The steryotypes E: Gacha puppies

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Honestly,I used to be a big fan of Gacha puppies before improving more and knows the fnaf lore.
But gacha puppies is one of the fnaf youtubers who still do the stereotypes,Gacha puppies has overall improved but why did you make william bleach himself with purple paint?I know the purple guy cannon 8 bit and stuff but wow. Seriously?
Secondly,The color schemes of the characters.Gosh have you heard of
Toning it down a bit?Gosh.Your eyes will blead,especially when you just wake up and look at insanley bright colors. Also,Gacha puppies,You should watch a tutorial on character designs,shading,original concepts.
Its very rare to see an original video
On your channel.I didnt watch any of the videos before watching bit I'm pretty sure he used the tv show name Clara?That's not cannon to be the name of miss afton,Along with C.C who you might know of "Chris".
I just put B.V as a name for him since I'm sure in the books his friends called him "bite victem" so I just picked B.V as a nickname.And yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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