angry blond boy//twenty one

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"To my house, duh.." JJ said, rolling his eyes. I smile, and made our way to his house until,

We came across the bakery that JJ worked at, seeing Shawn and Taylor shouting at each other.

Their shouts were inaudible since we stood outside, and the sounds of vehicles passing by were too loud to hear them.

JJ looked at me, "Should we do something?," he asked and looked back at them through the large window.

I shrugged, "I don't know.. I think we sh-" before I said anything else, JJ had let go of my hand then entering the bakery. I sighed and followed him in, and their shouts came into sound.

Shawn glared at Taylor as Taylor wore a apologetic look.

"Oh so you love me so much, You sleep with Grier?!" he shouted at Taylor, and my jaw dropped so did JJ's.

Taylor spoke, " Babe, please, He came onto me and I didn't sleep with him! " His voice slightly cracked in the middle of his sentence, and Shawn threw a spatula at him which Taylor dodged.

"Baby please, let me explain-" he was cut off by Shawn shouting, " No, shut the hell up, Taylor!"

JJ stepped forward, " Shawn, I think you should let Taylor explain, it would be best an-" JJ being interrupted by Shawn shouting again,

"Oh shut the fuck up, Johnson, not everybody wants to do it your way! Nobody even likes you, especially Gilinsky! He just wants you for a one night stand!"

I could disagree with that, I love JJ, not just for a one night stand. JJ clenched his fists and walked to spatula on the floor, picking it up, then throwing it at Shawn; who blocked it.

" Just because you're on your man-period, It doesn't mean you have to fucking put everyone else down! Don't be such a bitch and just let Taylor explain himself! ," he shouted and was huffing after he finished his sentence. JJ turned around and stormed out of the bakery, and the bakery fell silent.

I walked out of the bakery and jogged to catch up with JJ.

" Hey are you okay?, " I asked JJ but got no answer. I walked beside him, and he walked in a faster pace, ignoring me. He just had an angered look, and his fists were still clenched.

I took hold of his wrist then pulling it back, making him turn around to face me. He glared at me.

"What the fuck do you want," He asked, and I stared at him. He looks so cute, while angry.

He pulled his wrist back, making me let go of it, and he continued walking. I followed him, and he turned, I stopped and looked at the house that JJ headed.

I walked at the front door that JJ unlocked, and walked in. I entered after him, and I jumped at a shattering sound near me. I looked at JJ and he shrugged as if the broken vase in front of him, was nothing.

He walked over the shattered glass, and to the kitchen. I hurriedly took my shoes off and ran after him, he reached into the cupboard. I scurried to him, and held onto his wrist before he can smash anything else.

JJ had a glass cup in hand, and he shook the arm that I held onto, wanting me to let go but I had a tight grip.

He let the cup back down, "let go of my wrist, Finnegan" his voice lowered due to the anger he felt. I loosened my grip but still holding it, he shook his arm again. I sighed and pulled his arm back to turn him around, and he faced me. He glared at me, head tilted down.

I stood closer and let go of his wrist, then cupping his jaws with both hands, then leaning down and pressing my lips on his nose. I closed my eyes.

I pulled away, but not all the way. "Baby, don't be upset," I pressed my lips on his forehead, then pulling away. "He didn't mean it, flower, don't be angry," I tilted his head up then softly pressing my lips on his lips. I moved my lips against his, slowly and softly.

His hands held onto both of my wrists, and softly moved his lips in sync with mine. We both pulled away, opening both of our eyes, then stared into eachother's eyes. His glare was gone, and he had a faint smile. I smiled.

Anybody can take the stars away from the sky, I wouldn't care, I could look into those eyes of Jack Johnson's. He had eyes of galaxies, and had the beautiful shade of blue.

"Are you okay now, love?," His cheeks reddened at the pet name, and he looked down. JJ nodded, and I grinned. I leaned down and JJ gasped as he was lifted, I had picked JJ up, holding onto the back of his thighs. He looked down at me, then had a lovestruck expression. I smiled softly at him, then turning around and carrying him to the stairs then upstairs.

I carried him to, what I assume, his bedroom. I went over the bed and bent over, softly laying him down, then looking at him. The blush still remained on his face and a faint smile was fixed on, and his eyes; They were like a summer nightsky, not obsidian but a dark shade of blue.

He brought his hands up and cupped my cheeks. He leaned in and placed his lips onto mine, then my eyes automatically shut. He moved his lips and I followed in sync, JJ let out a muffled moan as our tongues brushed against each other. His hands went up to my hair, tangling his fingers in my hair, then tugging, causing me to let out small whine. He pulled away, and moved to my neck then kissing at the spot, which made me go wild. I'm quite surprised he found it right away.

I brought my knees up on the bed, and used my elbows to support myself up. JJ bit on the spot, and gasp left my mouth then a small moan.

His hands were in my hair, tugging on it, and he was probably creating bruises on my neck but I dont mind. Suddenly, He tugs my hair hard, and I let out a louder moan.

"Ah, JJ," I moaned out, and grinded my crotch against his, causing him to moan against my neck. I shivered slightly, then he pulled away from my neck and laid his head on the bed. His eyes half-closed and a smile on his face.

"make love to me, Jack.."

"Honoured, my flower"

I can make a descriptive smut on the next chapter if you want.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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