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the As Katsuki awoke and shifted his eyes, he noticed he was still in a similar if not the same position he had fallen asleep in. His head was now resting on Kirishimas forearm and an arm was thrown over the others torso. He noticed that the redhead no longer had an arm around him, and instead was holding up his phone probably scrolling through social media or watching a video.

Kirishima must have noticed him wake up as he turned his head slightly to look over at the blonde. Upon meeting Katsuki's gaze, he broke out in a grin, "Mornin, sleeping beauty!"

Katsuki mumbled a quiet profanity as he sat up and ran a hand through his messy hair, "How long was I asleep for?"

"Uh not long, almost an hour." Kirishima said, shifting his focus back to his phone.

"Fuck," He rubbed his eyes, "what time is it?"

"About one," Kirishima replied, sitting up and leaning back on his hands, "you had lunch yet?"

Katsuki shook his head, he had only gotten in a mediocre breakfast before needing to leave to catch the bus. Come to think of it, he was definitely hungry.

"Me neither, should we go out and get a bite to eat?"

The blonde pushed himself off of the bed and stretched, yawning before thinking of a response. "Ill cook here, I don't feel like going out."

Kirishima smiled widely, "Sounds good!"


Katsuki didn't really like cooking around people, not to mention for people, but he was willing to make an exception for Kirishima. The dorms were pretty much empty due to the break so he felt a little more comfortable.

Kirishima sat on a counter, falling back into his usual rambling while the other cooked. Katsukis mind couldn't help but wander back to their "cuddle sesh" earlier that day, was that a normal bro thing to do? It's not like Kirishima is usually one to shy away from showing his friends affection, but holding your friend tenderly in your arms while they sleep might be cutting the line. Right? Or was he simply reading into it too much.

The blonde was snapped out of his thoughts by the others loud laughter, which he was thankful for as the start of a blush was begging to form on his face. He passed Kirishima a plate of the food and took one for himself, leading them both over to one of the couches in the far side of  the room connected to the kitchen.  

Katsuki caught himself staring at the redhead a couple times, as they eat together on the couch, but he couldn't really blame himself. Kirishimas smile was eye catching, radiant. Everything about him felt warm and inviting, and it took all the blondes power not to give in and move closer.

Although he would never get used to the rapid speed of his heart when the other was near, or the fluttery feeling in his stomach, he still wanted nothing more but to be near the redhead. He no longer minded any of the nauseating manifestations of his "crush" on Kirishima, he only wanted to spend time with him. He'd live through them all as long as he got to see the other smile. And although the thought of being something more with Kirishima was enticing, he could never risk losing what the had. He would never be able to forgive himself if that were to happen.

"Hey Bakugou?" He started up besides the blonde. Katsuki hummed as a response, in between bites of food.

"Do you like anyone?"

The blonde coughed, almost choking on his food at the unexpected question, "Hah?! What are we, middle schoolers?!"

Kirishima laughed, waving a hand to the blonde and wiping away a fake tear. "Sorry! That was random, but you never tell me about any crushes or anything, i'm just curious!"

"I don't," Katsuki turned his head away, "I don't have time for stuff like that."

"Oh, really?" The redhead smiled, taking a sip from his cup of water. The other hummed, still slightly embarrassed.

"What about you?" The blonde asked, putting his plate back onto the coffee table in from of them and pulling up his knees.

"Hm," Kirishima looked up, a soft expression on his face, "there's someone I like. Not sure if its gonna go anywhere though." He turned back towards the other, a small smile on his lips.


"They'd be dumb not to like you back."


"I hope that's the case." He chuckled lightly, grinning at Katsuki.

Why does it,

He tried his best to smile back.


-- A/N



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