Chapter 12: Hermanos Velasquez

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"My Lord, Why don't you just choose an heir from your nephews? A lot of people in your family were pressuring us to choose your heir already. You're not getting younger." Nico, the most trusted aide of Marquis Antonio told to his master.

The man with midnight black hair became silent for a minute. His eyes are dead and they did not match up with his youthful-looking face. Nico sighed because of this scene, his master has always been like this for many years.

"They are only using this opportunity out of their greed" Antonio replied. Tapping his fingers on his table. "I don't trust any of my nephews"

Antonio glanced at the photo beside his table. In the picture, there was a sight of a very beautiful woman with an angelic face. She was holding a little boy on her lap and there was a cute little girl beside her. Behind them was a smiling figure of a man.

It's him, smiling happily with his family.

It was a family picture that was taken 20 years ago.

"And I only have one heir" He spoke.

Nico sighed once again. The Marquis became like this since his wife and his children disappeared from his life. 

The disappearance of his children was really mysterious. After he divorced the former marchioness of the house Velasquez, his daughter and son suddenly disappeared without any trace. They tried to find them for years but choose to surrender in the end.

"It's already 17 years, My Lord. The young master and young miss might..." Nico stopped talking.

They might not come back to this household. Nico thought.

But the marquis doesn't want to accept this idea. He was hoping that his children will reunite with him once more. He cannot just give his title to anyone.

Little did he know, the moment Nico started to speak with his master, was the moment where the Velasquez siblings stepped into the manor of their father.

"My Lord! My Lord!' A knight suddenly barged into Antonio's office. "A guest has arrived!"

Nico was about to say something, but the Lord raised his hands to stop him.

"Is it an important guess?"

"I believe that only his Lordship can verify that question" The knight replied.

Antonio and Nico glanced at each other. "What do you mean?"

"It was a man and woman claiming that they are the missing children of your lordship" 

Nico sneered after he heard the knight. Something like this happened years ago, it wasn't a good memory because after they found out that those fools were only pretending to be Antonio's children, The Marquis punished each servant on his manor severely.

"Fool! chase them out already" Nico shouted.

"B-BUT, but the siblings" The knight replied. His next statement shook the core of the Marquis. "They are carrying the missing heirloom of the Velasquez. My Lord, forgive my impertinence but you have to see this"


"This is the place where you used to ask me for your milk because you think I make the best milk when we are younger" Gabriella suddenly blurted out. She and her brother were sitting in the middle of the manor's garden. 

Gabriel frowned as he hears his sister's monologue about their childhood. Although he can't remember those times, this place is familiar to him.

"I wish Maria's child will be sweet as you as a child but won't grow up like you" 

"Sister,  just eat" Gabriel replied. 

Gabriella gracefully drinks tea from her teacup. Like a prim and proper woman, she smiles. "Brother, admit it, you're curious about your childhood," She said as she grins, but her brother decided to ignore her remarks.

It was only a minute since they have arrived at their father's manor. The guards tried to ask for their identity but other than that they did not encounter any problems as they enter the manor, It was all thanks to the medallion. It was indeed essential for their comeback.

Gabriella's eyes went to the flowers.

"My Mother's favorite flower," she unconsciously spoke. "Sunflowers"

"Sister..." Her brother suddenly calls her. His face looks more serious, his eyes were at the entrance of the garden. "They are here," He said as soon as he saw a man who looks exactly like him.

Midnight black hair and enchanting black eyes. One can mistakenly think of them as brothers or even twins, the youthful face of the marquis hasn't changed.

Gabriella trailed her eyes at her father.

'Is that my father's another son? Did he marry another woman and conceived a child? That's impossible, I am always updated about the news of house Velasquez, but who is this?' Gabriella thought as soon as she saw Antonio.

Correct, Gabriella was not informed about this, she does not know that magic can slow a person's age. Nobody mentioned it to her and the novel did not mention it either. That's why she was confused when she finds out that a certain white-haired handsome man was Maria's father.

Marquis Antonio's eyes showed a glint of happiness as soon as he saw the familiar faces of the two. Gabriel who exactly looks like him and his only beautiful unica ija...

"My daughter, Gabriella" 

"D-daughter?" Gabriella whispered. Her eyes went wide due to the realization.


And his appearance never changed.

Gabriella tried her best not to pass out from this discovery. How could a man not age? Antonio's appearance was the same face from her memories. What's the secret of Duke Evan and Marquis Antonio for their youthful appearance?

Of course, Magic!

"Are you Gabriel?" Mikhail Antonio asked to his youngest child.

Gabriel remained silent but in the end, he nods his head. "I am" he replied.

Gabriella felt like battling with herself on her head. Unlike her, her little brother doesn't look confused to see their father's youtful face. 

Of course, Gabriel knows this magic rule.

Only the dumb Gabriella doesn't know this basic knowledge.

Gabriella was about to ask her brother but she noticed the seriousness of the atmosphere.

Gabriella glanced at her father once more, a memory of her younger days playing happily with her father suddenly played on her mind. 

A strange smile appeared on her face. "Hello father," She said. "We are back"

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