05 | not my alpha

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There have not been plenty of moments in Taehyung's life in which he has felt so... confused.

All his life he has been told how to think, what to feel, and who to talk to.

Sitting there in the middle of the infirmary bed with an alpha standing within the same confined space, makes the omega's entire body freeze with uncertainty.

His scent smells incredibly familiar, like chamomile and fresh river water. It comes to him like waves and leaves him wanting more.

Taehyung feels as though his entire soul leaves his body the second that their eyes lock, the omega immediately looks down in horror at what he has done.

The number one rule that was embedded into omegas' minds since birth has always been the same.

Never, under any circumstance, look at an alpha directly in the eye. That is seen as a direct attack, a challenge.

And in Taehyung's (old) pack, it has proven deadly.

He feels Jimin's hand leave his shoulder and he panics, chest rising and falling quickly in response.

He can feel as tears sting in his eyes and he bites his inner cheek harshly in attempts to stop himself from letting out any noise.

The moment his escape plan from his old pack was in motion, he vowed to himself that he will never let another alpha intimidate him again. He will never cower down or look weak.

Because being weak, makes you as good as dead.

And so when Jimin asks if he's okay, Taehyung swallows back a whimper and nods his head confidently despite wanting nothing more than to run for the hills.

He doesn't once look back to the center of the room where the alpha still stands with Hoseok at his side.

But Taehyung can feel him staring, the side of his face burns under his deep gaze and he finds himself shivering at the sensation.

He doesn't know this man but he wishes he would look away because Taehyung fears he can see right through him and the thought scares him.

"Taehyungie," the sound of his new nickname has him relaxing due to the fact that no one has ever bothered to call him that only Jimin.

He snaps out of the trance the man has him under, eyes looking up to Jimin who stares down at him worriedly.

"This is our head alpha, Jeongguk."

Taehyung doesn't want to look at him, he doesn't want to feel as vulnerable as he does right now. He wishes he could tell him to go, because the scent coming from him is already too much.

Jimin and Hoseok had made sure to hardly mention any alphas around him, never once touching the topic of the very alpha whose land he was staying in.

He is grateful for them, truly, but right now he wants nothing more than to yell at everyone to get out and leave him alone.

His heartbeat only quickens with anticipation and he has to force himself to turn to where the man still stands. He looks up bravely, swallowing back a whimper that threatens to spill from his lips.

The alpha still stares, gaze deep and with such intensity that Taehyung nearly feels himself scream at him to look away.

"I'd like to speak with him alone," is all he says for Taehyung's dislike towards him to grow.

Why must he speak as if he were not in the same room? Alphas always want to keep the upper hand and Taehyung feels himself seethe with sudden anger.

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