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The woman giggled. "Let the fun begin." She opened her mouth, banshee waves going directly for the twins. Winter  created a large ice shield to protect him and his twin brother. The shield, however, wasn't enough to protect them from the impact and they were still blasted. Jaehyuk stood up first and sent multiple fire blasts towards The Woman.

She cleverly dodged all of them, her black velvet dress flowing as she snapped her fingers, hellfire blasting directly towards Jaehyuk. He tried to dodge it but some of the hellfire blasts managed to harm him. "Fuck!" He screamed in agony.

Winter arose and began to fight the undead that the woman was sending their direction. The woman began to float as she continued to send different attacks to both of the Twins. "You should feel honored that I, The Orchestrator, have personally shown up to deliver your painful defeat." She spoke softly. Her voice echoed all across the garden of Luca.

"Honored?!" Winter questioned as he destroyed and tore apart the undead that surrounded him with his scythe. "You created chaos! Ruined billions of lives! Why?!" He questioned The Orchestrator.

She scoffed. "I was meant to rule this world. But, with so many defective humans roaming around, I had to get rid of the ones who were weak. This was about greater success upon the human race. When the undead began to roam these streets, my most loyal subjects arose. Those who vowed to protect me while I laid in a dormant state amongst the palace walls while I waited for you two to arise and take your positions as light and darkness. Now that you've finally arose, all I have to do is make you my servants. And after that, we can overtake the rest of the world. And I'll finally be queen of the new world!" She laughed maniacally.

"Not if we have anything to say about that!" The twins united their hands. The darkness from Jaehyuk's core and the light from Winter's core combined in perfect harmony, creating a direct blast to The Orchestrator's heart.

Her eyes widened as she soon dropped to the floor. Soon, a large, dark wave of blood covered her. She soon arose, the blood sliding right off her body, her eyes were red, her body more elongated, a large headress floating behind her head. "You've made a grave mistake! Ahhhhh!" The Orchestrator screamed loudly, her voice sounding slightly distorted. As she screamed, large tentacles emerged from the ground.

Winter's wings began to shine as he soon thrust them forward, feathers of ice being launched directly at the tentacles. The tentacles extended and grabbed Winter, wrapping around him and slowly beginning to crush his body.

Jaehyuk flew and with his large Demon sword, he cut the tentacle in half. As he did so, The Orchestrator's hair wrapped around Jaehyuk's stomach and then threw him directly onto the ground. He groaned in pain as he tried to catch his breath.

Winter created tentacles of ice and began to battle The Orchestrator's tentacles. "You really do try to keep rivaling my attacks. Let's see if you can rival this..." a dark cloud consumed her body and she disappeared. She began to laugh and giggle, each time the giggles and laughs coming from different directions.

Dante and Tatsumi arrived at the location and began to take care of the undead population surrounding the twins. As they did so, a large barrier of fire appeared right in front of them, separating them from the twins. "Damn it..." Dante said. He fought side by side with Tatsumi, making sure the undead would stay away from the battlefield.

Winter looked around and so did Jaehyuk. Their weapons were drawn. They were getting ready for any attack that would be coming their way. However, The Orchestrator surprised them both, reappearing above them and blasting them with fire, knocking the twins down to the floor.

Winter created an ice barrier as The Orchestrator kept throwing fire blasts after fire blast. The ice barrier began to crack. "I really hope you have an idea." Winter said to Jaehyuk.

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