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I'm a seer, plain and simple right. No it's not simple at all. Many people have a fantasy about being able to tell the future and doing something about all the bad stuff they see. Well that fantasy is my reality. Let me tell you something it's not what it's cracked up to be not in the slightest. Knowing what is going to happen before it happens only makes the reality much worse once you know there's nothing you can do to stop whatever is coming. I speak from personal experience. I've seen things, horrible things that I can't do anything about or stop. I tried once to save someone who couldn't be saved. I tried to save my father.My father was a good man, the best. He was like me able to see the future. He always told me I was more powerful than he was, and I would do great things and not to let my visions run my life. My father died in a fire when I was nine. The fire department called it an accident but I call it murder. I know it's true I've read the report so many times I can quote it word for word. The building was made of firebrick that means heat or fire can't affect it to a certain degree. No electrical inside the building nothing to make sparks of any kind, no wood and no accelerant on the inside or outside of the building. The point of origin for the fire was on the outside of the building four and a half feet off of the ground and all that was left was a burned hand print that left no fingerprints. No one could make since of it but they called it an accident anyway. I guess I can't really blame them either but after my father's death I became lost, lost in life and in a sea of foretelling visions as well as those of the past. I'm what I like to say an all in one seer. That means I can see just about anything and everything past, present or future. Seeing the Present requires meditation and a great deal of patients, that something I don't have a whole lot of these days. My father's death hit my mother hard she became depressed for a while. The life insurance money my father left behind was to go to me. It was to pay for my college education if I chose to go. His properties were also left to me but my mother could collect the rent from them until I turned eighteen. Two years after my father died she started seeing someone new. After six months of dating she married the guy, no questions asked.My step father was horrible to me and had me locked in a mental institution when I was twelve when he heard me talking to my mother about a vision I had while I was sleeping. She shrugged it off as a child's dream. My step father on the other hand saw me as a mentally ill child unable to deal with the loss of her father. When he sent me to the institution I was put in a place where people aren't supposed to leave. However I got some really grate advice. That advice was stop talking about my visions and act as if they are nothing but a child's fantasy to demonize the man who was trying to take my father's place. I don't know who that person was or what he looked like but his advice helped me get out of that place. Using my visions to aid me in getting out I was released two months after I was admitted.After that I watched my step father closely through my visions and saw how to avoid him as much as possible. I started writing my visions down in as much detail as I could remember. My step father got worse as I got older. My visions helped as much as I allowed I didn't want to become to reliant on them. My father always warned me that the future was not set in stone things can and would change from time to time. My mother was no help to me she let my step father do pretty much anything and everything he wanted to do. A week before my eighteenth birthday my stepfather went through my things and found my journal of my visions and showed it to my mother. He called me an unstable child and said I needed to be locked away for good so I couldn't hurt the people I wrote about in my visions. As always my mother gave in.That night I took back my journal and packed anything and everything that meant anything to me and left. I spent the next week with one of my father's friends in another city. On my birthday I showed up to my father's lawyer's office and he passed on what my father left for me. My step father tried to have me arrested and thrown into a mental institution. The police did nothing because I was now legally an adult which meant he couldn't do anything to me anymore.When he didn't get his way he talked my mother into fighting me for the properties my father left behind. Like always she gave in and once again my stepfather was a few steps behind. He got really angry when he was informed that the properties had already been sold off. After that I left my home city I knew if I stayed I would not know any peace if I stayed. I had a vision of my step father sending someone to kill me. If he did that my mother would gain anything and everything my father left to me. My father only left her our family home.It didn't bother me I didn't want the home or anything in it my stepfather defiled it too much for me to want anything to do with it. I took everything I wanted when I ran before my eighteenth birthday. But naturally I wish I had my father instead of the things he left behind. After I left for good I learned my father had planned for pretty much everything including where I would choose to go to school. He left me a safety deposit box key for a safety deposit box in the Mystery Spell Bank. When I opened it I found ownership papers of four apartment buildings near the college campus. He also left me a message of where I would likely find work upon my arrival. He was right I found work with The Bartholy Family. I don't need to work, the money I had from my father and final sale of the properties I sold off was more than enough to get me through school. But working at The Bartholy's has helped me stay hidden better from both my stepfather and witches. I know there is a coven of witches in Mystery Spell but as long as they don't know that I'm a seer I'll be fine. I've been working as a nanny for almost three years now. I'm the longest lasting nanny The Bartholy's ever had. I've out lasted other nannies by years most didn't last longer than a month. Lorie is a handful even with me having the gift of foresight. I'm going to be twenty one soon I wouldn't change anything that's happened since I got here. But even I, a seer who can see almost everything can still be surprised. And I do get one hell of a surprise.

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