Chapter 10: Saying Our Goodbyes

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We go back upstairs after our 'fight' and try to get ourselves comfortable with the thick tension between us. Toriel goes back to her place on the comfy chair by the fireplace reading her book while I go to the table that has the dead plant in a pot in the center with a mat underneath it. I sit down and contemplate what to do for the last day with Toriel.

'I mean I could just go now, but I think I should at least sleep in an actual bed one more time before I start my journey to the surface, so ya . . . I'm gonna stay here tonight. Oh wait, I should probably tell her that I'm staying here tonight.'


"Yes, dear?"

"Just so you know . . . I'm going to stay here tonight if that's alright with you." I say with a bit of hesitance. I feel bad since she's given everything I need and in return, all she asks is for me to stay here and keep her company. But, I can't do that. I need to go to me real home, up on the surface.

"That's alright with me dear, you have a long journey ahead of you." She replies solemnly.

"Thank you." I say quietly, but loud enough for her to hear.

"It's no problem, (Y/N). Besides I enjoy your company." She responds.

It was quiet after that. I was bored so I decided to go to the bookcase and take a book from it. It was the history book that I had read a passage from yesterday, and I thought that I would read the book today, so I could fully comprehend why these poor creatures are down here and not going to the surface. But as I was reading my mind and body had different ideas. I start to fall asleep where I'm sitting and finally doze into unconscious, even though I had only been awake for an hour since I had woken up this morning. But, I mean it makes sense.  I just fought Toriel and I'm physically tired from all the stress of dodging literal fireballs and trying to convince her I can go out on my own. Once that thought escaped my mind, I was engulfed in darkness from closing my eyes and I had my head lie on top of the book that was resting on the table.

A little girl was running in a field of sunflowers once again. It seemed she had a habit of doing this since she loved nature, and she was often compared to things of nature such as the sunshine or anything that represented something positive. This time though, she neared the end of the field of sunflowers, which near a cliff. She ran to the edge to see a sandy beach that was the shore to a vast, wide and beautifully blue ocean. She went back to her mother to see if they could find a way down to the beach so they could see that beautiful view together. The little girl ran as fast as she could to where her mom was. She found her mother in the little area that was clear of sunflowers, she was lying down in it reading a book. "Mommy." the little girl said. "I went to the edge of the sunflower field and there was a cliff today and I saw a beach below the cliff, but we need to find a way down without hurting ourselves. Can we do that?". "Oh, my little girl, please don't do that again. I don't know what I would do if you fell of the cliff and got hurt. So please don't go close to anything again. Promise?" She asked with a stern yet motherly look on her face. "I promise mommy." The little girl promised her mother this and they walked away from the clearing that was in the field of sunflowers to the edge of the cliff.

I woke up to find a book beneath my head being used as a pillow. I sit up to see where I am, but feel something dropping off of me. It's the blanket that used to be hung over the comfy chair that Toriel sat in this morning. She wasn't sitting there though. I stood up to go look for her, and went to her room to see if she was in there. She wasn't. I looked in the kitchen and knocked on the bathroom door after that, but there was no response.

'Wait, did Toriel destroy the way out of the ruins?!'

I ran down the long steps, and through the corridor to find the door intact, but no Toriel. And then I remembered she said that she went into the ruins everyday to see if any humans fell into the ruins, so I assumed she did that and returned upstairs. I still decided to look into my room and found something new there. The red quilt that I hadn't folded this morning was nicely tucked into the sides of the bed and there was a box wrapped in purple wrapping paper and decorated with white ribbon topped with a nice little bow made from the white ribbon. On top of that, there was a card that read '(Y/N)', so I picked it up and opened it to see what was inside. Just like in most envelopes, there was a card inside. I opened the card and read the neatly written inscription.

'Dear (Y/N),

I was anticipating you to be here a little longer and I'm sad that we had to say our goodbyes to each other so soon. Even though we knew each other for this short amount of time, I want you to know that I think of you as my own child, but a child that has grown up enough to see the rest of the world. A now grown child that needs to have their hand let go of so they can go and explore it by themselves. I just wanted to let you know that, and I hope you enjoy what's in the box as well.

Yours Truly,

Her letter was very sweet, and I guess that our fight made me look more like an adult to her, even though I already am an adult. But whatever, I consider this a big progression as to what she thought of me beforehand. I was now interested in what was in the box, and all of the gifts she gave me were beautiful.

She had given me 3 sets of clothes for my journey to wherever was behind those large, purple double doors. The first set of clothes consisted of a long sleeved-sweater that was designed just like Toriel's dress that I have been borrowing to wear since my clothes are dirty and are full of holes. The sweater was purple just like her dress too, and it was outlined in white on the bottom, around the neck as well as round the sleeves. The next part of this set of clothes was made up of three more things: a pair of pants, a pair of boots as well as some thick socks. The pair of pants were some light blue and thick jeans that went all the way down to my ankles. The boots were light brown and they looked like a mixture of hiking boots and winter boots. The socks went with the shirt since there were also purple and had a white band on the part of the sock that reached my mid-calf, so then end of the sock.

The second set had a (F/C), plain t-shirt and a pair of black leggings that, and just like the jeans, went down to my ankles. The last set of clothing had a light (S/F/C) tank top that was also plain and black shorts that had white lines on it's sides and the very bottom of the shorts. The only thing about these shorts were that they were very . . . short. There was also a pair of white tennis shoes with ankle length socks. I thought that was the end of all of the presents, but there remained one more thing. It was another sweater she had made. It was light blue but had 2 magenta stripes run across the middle of the sweater and the lines also continued onto the sleeves as well. It was made out of cotton and some other material I couldn't pin-point, but it was soft and comfy nonetheless.

I looked over my presents and realized something, where am I gonna put all this stuff when I travel outside of the ruins? I wasn't too worried since I'm sure that Toriel would have a solution, but she wasn't here at the moment so I would have to wait till she got back.

'I should also thank her when she comes back from the ruins.'

As if on cue, I heard the front door open and close shut. I walked out of the red room to see her at the table sitting there looking at the fireplace.

"Hey Toriel, welcome back home."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Um, Toriel? Hello?"

". . Oh sorry, my child. It's just that it's been a very long time since someone has told me that." She said this in a heartbreaking and a nostalgic tone at the same time.

"It's . . . . .alright, I was just a little confused is all. Um. . . I saw the gifts that you've given me, so thank you for that. I just wanted to ask if you had anything to carry them in since I'll be leaving the ruins tomorrow. . . "

"Oh your welcome, my child. I do have some bags in my room I pulled out of one of my drawers yesterday if you want to come and get them."

"Yes, let's do that now." I said and we walked out of the living room into her bedroom.

A/N: Chapter 10 completely rewritten now onto chapter 11 so I can rewrite all of my lost work! Wish me luck. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did please share, comment and vote! Thank you guys! ^.^
Word count : 1700

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