Chapter One

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Rain is pouring down outside thunder booms and lightning lights up the sky. It's dark outside. I don't like storms I never have I'm not sure why. I guess people have different things they are afraid of. I'm standing in the living room of The Bartholy Manor. The house is empty. There is no music coming from Peter's room. Lorie isn't irritating me to get me to play one of her creepy sadistic games designed to my make me run for my life. Drogo isn't making me as miserable as he can just because he thinks he can and Nicolae isn't asking me a million questions about myself. The manor is quiet, to quiet. I get a chill as lighting flashes across the sky again. Thunder booms so loud it makes me jump. Why is the manor so quiet? I don't think Nicolae or the others would hunt in this weather. They are vampires and I'm sure it wouldn't bother them. But they usually stay in on nights like this. Night's like this is Lorie's most favorite time to play one of her games she figured out I don't care for storms much. Its eerie, something isn't right. A strange aura is hanging over the manor something is coming and it's coming tonight.I can feel it in my very being something is coming. I can't tell what it is, is it friend or foe or is it something else entirely. I'm not sure I like this feeling. I feel afraid and yet at the same time I can't move from the spot I'm standing in the middle of the room while I watch the rain pour down outside.I hear the sound of the door knocker, someone's at the door. That's strange The Bartholy's don't get visitors. Besides who would be crazy enough to be outside in this weather? I hear the sound again. I feel strange I feel like someone is calling to me. I start to walk towards the door. I need to tell this person to leave, Nicolae and the other's aren't here this person will have to come back tomorrow. Thunder bangs so loud it shakes the room I cover my ears."Regina, hey Regina."I open my eyes at the sound of a bang. I'm in a class room at the university. The student's around me are gathering their things and some of them are heading out of the room. The teacher is putting her things away. The sound of the bang came from a girl dropping her books she is now picking them up as quickly as she can. Sara is looking at me with a look of concern on her face. "I only closed my eyes for a minute." "Class is over, you've been sitting there like a statue with your eyes closed ever since you sat down, are you ok?"I look at the clock I could swear it had only been a few minutes at the most. I hate those types of visions they make it seem like no time passes at all."I'm fine.""Regina you've never done that before.""Sarah, I'm fine I guess I just need some rest.""Don't tell Nicolae, we know how much he worries about little defenseless, delicate Regina" the voice is cocky and mocking."Shut up Drogo, no one asked you" I turn around and glare at him."You shouldn't need rest all you ever do is sleep. You were hired to look after Lorie not sleep all the time.""I do my job so get out of my face."I gather my things quickly and leave the room. Sarah is right behind me."Hey is something wrong?" she asks after catching up with me."I'm fine I've just been having a little trouble sleeping is all. I'm sure it's just stress, midterms are coming up and I've been studying almost nonstop. Let's go to lunch I'm starving."We head to the cafeteria and wait in line. I push my tray along grabbing the items I want to eat. The last thing I grab is something to drink. I sit down at an empty table Sarah is stopped by one of her many friends. I don't bother to wait for her either. My mind goes back to the vision I had during class. It was strange, very strange. I still have the feeling I had during the vision. I wouldn't be standing alone in the manor living room in the middle of a raging storm like the one in my vision. No I would be in my room with my curtains closed wishing the storm would hurry up and go away. Also the manor is never that quiet not even when I'm alone in it. I really don't like the aura that was surrounding the manor in my vision either. Also who would be knocking on Bartholy's door especially in the middle of a storm? Nicolae hates unannounced guest. Usually if I want to hang out with people I have to go to Sarah's or wherever she wants to meet. She hangs out in bars a lot. I'm not able to go into a bar yet unless it also has a restaurant. I'm honestly stumped on who would come to the Bartholy's everyone in this town is pretty much afraid of them. I'm going to drive myself crazy thinking about it. I'm certain the person wasn't there for me. They also used the door knocker. I'm certain any of the Bartholy Brothers would have heard it even in a storm. But if I had been in my room I would have been completely oblivious to the person. They would have had to pound on the door for me to hear them. Even then with the way the thunder was going I would have likely mistaken it as thunder and not left my room. Maybe I should ask Nicolae when I get home."Regina, are you seriously ignoring me again.""Oh, hi Sarah I was lost in thought and I didn't even realize you sat down.""I've been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes" Sarah is glaring at me."Sorry I was thinking