While she was away...

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Luhans pow.

It felt like being underwater, seeing hard ice above you. I saw little streaks of sunlight through the unbreakable ice.  I was shaking, blood seemed to be freezing in my veins. This was the end, and I knew it.

I woke up in the kitchen, I was sleeping on the chair. My body was cramped. I stood up on my numb legs and looked around. Room was empty.  I looked to the clock on the wall, it was 3 am. I could go back to sleep, but after a night mare like that I didn’t feel like I could fall asleep, so I walked to the kitchen and made some coffee instead. I was cold after sleeping all night on a chair so hot coffee felt really nice in my dry throat. It was early, sun was only rising and sky looked little blue and gray. I felt so empty…. I miss her…

She left few days ago, said that she need to think about what my father said. She said she’ll  come back …

Days are passing, it’s getting really hard to wait for her. It’s raining everyday now, did  you know that when Gumiho cries it rains? I miss her to the point where everything is itchy inside of me, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t even breath without her. She’s walking poetry with foreign language for me, I can’t fully understand her, but I see beauty in her, she’s beautiful poem written in the stars.

You should call her” Xiumin went came to the kitchen “ before you went completely mad” he said.

“She told me to wait”

“When was the last time you slept without having nightmares?

I did not answer his question, he knew I was before she left.

Xiumin took a cup of coffee and walked out I still heard him mumbling “ maybe you are mad already”

Your pow.

It was hard to leave him. But I need a few days to look over all this situation. Things are going too fast. Im in high school, already engaged. He is wolf, and apparently I’m fox. Gumiho. Everything is wild here, nothing is going normal. My head is filled with all these thoughts, but I feel somehow empty, broken inside. I need him.

Last night I had a nightmare that we are parted, separated, there is wall between us and we can’t cross it. I was smashing and punching that wall with my bare fits while they started to bleed and began to swell, the I punched the wall even more. And when I had no more strength, when every last drop of hope left me I cried. I cried till I had no more tears. Then I woke up, wet in my tears.

Being away from him was hard, I cried a lot. And when I cried, it rained.

Luhans pow

I’m running bare footed throuth the park now. She send me a text message. Said she wants to meet me. After I read that I didn’t care about my messy hair, my clothes, shoes wasn’t my priority… everything was not important, I was running to meet her.

When I got there she was sitting on the bench. My Gumiho, my love. I stoped two steps from her and tried to catch my breath. She smiled widely, she was the same warm and beautiful, little bit clumsy but very kind, pink cheeked girl. She was here right next to me, the same as I remembered and it felt like she was never gone.  I slowly stretched out my hand to touch her. Before I did that she jumped into my hands and hugged me so tight I could feel her heart beat. At that moment I melted, I was never going to let her go.

I looked at her there was tears in her eyes, it wasn’t sad tears they were happy tears. One tear dropped and I caught it.

“Your tears are hot” I said.

“It’s because I love you” She added and she burst into tears completely.

“My little fool, don’t cry, I’m here with you now.” I touched her head, her soft hair.

Few seconds after it started to rain. Big drops of rain was falling on us, we were standing there, not going to let each other go. She was soaked in few minutes, and looked like she’s cold, but I only had my t-shirt on so I took it off, it was wet but I still gave it to her. She used it as a towel for her hairs and face and said .

Let’s go home.”

When we reached home and went up to our room I looked at her. She was soaked. Her bra was visible through her wet shirt and it looked so hot. She tried to fix her clumsy wet hair and she looked so hot doing that. I could not resist my urgent need to rip her clothes off, my whole body was pulsing, but I turned around. I will be a gentle man for her, she is my princess. Then I felt het hot naked body against my back, she hugged me from behind and I felt her hot skin against mine, her hard nipples touching my back drove me crazy. I turned around and kissed her lips like I’d be drowning and her lips was oxygen. I kissed her like I’d be starving and her lips were bread. I was kissing her lips, neck, breasts but that wasn’t enough. I was catching small rain drops that was still on her body. Then we slowly moved to the bed, and I felt her all, I went inside her and remembered this body I love so much. Her skin, her hair, her smell I love all of her.

I came to my climax and I saw she’s there too. We hit that at the same time and graduated that with another deep kiss. We moved in perfect since and not even noticed how morning came.

In the morning we dressed up and went out for breakfast, I was so happy with her being back I couldn’t let go of her hand.

“I think we are moving too fast. We are engaged, but I’m only  18 in high school. You also pretend to be a student. That is just not normal. But we are not normal too, your wolf, I’m fox… I guess we can’t help it. But maybe let’s keep out marriage a secret for a while. At least until we graduate.” She said.

“I don’t care what anyone think, but if you want to I’ll keep this a secret.”

“So should we now decide our guest list on our marriage?”

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