What? Magic?

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I woke up feeling tired as ever I mean after all I do sleep in this rusty, crusty, old house. But I guess I'm grateful, things could be worse...But I mean my mom is not the best either she is always mean to me and when I say always..I mean always.

I heard my mother screaming downstairs at our house cat. We got a orange tabby she's adorable but sometimes a bit odd. It seems as if she can perceive things beyond the human mind. Though it makes sense since she is a cat. I wasn't allowed to name her sadly..But my mother picked out a gorgeous name, Rudolph!
My dad left us when I was born something about chasing his dream to be a gay striper. I'm not sure what that means but it sounds fun! I hope he's doing well!
I'm turing 11 tomorrow and I hope things turn for the better. My mom used to say, "every year is a new baby full of life and personality." However I cant see how a baby can have that much personality it literally just shot out of someone's pudussy.
Oh right I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Coraline Tothearth. My name is special to me since my dad named me I like to think that it was one of the times where he was sober. As I got ready for the day I picked out a beautiful black and blue dress. Its the second best dress I have. I tied up my yellow locks and stared into my grey *o r b s*.  I wish life was better..But I doubt it'll be.
"CORALINE!! GET YOUR BIG BONEF SELF AND COME DOWNSTAIRS! IM ABOUT TO SHOOT THIS DAMN CAT! THIS МОДАШУЬП." Her voice trails off as she leaves rhe house I dont mind her switching to Russian.
I used to not understand Russian but now I do. You see my mother isn't from here. She came from Russia and the reason we are so dirt poor is because one my dad ran off with our money, two, she always spits out nonsense invloving witchcraft and purity, three, because she likes to drink and go shopping.
I run down the stairs careful not to make too much noise but still alert others of my presence. I go over to the stove to see a pan with what I think is soup(?) I'm not sure my mother isn't the best cook but she does try ahaha. I get a bowl and go over to eat at the ground in the living room. Ngl I dont find the floor all that comfy. I finish my food bit I know ill throw it up later I have an ED its pretty depression. I'm also an anorexia. Its tuff being me but you get used to it.
(SIDE NOTE: Apologies to the people with yk that stuff but I used to actually have an ED and I dont anymore so my advice is to just not :])
I walk out of the room finishing my food and I can feel the stomach ache coming. I hate this.. I force down the feeling and go over to my mother's she's outside starting some weird ritual. It involves her closing he eyes and dancing around like its the 16 AD but it not sooooo.
I walk around her to leave her to her own business when I see something odd its my cat but she died?! Oh my gosh nooo not Rudolph he was the only friend I had..I'll never forget this! I know the world has it out for me I'll have my revenge! I wipe the tears from my face and glance at the pathetic excuse of a mother I have, I get an unbearable urge to just slap her but its my birthday tomorrow.
I run down the street with what's left of my cat. I go and Barry her in a secret place. Its my special place where I can forget my troubles.  I dig a whole with my hands not caring if they get dirty cause I'm not like other girls, I'm different. 
I lay my cat in the whole and bury her. Ill never forget you Rudolph.. I climb up the latter into a splendid treehouse I made when I was 6. I'm a strong lady. I sit up and stare at the sky knowing that this is my life and that it sucks. If only someone could change it.
I wake up in my treehoude seeing as the sun goes down. I panik my moms not going to be happy I didn't tell her where I was going! Oh no... I pull myself together and quickly climb down the latter, almost falling but I'm just built different. I run hope to see my mother ominously standing by the door with a cigarette.
Uh oh..I'm in trouble I think to myself. I slowly walk up to her with my head down low staring at the floor, afraid of what will happen if I look up.
"HOW DARE YOU BE LATE! I said to come home early today!-"
I know she didn't say anything but I just nodded along to her words its better to just agree then fight back at this point.
"NOW go inside and make me some dinner I'm hungry and you can get the the left overs from the chicken we had three weeks ago!" She angrily walks inside with her heels clicking the ground.
Great. Now Im gonna die from food poisoning or something stupid like that.
Its been a normal day besides my mom acting skittish this past week. I go to sleep hoping for a better day tomorrow.

I wake up with the sound of birds chirping. I dont hear my mother yelling maybe today is gonna be a good day. I'm glad since its my birthday! I strut to my closet and out on a clean yellow shirt and some spicy black pants. I strut yet again and make my way downstairs.
"Finally," My mother rolled her eyes, "You took so long I thought you died or something." She shakes her head and stands up walking over to the kitchen.
She probably make something for me to eat! I hate her excuse of food with all my heart but its the thought that counts.
"Here, I made some eggs and bacon." She walks away and stops at the doorway, "Oh yeah congrats on making it to eleven kid." She continues outside.
I wonder what that was about. I shrug my shoulders and eat the food. It tastes like someone shat themselves and then added salt and pepper to it..Its disgusting. I eat it knowing I can just throw it up later.
I go outside to check on my mom and see if she's still being weird. I see and owl on her arm and a letter in her hand. I can obviously tell the owl wants to leave but can't. Me being me I sit down and wait for her to make a move. She turns to me with a blank face.
"Come here." I make my way to her with my eyes down.
"Y-Y-Yes mom?" She stays silent then hands me a letter. "W-Whats this?"
"Read it dumbass."
I comply and open it.

After I read it I was in shock. Magic? This has to be a lie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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