.

(Y/n's P.O.V.)

You saw Eridan was asleep, you began to run his back. Seeing Gammy in tears as she spoke to Cronus. Gamzee in the corner with arms crossed and a grim look on his face. Kankri was talking Karkat's ear off, Karkat gritted his teeth. Kurloz rushed in, signing 'I got here as soon as I could.' Gamzee nodded, Kankri began speaking to him, Karkat sighed. Visiting hours were almost over. Kurloz walked to Gammy's side. You shook Eridan awake, he looked up at you then at Cronus.

"We got to go," you said softly. You noticed Gammy's make-up had run.

Eridan sighed, he stood up leaned over to kiss Cronus's forehead. "I lovve you, Cro." With that he exited the room with his head down.

"We'll visit soon," you whispered, running your fingers along his cheek. You follow after Eridan, waving bye to the others. Eridan was waiting out in the car.

(Gammy's P.O.V.)

It was time to go, Kankri hugged me breaking into tears. Gamzee still looked grim. Kurloz was saying bye to Cronus. Karkat began pulling Kankri out the door and out to the car. Kurloz walked to stand by Gamzee, were they both waited for me to say bye.

"HuRrY uP, sIs, PlEaSe," Gamzee muttered.

I nodded and squeezed Cronus's hand. I leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Wake up soon, Cronus, please." I looked at him, another tear escaping my eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Kurloz put his arm around my shoulder as we left his room. Gamzee followed muttering about how he hated places like this. Kurloz nodded in agreement. Once we got outside, Gamzee seemed to calm down. He sighed, "ThAt MoThErFuCkEn PlAcE pUtS mE oN eDgE."

"Yeah," I muttered halfheartedly.
"He'll pull through, Gammy, if anything, for you."

I looked at him. "What do you mean for me?"

Gamzee raised his eyebrow.
"You'll know when Cronus wants you to know, sis."

I looked down, wondering what he meant. Gamzee and Kurloz held a conversation, I payed no attention. All I could think about was Cronus.

Lost and Found (Gamzee x reader x Eridan)Where stories live. Discover now