Chapter One

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Okay... Remember I took this down ages ago... Well, someone made me more motivated to continue... Idk. Why... I just suddenly felt the motivation.. 😁 So, I thank it deeply for that ❤️ so I'm just fixing a few spelling errors etc...


You walked in the door with a large oversized frown. It was all too much. Your boss screamed at you today and Ethan had phoned you multiple times in complaint of your whereabouts. He was never satisfied. Never happy. No matter what you did. It was never enough for your brother.

His wife, Mia, saw you as enough. You really liked Mia. Overly liked her. You were like a giddy school girl.. She had welcomed you into their home after the Baker incident. She was the only good thing that your brother brought into your life and Rose too, of course. Something had changed between the two of you these past few months. You just couldn't place your finger on it. It was... Confusing at best.

You smelt something amazing coming from the kitchen. Dragging your feet, you walked into the kitchen with a smile. Mia was there. She was cooking something you didn't recognise. You couldn't see Ethan but you could hear Rose upstairs laughing. He have been must be putting her to bed. You noticed a children's book on the sofa. You picked it up. "Village of Shadows?" you said in playful voice. Mia jumped at your voice. Like she hadn't been expecting it. She turned around with a wide smile once realising it was you. You had noticed that she had been on edge this last few days. "What is it about?" you asked the brunette with a delightful grin.

Mia relaxed under your gentle gaze. "well, it's about a little girl who got lost while picking berries." she answered with a gentle smile, focusing on the cooking once again "Why does that remind me of someone?" she asked playfully. She had been referring to you... Obviously. Your eyes widened before a cheeky grin appeared.

You let out a dramatic gasp. "I'm not a little girl, Mia!" you laughed and walked closer. "now, about the getting lost part... I can see that happening." you said coming up from behind her. She let out a chuckle. The food smelt utterly delicious. Mia never failed to create a scrumptious meal. "What is it?" you asked with a tilted head.

She turned to face you. Your (e/c) met her dark brown. Both of you didn't utter a word. Something didn't feel right. Your brows furrowed without realising it. Mia shifted uncomfortably. "It's a local dish called ciorba de legume." She answered with a strained smile turning back to the food. You hugged her. Trying to help the constant pressure on her.

You smiled at her words. "Sounds fancy..." you said as you played with a strand of your hair. When can we eat. I'm starved." you laughed bringing a smile to Mia's face. You were desperate for food. Any food. You were almost to take a cookie from the glass jar but your hand froze when you say the dangerous glare radiating off the brunette. "Mia..." you groaned. "Please? I'm starving." when she didn't answer you huffed like a child.

Just seconds later Ethan came down. "Is she okay?" Mia asked bringing the food of the stove. You helped clear things to make room for the large pot.

"Sleeping like a... Well, like a baby." he chuckled. Mia smirked. Something burned inside of you. You glared at the two. But as soon as you felt yourself glaring you slapped yourself out of it. Mia looked at you with a tilted head and concerned eyes. You offered her a gentle smile, which she returned. "You got home late." Ethan said to you with hard cold eyes. Of course he would have a go at you... When did he not? Nothing was ever done right... Or good enough. You felt like a failure.

You shrugged and clicked your tongue. "I wasn't aware that there was a time limit." you smiled at him bitterly, using his own words against him. He had gotten home late last night. You had asked him if he was alright because he got home late he replied with the same answer. He was a bully.

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