Chapter Two: The First Day

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Date: 18th September          Time: 10:00am
I'm left in a room full on strangers, I don't know if they are dangerous or not.

"DeMarco" shaking my hand, "that's Miss Rosa and Nichols, she just got out of the SHU" walking closer towards me whispering in my ear, "so be careful!"

Since this is prison, I'm not going to take that lightly.

I drop all my things on the bed, well the little I have. It's bunk beds so there's someone below me, remembering earlier from the bus ride here, she's called Daya. I begin to make my bed when i get stopped.

"NO! we'll make your bed" I raise my eyebrow in confusion. "I'm sure I can make my bed" saying confidently as I've made a bed before like the other 7 billion people in the world. She replies, "no, not in here we got to make it a specific way." I nod politely in agreement.

A red light flickers on and the others jump off their beds. "This is count, you stand at your place until they have finished counting and that light turns green."

One after one, guards enter the room and count us carefully, there's six of us.

The light finally turns green, and we spend the next couple of hours in our bunk until lunch.

Date: 18th September         Time: 12:30pm
I'm starving, it's been such a long day. I hope the food is decent, but I don't have high expectations.

Anxiously, I scan the area for somewhere to sit, it has to be white people as we have to look after our 'own'. I'm not really sure what to do. Grabbing my food as steadily as possible as my hands are shaking and my body is filling with anxiety. My body stops, I can't walk, I have nowhere to sit. "Hey, you're blocking the way" I stare at her not knowing what to say or do. "Look go sit with that girl over there with the glasses, she's nice." Following this lovely women's order, I walk over to this girl, "Can I sit here?" "Yeah sure" she replies. Sitting down I take notice of her. Wow. Her hair as black as coal, glasses just like you'd see a librarian wearing, such a chiseled jawline, green eyes that sparkled in the sunlight shinning on her face and a rose tattoo on her upper arm.

"You're new, I'm Alex Vause and you are?" "Ash Goddard"

Before I can get another word in, others join us. Alex introduces me, "this is Ash" they all talk at once, I don't know who to put all my focus on.

"So what you in here for Goddard?" a voice says. I reply even though not knowing who said it, "Oh just something dumb I did when I was younger." They murmur in response.

We talk although out lunch until it comes to an end but now it's work. I've been assigned to electrics, which I suppose isn't too bad. I could of been stuck with cleaning the bathroom.

I enter the room with Nicky, I'm quite keen of her, I thought because she's been in the SHU that she's crazy. She's just got an interesting personality.

A guard stands at the front of the workshop waiting for the other inmates to arrive. Nicky informs me that he's called Luschek and that he doesn't really care about his job along as he gets paid or caught. Such a dick!

He wanders over to me handing me a lamp and book. "Fix this lamp, use the book to help you." A bit blunt but I guess this will be okay for the new few hours.

Eventually, I finished it. I fixed this stupid lamp, I guess all that reading and problem solving skills came in handy.

Date: 18th September           Time: 4:00pm
Work felt like it lasted for days, I'm just so glad it's finally dinner all that hard work has made me hungry again, but I'm always hungry.

I had some kind of slop with bread and a glass of water. It wasn't the best meal I've had to say the least.

"When can i call someone?" I asked.
"You've got to wait until all your stuff comes in which takes a while" I groan in response. "Little tip... go to Caputo's office and ask to call someone, helps if you cry" Piper says butting in.

Heading to Caputo's office, in hope he will let me call my girlfriend. Today has been an experience and I want to talk to her, I've never gone this long without seeing her, so the best I can get is calling her over the phone.

I knock. "Come in!" Preparing to put on an act to cry, I enter the room. "Please let me call my girlfriend" I say with tears rolling down my face. "Okay go ahead but be quick and shut the door, I don't want others knowing."

Dialing the number, I am so excited to hear my girl's voice.

"Hey baby." "OMG, Ash it's so good to hear your voice." "Yours too." "What's it like?" "It's okay, I've meet some really nice people and they are helping me get settled but the food is disgusting." "I'm glad people are helping you my love, and for that food problem just imagine the day you get out, you'll be able to get any food you like, I'll even pay."

I hear Caputos voice in the background,"hurry up, I haven't got all day."

"I love you" "I love you too" she replies. "Oh, tell my mum to come on Friday and you can come on Saturday!" "I'll see you then darling" "of course, only two more days to go" "I can't wait." "Me either." The call cuts off before I'm able to say a proper goodbye. My heart sinks but knowing I'll see her in a few days gives me all the hope I need.

Leaving the room with the biggest smile on my face. "What's with you huh, sex?" Nicky says hitting my shoulder. "No I've just finished talking to Willow and I get to see her on Saturday." "Lucky you hun, come on it's time for lights off." I follow Nicky back to our bunk.

Date: 18th September.         Time: 11:00pm 
A voice shouts from the distant, "Lights out ladies!" The lights turn off and I slowly drift off to sleep thinking of Will.

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