Chapter 1

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I would change the world. Well, the world had already been changed in ways I could barely comprehend, but I believed there was more to be added still. Starting now. Cogs started creaking, as the machine began wheezing and spluttering, awakening the forest. I lay still on the blanket of leaves, inhaling sharply as the tiny wooden catipult reclined back further and further. Yes, you did read correctly, I will admit that the machine was not immense in size but not any less incredible. Ticking continued before it came to an abrupt stop. Silence. Important silence for what I anticipated would happen within the next few moments.

Slowly I reached into my stiched pockets, retrieving the world's smallest cannonball and gently placing it into it's holder. My eyes squinted slightly as I observed the canopy of the forest. I could stare up there forever at times, it's all to easy to become lost in the painting of colors. From the deepest crimson to the coldest cobalt;they were what magic gifted this land. However to many the color of leaves is the most uninspiring sight to see in the Upper World. My finger caressed the switch at the side of the machine whilst I experimented with each possible angle to fire from, I would find the perfect one. There it was and now i was ready. The stone wheeled through the air, not with the most grace but it reached a respectable height. Contact between it and a single glistening apple was quick and sharp as the piece of fruit fell to the ground with a quiet thud. A thud loud enough for them to hear, they would arrive soon enough. I smirked at the thought as I remained sprawled on the ground, curls of my umber brown hair dancing in the breeze that now twisted through the trees.

Bellows called paces away accompanied with a synthony of stamping hooves. Grunting and snorting filled my ears as the creature trudged into the clearing with confidence but always carrying a hint of cautiousness. It was right to. A smile formed across my face as I glanced up to what stood before me. Antlers outstretched like great branches of the trees around us, adorned with layers of thick grass and pine. Magic had changed everything from the smallest of beings to the largest and all of those imbetween. Stags the size of buses for one.

The male pondered at the apple, a miniscule meal compared to it's towering frame. It's nostrels flared as it snorted great clouds of breath like steam from a train. It stood analysing the situation. Analysing me, was I a threat? Most that looked upon me saw me as anything but a source of danger instead the defintion of frail and vunerable. Not quite the impression I ever hoped to portray, however my slim body and absence of muscle gifted me with a lack of intimidation. The stag seemed to agree, as it finally lowered it's head gracefully to the apple. I dared breathe in that moment as I witheld it's magnificence but it did not last long. Life never lasts long here.

Shuffling of feet echoed from my right side as my smile was wiped from my face and my heart stood still. Whispers of many voices travelled behind the wall of shrubs, edging ever closer. Carefully I glanced to the stag, my eyes filled with dread as it remained in the clearing oblivious to the darkness which approached. Snap. It flew through the air like a misile as the arrow headed straight for it's target. I stood up madly, my lungs clawing for breath as my eyes darted to the arrow that tore forwards and I did not look away. I could not stop it as much as I wanted to, guilt already filled my stomach. I watched and watched as the stag now turned it's head, shaking it's great antlers in panic. Closer, it was nearly there until the moment that followed. The arrow exploded with a bang before falling as black,disintegrated powder whipped away in the wind. The stag released a startled call before it bounded away into the maze of trees. My eyes were unmoving at the spectacle I had witnessed. My mind raced with thoughts, possibilities and much needed explanations as my mouth opened and closed contionously.

"You." a voice sneered.
I knew that voice as I finally returned to reality, greeted with the wrath of the one that prowled towards me. Rafferty, the best self-aclamied hunter,backed with his loyal comrades.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I sighed with not a hint of remorse." Shame such a beautiful creature does not lay dead at your feet." I began packing away my belongings into my sack, my face emotionless and plain in contrast to the hunter a few paces away. A face contorted with evergrowing wrath as his pale artic-blue eyes narrowed to slits, meeting the fern green of mine.

"A bounty that would have fetched a noble price if it wasn't for your skeeming behaviour," Rafferty scorned, jerking his chin up with a sense of authority. I raised my eyebrows in disbelief as I stood up steadily, inhaling a much needed breath as I faced the towering figure across the clearing. He moved slowly with each step carefully planned bringing fourth a biting chill;a cold breeze. He reminded me of winter, even his hair with it's white,silvery hue. Rafferty was nothing but a bitter december.

"Seriously? How could you even arrive at such a ridiculous conclusion," I exclaimed, "Do you know how unusual that was, an arrow exploding mid flight. It's not something anyone from here could achieve, that sort of talent is derived from the Undern-"

"Do not speak of that place. How dare you talk so casually of such darkness boy," he said through gritted teeth."I know you hide something, you've always been the odd one here, everyone knows it. Even you," he rebuked with a face painted in resent that appeared to be contagious as the men behind him portrayed the same emotion.
I opended my mouth in incredulity. I didn't know if I felt pity for such stupidity or complemented at the fact Rafferty believed I could master such power. Power of the Underneath. I staggered back, glancing between the predators that now stalked towards me. Time was up. Rafferty lifted his bow his face now stone cold with nothing but sinister intent. Now my heart clashed against my ribs as I turned on my heel and began tearing through the forest.
I knew Rafferty and his group did the same as I heard the stampeed behind me where he bellowed

" I will kill you Fabien Gallio!"

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