ch. 1

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Y/N: you're name
L/N: Last name
F/C: favorite color
F/F: favorite food
pov: point of view


Y/N pov

'Another new house, new room, new school, new ...' my thoughts are interrupted by the car slowing to a stop in front of a huge house. The place I'll be calling 'home' for how ever long mom wants too stays here. Being one of the world's most sought out wedding dress designers means she can go where ever she wants when she wants, last year it was New York, the year before that Australia. We go where she wishes, I dont have a dad and my mom never talks about who he might be not that we talk all that much she's always either working or going out having fun with no thought of me, sometimes I wonder if she remembers she has a kid.

Finishing my thoughts I look around to see i have already made it through the front door of the house 'I've been here before' is all I can think as I walk around looking at all the things around me. " Y/N " said a voice behind me, slowly looking away from the room I turn my head to look at who just said my name too see my butler/bestfriend Alfred. Smiling i run and jump in his arms him catching me easily with a warm smile "I have missed you soooo much Alfred" I say hugging him a little tighter "we have only been apart for a month my dear" Alfred says while petting my head in a loving way. Alfred and I have been together sense I was a baby hes like my dad. "Thats tooooo long. I have no one to talk to when you go away." I say pulling away from him too pout a little "well I had to get everything set up here so I am very sorry for making you feel so lonely" Alfred says as he pecks my forehead " now enough with this let me show you you're room" Alfred says as he takes one of my hands and gently pulls me to the stairs. We make our way up the stairs I look around as we do taking in my surroundings. Picture hung here and there on the walls just random paintings, looking up i could see a huge Chandelier slowly i stopped turning my body towards the huge thing 'I wonder if I could touch it' but before I could even take one step to it I feel Alfred grab my hand again and pull me with him away from the Chandelier. "No you can not touch it" is all he says as he pulls me down a hall.

Finally we make it to my room Alfred pushes open my door motioning me to go in first and I do without question when I'm fully in the room I look around and gasp "oh my gods" I spin to look at it all fully before turning back to Alfred "did you do this" I say with the biggest smile on my face "of course I did. I knew you wouldn't be happy with yet another move so I wanted you to at least be happy about your room when you got here." He said with a warm smile. With tears in my eyes I run to hug him "thank you" is all I could mutter out with out bursting into tears. Slowly I pull away and turn to take in my new room.

**Time skip to after you done unpacking and exploring the house**

I make my way to the dinning room I walk in as Alfred is putting my F/F on the table "is it just me tonight" I ask noticing the one set of dinner wear 'well this is lonely' my thoughts making me look down and put a frown on my face *clink clang* I look up to the noise too see Alfred putting out more dinner wear "do not  look so down I was not done putting my plates out yet" he says with a huff looking annoyed "I can not believe in one month you already forgot this we always eat together" he turns to look at me fully and smiles making his way to my chair too pull it out for me.

**Time skip to after dinner**

I stand too take my leave for bed when Alfred stops me "I forgot too say you will be starting classes in a three days it would have been a week if you had not missed your first flight, by the way why did you miss you're first flight?" My breath caught in my throat face turning red I look anywhere but at Alfred "well....i....didn't want to leave" I stutter and squeak out. He looks at me and laughs "that boy IS a bad influence.......felix was it" trying to deny it wasn't going to work because my face was giving me away so I just looked down "I knew there was something there but yo" "can we not talk about it anymore!" I said while running towards the door "I'm going to bed goodnight" the door shut and I was up the stairs almost to my room before I heard a "goodnight" from him. As I finally make it to my room I close the door and crash into my bed planting my face in one of my F/C pillows wrapping my matching blankets around me not even bothering to change just curling in a ball and slowly dozing off.


ide notes
Ok this is just to get the story started along with, give hints and just get going, I didn't describe the bedroom so u could imagine it how ever u want i will do that with other things in the future so tell me if u really don't like it. It's going to be a few chapters until things get crazy so hang in there ill try and have the next chapter up pretty soon see u then

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