about the dream I had during class when I fell asleep.""Was it that interesting?""Like a mystery novel."Sarah rolls her eyes."Anyway I was asking you about the party at one of the fraternity houses tomorrow night.""Which fraternity would that be?""Does it matter? It's a party where you don't have to show ID.""It's Loan's fraternity right, him and the baseball players need an excuse to throw a party so they have a whole new way to try and get girls into their beds.""Ok for one Loan is a football player.""I don't see the difference but go on.""Two you can stay at my place after we leave the party that way you won't get into trouble with your bosses. You said they got really mad when you came home smelling like alcohol because Loan dumped his beer on you.""I still say he did that on purpose.""But if you bring a change of clothes to my place they won't know.""I'm pretty sure they will.""How?""Either way I don't want to go to a frat party.""Come on it will be fun.""You said that last time and it wasn't fun at all not only that Drogo showed up and drug me out of the party threatening to call the police because I was underage and there was drinking there. Then he called Nicolae to come and get me and Nicolae talked my ear off for an hour before he would let me go to bed. I'm not interested in doing that again.""You're twenty you can go to a frat party. Besides you can have fun without anyone ruining it. You deserve to have fun.""Not if Loan is one of the people throwing it.""Regina come on you have the right to ask for time off isn't it in your contract?""Yes I spoke to Viktor Bartholy extensively about my contract and time off. I have one evening and one day off each week. "See its right in your contract you have a right to take off tomorrow.""That doesn't matter. Nicolae is my boss, asking him for the night off will end with an argument and a no when he finds out where I'm going.""So don't tell him where you're going. Come on Regina have some fun please it will be a blast.""I'll think about it.""I already know how this is going to go. You're going to call me tomorrow just before the party and tell me Nicolae said no. Then I'll be stuck going alone again. We don't really hang out anymore and The Bartholy's have to give you time off. They tell you no so much you might as well be a teenager still living with your parents."That's and over exaggeration. But she is right lately I've just been making excuses on not going out with Sarah. I of course blame Nicolae for not letting me have the time off. Which isn't true I'm sure he'll let me have the time off if I ask for it in fact I'm sure of it all I have to do is tell him it's in my contract and he will cave like always. But hanging out with Sarah isn't the greatest thing ever. She pretty much just hangs out in bars like there's nothing better to do. I'm twenty years old I have better things to do than sit in a bar and listen to music I can do that anywhere. "That is a bad representation. Nicolae isn't that horrible or horrible at all. He gives me the time off when I ask for it as long as it's not last minute. Today and tomorrow is considered last minute. Besides I don't have tomorrow evening off. I have this evening off and tomorrow off.""So you can go.""No I can't I may have tomorrow off but I don't have the next day off if I were to stay out all night and party tomorrow. I would over sleep and be late which will lead to another argument about punctuality which is really starting to get old. I'm late a lot. It's not entirely my fault though. Not always anyway.""Well then switch it to tomorrow and the next day. Please Regina we haven't hung out in forever.""Well maybe Nicolae would be more than happy to let me take another evening off if you didn't spend all your time in bars and at parties" I say it in a low tone of voice but Sarah still here's me."I do not always spend my time in bar's or at parties" Sarah is glaring at me."Every time you ask me to meet you it's always at a bar and when you want to have a night out it's always at a party or a bar. Besides I can't switch I have plans for tonight already.""What kind of plans?""I'm going to Red Springs this evening and I'm going to make use of the spa there. It's supposed to be really good.""How did you even get in to that spa they are always booked up for months in advanced.""Well every few months they have a contest where one person gets a two night stay for free. I won so that's what I'm doing tonight and tomorrow.""So Nicolae was ok with that but not going out with me.""I told him I was entering the contest and when it would be if I won. So he made temporary arrangements and when I won he stuck with them.""Why didn't you tell me you were entering? I would have entered to.""Because only one person can win it's a single person contest. Only one of us would be able to go.""I could have made plans to go with you they hold the contest in advance so if one of us won the other would still be able to go.""No not really if you won the contest I wouldn't be able to afford to go. That spa can get expensive if you don't have a premium pass. Those are like two hundred dollars a month, possibly more. Without the passes it's like five hundred dollars a night.""Oh I didn't know that.""It's ok. I'm sorry you can't come with me but either way one of