Chapter 8

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A few seconds later I came bringing him Water and I thought to myself that I was sooo closed to getting away when suddenly .......

Darling Bella, What are you doing? What are you weaing? HUH?! Please Change see the guest are here ....

Oh Crap ..... THINK BELLA THINK, you can stil get away with it THINK .... i said to myself then suddenly words stared coming out of my mouth , words that were obvouisly FRIGHTENED ...

U-U-Uhm S-She  .................. U-Uhm calls me Darling ................... S-Sh-Sh  I-I-Im her personal Maid yeah.

AHHHHH - Stan looking all suspicous on me ...

Princess, Go upstairs Dear , Change ok? your Dad will be here any minute to join our Family Dinner with the Rodrigez's .

Ah does she also call you Dear? - Stan

U-U-U-U-Uhm Y-Y-YYeah! - Bella

Ahh Ive seen youve met my Daughter Kristan ... - Mom


Yeah Mom , We ahh SORTA MET MOM IN SCHOOL WHERE I GO, WHERE IM CALLED AS ISABELLA OCAMPO. - Bella said allowed looking all irritated


OWH, Im sorry Dear .... I didnt know . - Her mom said while in a Shock and Smiled to the Rodrigez's

Then help me explain Mom - Bella

Owh Im sorry Dear, The Jig is up- Mom

You now Bella we can eventually hear you - Stan


Kristan meet my Daughter Bella - Mom

Ahhh - While shaking hands with Bella 

Its nice to finally see the real you Ms. Bella or should I say finally nice to meet the real you Ms. David - Stan while kissing Bella's Hand.

Thankyou, Kristan - Bella, irritated.

Well shall we go to the dining table? - Mom

We Probably should Mom, we probably should - Bella , still irritated

Dont be so irritated DEAR     ,   go fix yourself for the young gentlemen over here and change your clothes.

YES MOM - Bella, still iritated while looking at Stan and looking like Vomiting.

then Bella went up and Changed his clothes and fixed her hair.

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