Ep 12 - The Elders

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Five man walking into the restaurant in Kabukicho area. Inside of the restaurant only two old man eating in there with above a dozen man standing and guarding behind the old man.

Only one of the five or six new arrivals sat casually in front of the two old man.

"You know why you were called here, Fujiwara." said one of the old men while pointing the person was Toshiyuki who casually took out his cigarette box, took out a cigarette and lit it.

He smokes his cigarettes and blows it out first before he gives the answer to the man who is older than he is, “I know.”

“So why you still calm. You know what punishment you’ll receive for what you’ve done, don’t you?” said the other oldman.

“I won’t receive any punishment for what I didn’t do, Owata-san.”

“We know you sold the stuff, Fujiwara.” Said Owata-san pointed to Toshiyuki using the steak knife.

“What stuff?”

The other older man smacked the table, angrily saying: "Don’t act stupid! We know you sold the stuff!"

“Oyeah? Kameshita-san, you must know you must have evidence if you want to punish someone. So show me the evidence you have that I'm selling that shit?” right after Toshiyuki finished his word then one of the man took out a small plastic bag from his suit and gave it to the old man called Kameshita-san and inside of the plastic bag there was two pieces of candy and one piece of biscuit.

Kameshita-san throw the plastic bag to the table, “Here's the proof that you sell it. You can't argue with me anymore, Fujiwara-kun.”

“Are we selling it, Ginjiro?” asked Toshiyuki without taking his eyes off the two elders of the yakuza .

"No, Kumicho. We're not selling it. All the Yakuza's organization know that as a yakuza organization Fujiwara-gumi hate and oppose anyone who sells that shit, so, Fujiwara-gumi didn’t do it.” said Ginjiro.

While flickering his cigarette ash, Toshiyuki spoke to the two mob elders, “Owata-san, Kameshita-san, you heard that, don’t you?”

“They're your people. They sure as hell said NO to cover your tracks.”

“Okey. Say that I sold it but do you know where I manufacture this shit, Kameshita-san?" asked Toshiyuki while putting his cigarette on his lips.

“Fujiwara-gumi produce shit like this..." said Kameshita looks over to owata as if asking for support or help.

"You produced it definitely in a hidden place that nobody knows about.” said Owata.

“You should know that I'm Fujiwara Toshiyuki, The supreme leader of Fujiwara-gumi, always hates ACTS that are very cunning and especially with a drug trade that could destroy the future generations of people. I hate that so much. So I won't accept your accusations for accusing me of selling that shit with just that evidence without investigating who's producing the goods.” said Toshiyuki very casually but he looked at the two mob elders sitting in front of him with very sharp eyes.

After a while this scar-face alpha extended his hand toward his men, Ginjiro quickly stepped forward and handed him a file. Toshiyuki throw the file on the table, “There’s the evidence and you’ll know who’s doing that shit thing.”

Quickly Owata-san took the file and read it, suddenly his eyes widen while he still reading the file, “Kondou from Hamaguchi-gumi did it? No way!”

“Let me see it, Owata.” said Kameshita as he took the file from Owata.

“I-Iori...? I can't believe it.” said Kameshita with unbelievable look appear on his face.

Smirk appears on Toshiyuki’s lips as he spoke to Kameshita, “Yes, your beloved nephew Kondou Iori is the culprit, Kameshita-san.”

The two mob elders couldn't say anything.

“We all know that each clan has its own rules but Kameshita-san, as you know from reading the file your beloved nephew was brave enough to make, produce and supply the illegal things using my clan's name, Fujiwara-gumi. So this is my problem, too, because my clan's name has been smeared by your nephew and I suggest you talk to that nephew of yours and forbid him to do any of that shit before I step in and destroy him.” says Toshiyuki who leaned slightly toward the two mob elders and looking at them with his sharp eyes.

“I’ll talk to him.” said Kameshita even though he still disbelief that his nephew do that things.

“Okay. I'll wait for your word three days from today, Kameshita-san. If I don't hear from you in three days then don't blame me for doing anything to your nephew.” The scar-face alpha says it while he get up from his seat.

“Excuse me.” The leader of Fujiwara-gumi bowed to the elder and then walked out from there, and followed by all the Fujiwara-gumi members.

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