us would have been going alone."Ok it's not exactly true. I have a Platinum Pass at the spa and I'm given ten guest passes every three months. I pay for this myself out of my own pocket. My dad invested in real-estate before he died he left me everything except the house my mom is living in. I sold off all of it in my home town and other places around the country my dad loved to travel. I sold off the properties because my stepfather told my mom she should have gotten everything. My mom does anything he tells her to. So before she could file a law suit I sold all the buildings off and even at the last minute I received top dollar because they were well maintained. This royally pissed off my step father he is only with my mother for the money and my mom is too blind to see it.I didn't sell off all of the real-estate my dad left me when I moved from home I kept the six properties he owned here in Mystery Spell. These properties were off the books and I didn't know he owned them until after I got here and went through the safety deposit box he left for me. My dad was like me he could see the future to and he planned for anything and everything. I kept the buildings because he wanted me to be financially secure here. My father put them in my name, not his. And since no one knew about them no one could try and take them away. That is until my stepfather finds me and has me committed to an insane asylum like he tried to do before I turned eighteen.Four of the buildings are mostly used by students and the other two are bigger and anyone rents them. I keep one of those apartments for myself in case I need it. I also use it for an office. My dad always told me real-estate is a good investment as long as the buildings are properly maintained. He wasn't wrong either.I don't want Sarah to know this because she'll start in on the Bartholy's again and saying how unsafe I am there and since I own six properties I don't need to work for them to go to school. I do though, what I make in collecting rent from tenants goes towards building maintenance and property tax. What's left over I use for some personal things such as a spa pass and my car. What's left over from that goes into a savings account just in case I need it in the future. Also despite how Lorie can be sometimes, I like working for The Bartholy's. I don't like lying to Sarah but doing it saves me a lot of grief on occasion. I've been arguing with Sarah about The Bartholy's ever since I told her I was working for them. Since then she has been giving me warning after warning about them yet I'm completely safe and nothing has ever happened to me. Except the fact that Drogo doesn't like me, but that could be because I haven't been very forth coming about what I can do. I learned a long time ago I can't just trust anyone with my secret especially witch's. It is true Sarah is my friend and she's always been nice to me but at the same time she's also a witch. She hasn't told me that herself yet but she doesn't need to. I knew the moment I shook her hand. She may tell me that she won't tell anyone for any reason but I've seen that scenario play out in different ways more than once. It always ends with her running straight to her grandmother and telling her everything about me including what I can do. After that her grandmother tries to kill me in many different ways to get me out of the hands of The Bartholy's. I don't enjoy lying to Sarah but if I want to live any kind of life I have to."It's just that we haven't been spending much time together lately" the disappointment is clear in Sarah's voice. "I know and I'm sorry. Maybe next week we can have a girl's night or something.""That sounds like fun."I don't have any other classes today while Sarah has two other classes. I need to stop by the library and get a few things for Professor Jones class. I need to write a report on witches I've been working ahead in all my other classes and so I got a little behind on my work for Professor Jones's. But in truth I like to be surprised in his class he changes everything up now and again and it's always interesting. So I don't bother to see what's ahead. Life would get too boring if I knew everything.After lunch Sara and I part way's I head to the library grab the books I need and head back to the manor. When I get home Nicolae is the only one there. He's reading a book so I don't bother him and head to my room. I change out of my school clothes and pack a bag for the weekend. I grab my car keys when I'm done packing and head downstairs."Nicolae I just wanted to let you know that I am heading out and I'll see you on Sunday afternoon.""Regina I was hoping to catch you before you left I need you to stay here this weekend.""What? Why? No I've had this trip planned for the last two months. I need some time to myself and some relaxation. I'll see you on Sunday.""Viktor is coming this weekend.""So, that has nothing to do with me.""Actually you're the reason he's coming here he wants to meet you. I told him you had plans but he was very clear that you are to cancel them.""I am not canceling my plans. Do you know how hard it is to get a room there for one night let alone two? I'm not canceling my plans. Besides it's not like he'll actually show up every time he says he's going to be here he always cancels at