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TW: slight mention of abuse

Iris feels a light tapping on her arm and opens her eyes to see Rosie beside her

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Iris feels a light tapping on her arm and opens her eyes to see Rosie beside her. "Miss Iris, we've arrived at Diagon Alley!" The elf exclaimed.

The girl smiled slightly, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She grabbed her bags and stood, making her way to where Rosie was, the excited elf already being at the front of the train. She turned to the man who helped her in earlier, addressing him. "Thank you for the ride, and I hope you have an amazing day."

The man tipped his hat, "My pleasure, Miss. Thank you, and I wish the same for you."

Iris and Rosie stepped off of the Knight Bus, the latter practically jumping in excitement. Rosie had been to Diagon Alley before, sure. But, Iris' parents had never allowed Rosie to enter any of the stores with them.

The girl looked down at the elf, her small smile growing just a tad, glad that the elf was so excited. "Okay, so I say we get you some new clothes first, then we stop and get some butter beer?"

Rosie practically squealed in excitement. "Miss Iris, you really don't have to do this all for me."

"Yes, Rosie, I do. Not only do you deserve it after everything you've been through, but I want to." Iris held her hand out for the elf, who quickly grabbed it. "Now, let's go get you some clothes."

About twenty minutes later, they had entered a clothing shop, and Rosie had disappeared in the clothes after about two minutes. She re-emerged, about six outfits in her arms.

"Is that everything?" Iris asked, walking up to the elf.

Rosie nodded, grabbing Iris' arm and pulling her towards the front desk to pay. The elf placed her items on the counter, and Iris quickly paid. The lady at the counter bagged the items, and Rosie headed towards the dressing room to change into one of her new outfits.

A few minutes later, Rosie exited the dressing room, a huge smile on her face. The small elf was wearing a periwinkle blue, knee-length dress, matching the color of the scrap of fabric Iris used to free her, that was still tied to her arm.

Rosie had on matching flats, silver spirals woven into them. In her hair was a matching flower bow, the inside of the bow being the same color.

"Periwinkle looks good on you, Rosie." Iris said, leading her out of the store and towards the nearest place with butter beer.

On their way, Iris heard her name called out, flinching at the memories of home that came with. She turned, and was met with none other than James Potter running towards her.

"Potter." She stated calmly. "What do you want?"

"What? Am I not allowed to say hi to my best friends cousin?"

"Not if you don't have a reason and I've only ever spoken to you once." Beside her Rosie covered her mouth with her hand to prevent any giggles from coming out.

"Where are Sirius and Regulus? Sirius told me you'd be spending the break at his house, so I figured they'd be with you."

"Plans... changed." Iris hesitated slightly. "Do you have anything else you want?"

"Look, I know I should have done this sooner, considering you are the cousin of my best friend, but I want to get to know you more."

"Alright..." She shifted back and forth on her feet, not entirely sure where this was going. "Your point is?"

"Would you like to hang out? She can come too if you want," James nodded towards Rosie.

"You don't hate me?" Iris furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why would I hate you?"

"I guess you've not heard yet. You'll find out soon enough." Iris turned to walk away, when James reached out and tried to place a comforting hand on her shoulder.

This failed, and she flinched at the contact. He immediately scolded himself mentally, remembering that she was a Black, and if her home life was anything like Sirius' (hers was worse), then he needed to be more careful.

"Fuck, sorry. I'm sure whatever it is, you didn't mean it. If you don't want to hang out, that's fine. But I feel like I should get to know my friends' siblings."

"Uhh, fine sure." Iris gave in, although she was still hesitant to do so. She figured she might as well, Regulus said she could trust Sirius, and if Sirius was friends with James, maybe she could trust him too.

Rosie beamed, grabbing onto both of their arms and tugging them towards the Leaky Cauldron.

James furrowed his eyebrows, looking from the elf to Iris. "Where is she taking us?"

"First of all, her name is Rosie and feel free to address her about her decisions, not me, and second, probably to the Leaky Cauldron, where I told her I would take her to give her butter beer for the first time."

James nodded, and let the small elf drag them along. Rosie smiled to herself, having heard the whole conversation. She didn't particularly like having other people stand up for her, she was completely capable of doing so herself, but she was so happy she had been assigned as Iris' elf all those years ago.

Rosie couldn't imagine what her life would be like now if she hadn't, and even though they didn't have a home now, they had each other and that was enough for her. And maybe, while Miss Iris is distracted, Rosie thought, I could tell Mister James about us being kicked out.

Rosie had met Euphemia and Fleamont Potter once at the train station, when Iris was in her third year. They had both been extremely kind, engaging in a conversation with the small elf for a while, before she had to return to the Black household. In their conversation Rosie had learned that the two of them only had the one son, James, and that they would love to have a daughter. Rosie was sure they would take Iris in, it was just a matter of James being okay with it or not.

The small elf had even already contacted Euphemia and Fleamont while aboard the Knight Bus, informing them that her and Iris no longer had a place to stay. They had responded quite quickly, saying that of course they could come stay, as they had an extra room and would love the company. They added that they just needed to see if James would be okay with it- even though they'd be allowed over either way -which was why Euphemia has sent James to Diagon Alley that morning.

James had no idea of the plan that had been set by his parents and the elf, and had genuinely wanted to speak to Iris. They had no arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, and Iris ordered a frozen butter beer for herself, and a hot and frozen for Rosie, so she could try both. James ordered himself a frozen butter beer as well, and refused to let Iris pay, covering the cost for all the drinks himself.

A little while later, they had finished all of their drinks and Iris got up to get them refills. Rosie had decided that she like the frozen kind best, getting her a high-five from both teenagers.

As soon as Iris got up, Rosie turned to James and began explaining their situation to him, and telling him of the conversation she had had with his parents, via owl.

A/N: Rosie really did carry this whole chapter lol

Also, the way I'm currently taking this story is not the way I had planned when I made the trailer. So, the trailer doesn't quite match with the story any longer. I may eventually make a new one, or order one, but idk


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