Oh no, watch out!

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Before starting the chapter I just wanna say that this is my first ever fanfiction and I am from Malaysia. So if my grammar or any part is weird, feel free to tell me :) (btw all the picture are not mine, I just found it)

anyway this is how I think of England, Scotland, Ireland, N.Ireland and wales

England (male) - the youngest, he does all the work for his brother since they're lazy and                                                     England was personally being forced by them

Scotland (male) - Oldest, having red hair and green eyes. Always wearing the blue military                                        uniform and smoke. The scariest and prob the most protective brother                                            ever alive. If anyone ever near England or even talk to England, he would                                        just give a death glare and even holding a knife (that's why he was not                                              allowed in the world meeting. He doesn't want to let England know he                                              care for him so he just bully England (Deep down, he always wanted to                                            apologize to England for being such a awful brother)

Ireland (male) - second oldest, twin with N.Ireland, he have dark blond hair (darker than                                                   N.Ireland hair) having green eyes he wasn't protective as Scotland but he will                                        make you suffer... there's multiple case with poisoning and teleporting people                                      who bullied England to hell, mostly he will curse those people and uhmmm you                                  don't really wanna know how he rip people's head off with his magic... (oh yeah                                    he's not really good at expressing himself too, that pretty much cause people to                                    think that he hate England as much as he hate The Late Late Show)

( I can't find any image with Ireland!)

N.Ireland (Female) - middle child, twin with Ireland (yes, they're fraternal twins!) having dark blone hair and green eyes

( no luck finding N.ireland picture too- )

Wales (male) - second youngest, even though Wales is not England's twins but they look almost                                the same... Wales is not tsundere and far more shy though. He don't really spend                                  time with his brother but he always play with his sheep

(yeah no luck finding wales picture too)


10 months... No. 1 year, it has already been 1 year since England had disappeared.

At first, every nation thought it was just a joke from England until N.Ireland speaks about it.... 

*Flashback to 1 year ago*

the meeting was normal until England receive a phone call during the meeting. During the call, England keep smiling ( which America find it weird cause it has been so long since England smile like that ), " Who was that " America curiously asked England. Not waiting for England to response, France smirked " Is it your boyfriend or is it your girlfriend? "

England rolled his eyes " That's non of your concer- " " WHAT!? ENGALND HAVE A PARTNER?! WOW! I don't even know how his partner even endure that eyebrows! " America yelled, everyone laughed like it was somekind of joke except for some past colonies and g8 members.

" That's... a bit too harsh America, you shouldn't say things like that! " Canada said out loud but unfortunately, no one even heard him

some country even started whispering " gosh, I can't even endure his face a day, his partner must be tired of him too! " " Now I think about it what's good about him anyway? Cooking?? NAH! " " PFT! Is this a joke? I think the whole world would rather die than being with him" " good for nothing " " Black sheep of Europe! " England felt so hurt

Germany was about to say something but England shouted " ENOUGH " and having tears dropping down his cheeks, he step out of the meeting while saying " I will let you all regret this " to all the nation. America felt a bit guilty but he doesn't want anyone find out about his guilt so instead of saying what he really wanted to say, he said " Yeah, go on. What are ya gonna do? Went missing for 10 months? Hahaha... "

" I think we did cross the line this time but oh well, he will be fine. It's not like he will call out his brothe- " France quiet for a moment " ... " France face went darker and darker and Spain call out France " France?? What's gotten into yo- " " OH MERDE PAS CHEMIN! " France cursing while looking toward Ireland who is currently smiling and having dark aura

" Please restrain yourself and tell us what's wrong " German tried to calm France down but it seems like it didn't work, " Hehe I am delira and excira to see who will appear at the meeting room first, hmmm... I wish it was Wales " Ireland started smiling like Russia and releasing more dark aura, causing other nation to backing away from Ireland.

An hour later, a dangerous looking girl entered the meeting room with A GUN (isn't that America thing?) and pointing at everyone in the meeting room. " Whoever this girl is, it's not awesome... " Prussia widen his eyes trying to stay cool, " Aiya... damn westerner, let's put your gun down and talk okay ma? " China tried to hide the fact that he was scared too but someone has to be the one that's calm right?

It didn't took long for Ireland to recognize the girl, " It's been a while, Northern Ireland... or should I say... Mo dheirfiúr daor " 


 it's 4:59 now, I better go to sleep! " :V

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