the last minute. I'm not going to waste my time on someone who isn't going to show up. I did that last time so I'm not doing it again, forget it.""Regina any other time I would say fine go ahead and go. I know he cancels all the time. But's he's not going to this time, he's on his way I can feel him. You need to stay here. I'm sorry.""I deserve the time off, last week and the week before that I didn't have any time off at all. My time off is in my contract. I'll see you later I'm leaving.""Regina, wait please."I walk out the door toss my bag in the passenger seat and drive away. An hour and a half later I pull into a parking spot at the spa. I grab my bag and head inside. While I'm at the check in desk I feel like I'm being watched."I'm sorry Miss Jenson it says here that you canceled your reservation.""I did not cancel my reservation.""It's ok the room is still open. I take it you would still like it.""Yes please.""Ok, is all of your information still the same?""Yes nothing's changed.""Ok I have you rebooked. Your room will be ready in ten minutes. You're welcome to wait at the bar. Your bags will be brought up when your room is ready.""Thank you."I give my bag to the bellhop and he places a tag with my room number on it then sets it on a cart. I head to the bar area. It looks the same as it did when I came here the last time. This time I planned my trip because I received a vision a while ago that Viktor was coming back. So I made the reservation so I could avoid him at all cost. The last thing I need is for him of all people to discover what I can do. I don't even want to think about what he would do to me. Nicolae has told me more than enough that I don't want to know any more about him.The bartender sets a glass of ice tea in front of me. I tell him what room it's to be billed to and he walks away. I take a look around the area I feel like someone is watching me. I don't like it either. I'm getting chills just trying to figure out who it is. "Miss Jenson your room is ready.""Thank you."I finish off my tea and head to my room. I get ready for the massage I booked. On my way to the spa I see someone in the lobby that catches my attention. It's Samantha and she seems to be a little angry. She's yelling at the people who check in everyone."I was told there was a last minute cancelation, I want that room," Samantha yelled at the woman who was looking at the computer. "Miss I told you that was an error. I'm sorry but we are booked solid. The first available room I have open is in three months. I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do.""I am a premium plan holder I know you have special rooms available for last minute bookings. So get me a room.""Miss I'm sorry no rooms are available. Those special rooms you mentioned are for Platinum Plan holders and platinum holders only. You don't qualify to be in a special room. Now if that is all please leave you're holding up the line." "Do you have any idea who I am?"Samantha doesn't move. I can't help but pull out my phone and message Sarah and tell her what's going on and I snap a picture. Samantha sees me and glares at me. She starts walking towards me with a familiar look on her face. I'm about to become her punching bag but she is stopped by security. The area I'm in is for guest only and because she's not a guest and is disrupting people they won't allow her to go any further. Finally she grabs her bag and stomps out of the hotel. I go to my massage.An hour and a half later I'm feeling much more relaxed and a lot better. The drive was more than worth it. I order room service and go through my email before going through my messages. Sarah and Nicolae both messaged me while I was having my massage. I read the one from Sarah first.'Ha, ha that's funny. I guess Samantha isn't as well-known as she likes to think she is.''It was both funny and sad to watch. She saw me but security made her leave before she could say anything to me.'I press send and read Nicolae's message. 'I understand that you're angry and I understand you need the time off as well. We can talk when you return home. Viktor is still very intent on meeting you. You'll meet him when you get back. I'll see you then.'I can't stop the chill that runs down my back. I shiver. Why is Viktor so intent on meeting me? He never cared before; in fact he's canceled his visits and not returned much to Lorie's dissatisfaction. She takes her anger out on me and getting her to get over it is the hard part. But this time I knew he wouldn't cancel which is why I planned the spa trip for the weekend. To be honest I'm not entirely sure I want to go back. I like working for The Bartholy's I really do but I have to argue and practically beg for time off even though it's in my contract. It's been almost three years since I came to Mystery Spell. Arguing with Nicolae on a weekly basis is getting extremely old. You're only young once I haven't had a lot of time to be my age and have some fun. The last time I did that I went to a party with Sarah and I spent the rest of the night being told off by Nicolae. It was about the dangers of underage drinking even though I wasn't drinking and told him Loan dumped his drink all over me when I told him I wasn't joining him in his bed. Lately I feel like Nicolae is a drill Sargent constantly