Part 9- A Different Place

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I woke up on a feathered bed. My neck hurt badly, I was afraid to move but I needed to know where I was. I pushed myself into a sitting position and saw I was in a dark room that looked like a basement. The only light came from a flickering candle. There was another bed in the room and Genevieve was asleep on the bed. It was clear she has suffered something because bruises lined her arms and legs and her dress was torn. My own outfit was torn and I had bruises too, although I'm not sure how they got there. Slowly, I got up off the bed, my whole body aching. Once my eyes had adjusted enough to see, I made my way towards one of the two doors at the end of the room. The first door concealed a bathroom. It was extreamly small, shabby and dirty. The second door was locked. Very tired and sore, I went back to the bed. Then the door unlocked. I pretended to be asleep, squinting through my lashes to see who it was. All of the boys were there.

Jungkook and V attended to Genevieve, while Jimin and Jhope stood by the door like guards. Suga and Jin came to attend to me, while RM just watched. He seemed to be injured because RM had a black eye and he was walking stiffly. Jin and Suga were squabbling over me so I decided to wake up. Moving my head slightly, I opened my eyes and groaned. Instantly Suga backed away but Jin didn't.

"Sleep well, Princess?" Jin asked, smirking.

My hand flew to my neck. The chain was still there and I checked my wrist. My fox braclet was still there but with a hound charm next to it. Lightly, I tugged on the chain but, like the last time, it wouldn't come off.

"RM, guard these two and DON'T do anything with Winter. She's mine now. Understand?" Jin said.

RM nodded. What happened to the sassy pixie leader I knew? The boys left, leaving me and RM and the still sleeping Genevieve.

"So RM.... are you gonna tell me what's going on?" I asked.

"Well, you're currently in our basement room. We brought Genevieve here, so you could have company but she fought us. Right now she is under a sleeping spell which will wear off in an hour. Jimin also put you under a sleeping spell and uh... Jhope decided to take his pleasure with you again. It's why you're so sore. Jin wants to keep you close and all the other guys, except me and Suga, agreed. I fought with Jin, so I ended up hurt. Suga wasn't stupid enough to try. However, I found a way to free you from the curse and make the necklace seem just like a harmless necklace" RM explained eagerly.

He pulled a ring from his pocket. It was so beautiful. It was silver in the shape of a snowflake crown and a blue sapphire in the middle of it. (a/n: RM could hold the ring because the silver was made from a special metal that a pixie can touch).
The ring:

"I was told by a friend that if I give my soulmate an enchanted ring, they will be free from all spells and curses

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"I was told by a friend that if I give my soulmate an enchanted ring, they will be free from all spells and curses. If they accept the ring then they can choose three people, who are close to them, to shield from all spells and enchantments. My friend is called Jennie, she is the leader of a group called Blackpink. They are a group of girls who excel when it comes to tests and exams. They are very popular study pals. Jennie also happens to be a warlock. She put the enchantment on the ring, for me, to give to you." RM said, smiling softly.

He grabbed my left hand and slid the ring on to my ring finger. The room was bathed in a blue and silver light. The necklace and the pendant lit up and shook roughly. The enchantment had been lifted.

"As long as you never take this off, you will be safe. The people who you sheild will also be safe, if you keep the ring on. Now you don't have much time. The boys are coming to see what happened and Jin will be so mad. Choose three people to shield" RM whispered quickly.

"RM, Genevieve and... I don't know her but I want to thank her. Jennie" I said.

Blue and silver light covered RM and Genevieve's bodies. All injuries they had gotten quickly vanished and the sleeping spell was lifted off of Genevieve. The door crashed open.


I grabbed Genevieve's wrist, took RM's hand and teleported away with them.

Meanwhile, in a forest...

"Jennie, come on, we need to go" Lisa said tapping her toe impaciently.

"Yah, I'm not being late to dinner again" Jisoo huffed

Rose stayed silent but death glared Jennie. Suddenly a blue and silver light flooded Jennie's body. The girls watched in wonder. Jennie lifted her head and addressed the stars.

"Thank you, Winter."

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