Chapter 4: A Photo to Remember

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I'M BACK MY DEARS~~~!!!!! Nah, just joking XD. Thank you for all who have been supporting this story! I feel so touched... TvT Anyways, sorry for my long absence. I was stuck with our upcoming finals so I didn't have time to work on this story (or any of my stories, as a matter of fact) TAT. But since it's already summer, YOU CAN ALREADY EXPECT FASTER UPDATES!!!!!he he he... :D

Also, please don't hesitate to correct any of my mistakes. ^_^



"Augh, I'm beat!"

Mallorie plopped down her bed and sighed, stretching her tense muscles. She sighed and covered her eyes with her arm, blocking out the light from her bedroom.

She remembered today's events and recalled everything in perfect detail. She envisioned the people from Seirin's reactions, unsurprised by the fact that most of them were looking upset at the way a blunette reacted to her. But even while she was expecting this, a frown slowly showed on her face, obviously displaying her sadness at the way they acted. She laughed a little bitterly.

"I guess I didn't really make much of a good impression, did I?"

After a few minutes of thinking, she sat up and surveyed the room she was given.

A few weeks ago, when she was still studying in Seirin's sister school in Los Angeles, she had received an email from her dad, saying that they were to transfer to Japan in a few days. This absolutely caught Mallorie by surprise. Ever since her family had migrated to the States, they had been trying to avoid going to Japan whenever they would have a vacation or tour outside the country. Japan brought too many bad memories.

So imagine the look on her face when she realized that they would be going to the very place they were avoiding.

Now here she was, sitting in her room that her parents had given her for their stay, studying it for the only-God-knows-how-many-times already. Her room was a simple, neat and wide four-walled bedroom. The walls, along with the ceiling, were painted a soft shade of violet and the floor was carpeted in white. Her bed was situated in one corner of the room, diagonally across the door. So far, her things were laid out neatly around her bedroom, but she knew that it wouldn't be long before her things would be strewn everywhere.

Mallorie sighed deeply again. It was hard keeping up her facade back at the school with Kuroko there. Her chest ached whenever she looked at him. It became even worse when he started panicking when he realized who she was. She knew they didn't get along fine unlike before, but she had no choice.

After all, it was time to face the problem instead of running away from it already.

 "Mallorie, dinner's ready!" Her mother called out in English from downstairs, which subsequently brought her out from her train of thought. Slipping in her indoor slippers, Mallorie rushed down the long flight of stairs. When she reached the kitchen, her mother was already sitting in one of the chairs with the food all prepared.

With blonde hair, pale skin and tall figure, her mother, Alexa Strauss, was usually an unmistakable American in appearance. The only thing that made her stand out were her rare dark purple eyes that looked black in certain angles of the light. Her hair, which reached till her midsection, was held back in a low pony tail. A smile was sent Mallorie's way, courtesy of Alexa.

"C'mon, don't let the food be the one to come near you!" Alexa said, eliciting a grin from Mallorie.

"Oh c'mon," Mallorie said in a mock interpretation of her mom in an attempt to win the smart-comebacks contest. "Can't I drool over the food first?"

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