telling me what to do and how to do something. I message him back.I'm not entirely sure I'm coming back to work for you. Everyone has their breaking point and I'm dangerously close to mine. I'll consider it but don't hold your breath.I press send and put my phone on silent after setting my alarm. I lay down and go to sleep.I'm standing in the middle of the woods, where am I? How did I get here? I have a strange feeling that I'm being watched. I look over my shoulder nothing is there. I take a look around me as a dark feeling comes over me. It's then I realized I must be dreaming. I have to be the real world doesn't feel like this. I look around trying to place my location I've been through the woods around Mystery Spell enough not to get lost. But right now I have no idea where I am or how I even got here. I start walking paying close attention to my surroundings. I stop at a lake, I know where I am now all I have to do is turn around and walk the other way and I'll be able to get back to the manor. I can feel someone's eyes on me and a horrible feeling of dread comes over me. I turn around and see a figure standing before me he's far enough away that I can't see his face. I get the feeling that being in this person's line of sight isn't a good thing. He starts walking towards me slowly I take a few steps back. I can't take my eyes off of this person but walking backwards isn't the smartest thing. I could trip over something. I get the feeling that this person must be Viktor. He resembles other visions I've had of him.I look behind me for a moment and the path has completely changed. I'm near the manor. That can't be right I know the manor is a lot further away than that. I turn to look at my pursuer and there's no one there."People just don't disappear now I know I'm dreaming" I say to myself out loud I turn and head towards that manor but when I turn around, it's gone."Ok that's weird, why can't I have a dream about a hot guy or something why do I have to dream about Lorie's horror games all the time. And now I'm talking to myself."I turn again and I'm in a completely different place. I'm in the entrance of the manor I walk toward the living room. Nicolae might be here, sometimes he's in here reading. The room is empty its dark outside and rain is pouring down outside lightning flashes across the sky and thunder rumbles loud enough to shake the room I'm standing in.I don't like storms but I'm not going to go over to the window and close the curtain. I hear someone knock on the door. The sound is different from the thunder. I walk towards the door ready to open it but I stop I can feel the person on the other side or at least I think I do. Opening the door won't be a good thing. I back away from the door as the person knock's again. I head up the stairs to my room but I stop outside one of the guest rooms or I think it's a guest room anyway, the door is ajar. I can see someone moving around in there. I take a closer look after all this is only a dream no reason why I can't let my curiosity go unsatisfied.The person inside is a man, he's taller than I am. He's shirtless and all I can see is his back, his very well-muscled back. He stops for a moment and seems to look over his shoulder but he never turns around. I get an overwhelming feeling as if something were pulling me in. I can't help but close my eyes. I feel myself take a step back and I feel arms wrap around me. Strange I was sure a wall was behind me but this is only a dream I guess it can change if it wants to. I have no objections about being in someone's well-muscled arms. I feel his lips near my ear as his hands run up and down my arms. One hand moves across my stomach while the other travels up to my throat. The arms of the man are cold, maybe it's cold for him. I can think of plenty of ways to warm him up. I feel his lips stretch into a smile."Regina you belong to me now," he whispers in my ear.How does he know my name? I don't remember speaking a word since I got inside the manor let alone tell him my name. His voice sends strange vibrations through me I feel butterfly's rise in my stomach. In this moment I can feel it to be true and I want to give in so badly."Say it, say you belong to me.""I belong to you"I feel his hand gently tip my head back on to his shoulder. I feel him start to kiss my neck, it sends chills through my body. His Lips make their way up to my mouth, He kisses me with passion I've never felt before. I kiss him back and turn towards him to wrap my arms around his neck. I want to give in so much. Yet I feel that I can't, why can't I give in something isn't right. I open my eyes I'm in my bed room how did I get here? When did I get here? I feel strange I can still feel his arms around me but now I feel like I'm in danger."Don't worry I'll protect you," he whispers "I won't let him hurt you."I feel very aware right now. I can feel the danger something is coming there's a loud bang on the door the man's arms disappear and now I'm alone, the room starts to go dark. The banging on the doors sends fear through me. I'm alone and no one can help me. Fear rises in me I can't look away from the door. It shakes as the banging gets louder.BANG, BANG, BANG.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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