ix | Vacations Over

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When the aircraft finally landed at Yokota Air Base, Mirai, finally free from her quirk restraints and arm in a sling, was finally awake.

Keiko Tsurugi awoke this morning to a frantic Kou coming into her bedroom, yelling about their young boss, who they dearly cared about, being found alive at a destroyed camp in Afghanistan. Keiko cried roughly 6 times that morning.

Now she stood at the end of the runway with Kou by her side, trying to look as professional as possible than she had in the last 3 months. After losing Mirai, Keiko was lost. She never answered calls, went to important meetings or even done any paper work. Instead she cried in her pyjamas in bed while cuddling Mirai's dog, Nano, who also missed her owner.

The manor was way too quiet for their liking. It wasn't the same without the loud rock music blasting from the speakers or the sound of malfunctioning technology from the workshop. It used to annoy Keiko...

...but she would have done anything to hear it again...

Keiko couldn't contain the wide smile on her face as she watched the teenager appear at the opening of the plane with Aizawa helping her down the ramp. All Might and Tsukauchi following behind.

She could hear the girl scoff when she reached the end of the ramp, "What is this?" She asked, pointing at a stretcher, before waving it off, "Get rid of it." The medics nodded before pulling it away.

Finally the young Kobayashi locked eyes with Keiko. She smirked before slowly inching her way over to her assistant. Keiko took notice that her ebony hair was now longer and she grew taller, now standing at least an inch below her. She also noticed how much weight she lost and the cuts and bruises that littered her skin.

"Hmm...your eyes are red." Mirai hummed, "Few tears for your long, lost boss?" She asked, tilting her head.

Keiko laughed, dropping her gaze to the floor before gazing back at her boss again, "Tears of joy. I hate job hunting." She joked.

"Yeah well, vacations over." Mirai shrugged. The pair stared at each other, before practically diving into each other's arms, Mirai wrapping her good arm around Keiko's neck. Keiko rested her head on Mirai's shoulder, tears falling. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

"Kou, you crying?" She heard Mirai tease the bodyguard from over her shoulder, to which the bodyguard replied, "...No?" Keiko let out a breathless laugh and tucked her head into her boss' neck.


Mirai and her assistant settled into the back of the car, while Kou sat in the driver's seat. He looked through the rearview mirror at the girl, "Where to, Miss?" He asked.

Before Mirai could open her mouth, Keiko beat her to it, "Take us to the hospital please, Kou."

"No." Mirai spoke in a harsh tone while shaking her head. Her assistant snapped her head towards her.

"No? Mirai, you have to go to the hospital. You-"

"No is a complete answer." Mirai said, interrupting Tsurugi.

"We have to have a doctor look at you."

"I don't have to do anything." The young Kobayashi stated, "I've been in captivity for literally 3 months and there are 3 things I want to do." Tsurugi waited for her to continue.

"One; I want ramen. Tonkotsu. Two; I want to see Kyoka and the last..." She listed.

"Alright, that's enough of that..." Keiko cut off with a stern tone, looking forward.

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