Chapter: Four

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Dahvie's Pov: they seem pretty cool... Except the one one who acts like a diva. He needs to get a better fuckin' adtitude. But divas are awesome so I respect him for being real. And Harry seems hella shy at first. Blondey wouldn't even approach us. Neirther would the one with the black hair.. Oh well.. I guess i'll meet them again. And hopefually get to actually meet them insted of "hi i'm"s or "who are you"s ... all in all they seem like good guys. I've heard of them before but I have never actually heard their music aside from that, What Makes You Beautiful song on the radeo. It's really catchy. I'm all most certain Bryan Stars would listen to them. (in case you don't know who Bryan Stars is, he's an interviewer for screamo bands or just reg bands. He has interviewed botdf. You should go on you tube and watch). I think they are awesome telling girls that they don't need make-up to cover up And that being the way you are is enough. More people need to be like this. It's all about the love not the hate. But im really exceited to see them again to get to know them better but tonight i'm off to bed we have a concert tmmro and I get to see all of my sexy SGTC faces ^.^

Jayy's Pov: hah I loved his divaness! He reminds me of Jeffree Star at some points (If you don't know who Jeffree Star is... YOU HAVEN'T LIVED.. Just kidding... But seioursly he is an amaZayn singer and suports LGBT "Lesbian,Gay,Bi,Transgender" and he is really nice, look him up!) Harry was a sweet heart he reminds me of someone but i'm not quit sure who.hmmm.. Oh well. It'll come to me. We're almost to the hotel. We haven't even came in yet and we're late. there is someone out side tho.

Jayy: D man do you know who that is out there?

Dahvie: I have know clue. Want me to check?

Jayy:naw I got it.

Being as our body guard is passed out. Haha we don't need him any ways.*Stands up* Dahvie also got up out of habit and started walking with me. It didn't bother me I love Dahvie. *Walks Off Tour Bus*

Stranger:*Smoking a cigarette*

Jayy:can I have one?

Stranger:Sure*takes one out,hands to Jayy*

Jayy:thanks :)

stranger:Ummm... Can I ask you something

Jayy: I don't know can you

Stranger: are you Jayy Von Monroe?

Jayy: yes.

Stranger: oh my gosh I'm going to see you tmmro! In concert.


Stranger:Hi Dahvie!!

Jayy/Dahvie:SGTC *while staring at each other in approvil*

Jayy:so what are you doing out here?

Stranger:Waiting for my friend so I can say goodbye.

Dahvie:goodbye? I thought you were coming to our concert.

Stranger: oh! I am! My friend and I got diffirent hotels because this one is full.


Dahvie:how far is your hotel?

Stranger: oh not that far.

Jayy: hey Dahvie we gotta go get our key. We're already late as fuck.

Dahvie: ok i'll be there in a min. You go ahead.

Jayy: ok see you in there. Bye stranger *waves bye*

Stranger: Bye bye *Waves Bye*

Dahvie: do you need a ride?

Stranger:no i'm good.

Dahvie: you sure? We have this beautiful sexy tour bus for you to ride.

Stranger:oh I have a car *smiles with a little laugh*

Dahvie: well ok as long as your not freezing you nips off out here haha

Stranger:haha yeah i'm good. I do need one thing tho.

Dahvie: what's that?

Stranger: A HUG!!!!

Dahvie:*Tackle hugs the stranger*

Stranger: haha I love you!!!

Dahvie:I love you too!!!!

Stranger: I presume you have to go *:(*

Dahvie:Yeah *:(*

Stranger:Well i'll see you tmmro :)

Dahvie:Yes, yes you will *devilish laugh*

Stranger: I don't know if I like thst laugh

Dahvie: oh your gonna love that laugh haha. K goodnight love you!!

Stranger: goodnight love you too!!

Dahvie:*Walks up*

Stranger:*sits down*

Stranger's Pov: OMFG I JUST MET DAHVIE AND JAYY!!!!!!!! I HUGGED DAHVIE... HE'S SOOOO FKN SOFT..i know i'm weird. I'm just so excieted! Dahvie is one of my bigest inspirations! He gives me the power to love me for who I am.. And I just want to cry! I'm so weird ... But i'm an awesome weird!!!! ^.^ now off to my hotel! I'll call my friend later !! For now I need rest.

*driveing to my hotel)

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I need at least 4 votes to continue.. Have a great day ^.^

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