So this is just a basic announcement that I'm writing in book format because I have a meme to share and wattpad doesn't let you share images in messages but yeah
Idk if anyone who follows me is still even active and if you are, you probably don't really remember me and this will seem really random lol
But most people used to follow me for my old Three Days Grace content. Specifically my Adam fics and the book where I exposed a huge scandal with the band
Come to think of it, I shouldn't have deleted that book. There was some serious shit in it that needed to be addressed and still to this day is rarely acknowledged
But anyway
Idk the real reason I'm back here. I probably shouldn't be considering I should be doing so much more with my life by now but like what life lmao
I abandoned this account because I had no more inspiration to write anything and so much content on here is trash no offense
And yeah cause I've been dealing with a lot. A lot has changed since 13 year old me created this account, big surprise amirite
And now that I'm 18 it feels weird and almost sad that I'm back on my cringey wattpad account
But the thing is I still like writing and if I ever do anything here again, it's just because a bit of that passion is still there
Even tho I'm fucking bad at it and I stopped trying long ago
And truth be told, I kinda do miss the glory days of this account
I abandoned all my ideas but every now and then I'll either revisit them or come up with some new ones that I'll either let die out or maybe I'll try to execute them
Believe me I tried to make a comeback on here several times but it just never happened cause I'm lazy and miserable as fuck
And the content I'd be willing to write now is completely different than a shitty fic about my favorite artist
Usually whenever I come back here it's cause I have nothing better to do and I have a random spark of creativity that I never end up publishing cause it's really not worth it
Or cause of nostalgia tbh
Like wtf do I even get out of this, what did I ever get out of it
And yet I'm back here again!
So yeah, I did get an idea recently (no thx to a little show on Netflix called Castlevania) and have been working on a little angsty something to say the least
As of right now I'm really not sure if it'll ever be out for anyone to see, and it's not like anyone who originally followed me gives a shit
But maybe I'll bring myself to complete it, publish it just for the hell of having it out there for whoever finds it and is interested, and that's about it
If I do end up doing that you probably won't see much from me afterwards either way
Maybe I'll finish it soon once I'm done with my school work and I'm on summer break
But yeah although this update is regarding the current state of this account and what I'm doing with it, I'm pretty sure it'll still apply for when it inevitably goes dead once again. I'm just kinda done with everything at this point.
Yeah I clearly have no idea what I'm doing or why I'm writing this or who tf I'm talking to
I feel absolutely pathetic rn
That's kinda it. Stick around if you want. Or don't. Doesn't matter either way.
Here's a meme that represents my writing status more in depth
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