Chapter 3

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My brother stood like a shadow behind him, the spear pressed firmly to Rafferty's back. Those eyes had always seemed darkened as he remained un-moving, filling the street with his own energy. Whenever he was near it felt as if a thundercloud consumed me and I could feel the mighty storm within him growing. That thundercloud made him hard to read as he was enveloped in it's murkiness, but he'd always been the serious one. Always reclined furthest away from our family. Always vacant from his seat at dinner. However when he did show I could feel nothing but gratitude to see him. Especially when that spear of his could be put to good use. The weapon he carried everywhere was like a piece of him, as I'd watch him creep from the house each morning with it held firmly in one hand as a walking stick. My brother's shield which kept us all at bay.

"Careful now Zarek," Rafferty cautioned as he removed his dagger from my throat, tucking it away into his blue tunic. Zarek finally lowered his spear to hold it as his side, his eyes did not submit to a single blink as Rafferty moved to face him. I slipped from the swarm of hunters to stand just behind my brother. There we stood in the middle of the street, a quiet stand off between us as Rafferty and Zarek eyed each-other silently. It felt as if the afternoon's warmth had been extinguished with a chilling breeze that now dwelled within the street.

"I hear your father's occupied with a lot of important decisions. I'm surprised your not glued to his side in this moment, it's a great opportunity to offer your own input since those decisions will change our world," Zarek enunciated, his voice clear and sharp, using that hushed thunderstorm against Rafferty. My brother never needed to be openly hostile and transform into a raging wolf such as the hunters, his style had always been to silence them with his words.

My brother stood posed casually as he tilted his head slightly like a hawk pinpointing the tiniest hidden movement. Zarek was never to be fooled by any barrier or trick, he saw through everyone like ghosts. As if each body was transparent with all of it's secrets on show. Rafferty only grinned as he was subjected to Zarek's reading.

"Well, every royal needs a breather from their castle. I simply chose to spend my pass time with your dearest brother, Fabien even showed me some of his inventions," Rafferty answered with a small smile to my direction then to Zarek's. A smile paired with a hostile glare. I stood still, my feet glued in place with torment washed on my face as Zarek returned the gesture, with a subtle smile, but no glint of anger to be seen in his eyes. Instead he grabbed my shoulder quickly turning us away, as we began to depart from the gathering-

"Don't think access to my father's walls grants you safety Zarek. I can have you wiped off the chess board in one swipe if I wanted to, maybe I'll use my 'input' to do so. After all, my father is the man who controls the magic, perhaps I could ask him to burn you with it," Rafferty snarled a few paces away. I could hear the outrage in his words- he was unable to contain it.

Zarek's hand did not drop from my shoulder as we kept walking, his only response was a simple wave. I had always envied his immunity to the poison of Rafferty's words.

And then we were out of sight. I walked beside my brother for several minutes with not a word exchanged between us, the hustle and bustle of the city filling the lack of conversation. Zarek valued his place at the King's court more than anything. Sometimes I believed it  was valued more than the family. However me and mother have never dared contradict him, as his income had been a blessing to us these recent years. Well, the slice of income he is willing to share, the majority is used for his own interests. Including the new silk cloak, shirt and trousers all of which are a midnight black. At times the sight of him made me burn with jealousy, he was the saviour of the family meanwhile I was down in the dirt with the rest of the searchers. Then again, those who work in the court of the Upper World seem possessed with such a dire need to support the King and control the city. Control that is slowly growing and suffocating everyone of us, even if the people who dance about the streets are oblivious to it. Zarek is one of the victims- every time I'd look at him he'd be in thought ceaselessly or buried away in the corner of the house with mountains of books. A boy who's sole purpose in life is to suck up to a king sat upon a golden throne.

We eventually arrived at the edge of the city where we were greeted by the stone bridge that lead home. Rolling hills, meadows and vast forest surround our little village upon a floating island, where those most crippled by poverty dwell. Cast away from the celebrations and lights; pushed to one side so it's broken buildings can't spoil the picture perfect world. Zarek had always yearned to stretch his wings and fly from there with the hopes to make a nest up in the city. Summoned by his duty- his new position now granted him ever closer to that dream of his. I'd always seen home as a place free from the watching eyes of the King. Free from those who control magic. Those who took advantage of the world's crystals.

Zarek closed his eyes for a moment, his face paled slightly as he crossed the bridge, preparing to come home to reality and leave his dream world. We'd all struggled with the lack of money and the problems that it brought but Zarek had always been unable to bare it. 

"Zarek, what you did back there was brilliant. It was about time Rafferty was on the other end of your spear. Next time you could-"

"You need to stop drawing attention to yourself Fabien, especially getting involved with the King's son in the middle of the street. Think of all of those people who witnessed such stupidity!" Zarek hissed as he came to a halt and faced me, his chest rising as he gripped the spear tighter. It was a sting from a scorpion as his words stole the humour from my voice.

"How can you defend him? The way he treats people...he believes he's untouchable with his father watching over us all. Something needs to change Zarek, royalty shouldn't make him such a brute."

"He is untouchable."

"I'd like to test that theory."

"Do not challenge the King or Rafferty for that matter brother. This world works because of our places in society, it brings order, people know their place. It's about time you learn yours, you shouldn't have any business with the King's son, do you know how that effects our familie's reputation? MY reputation?"

My eyes began to sting with tears.

"I don't care for reputations Zarek. Didn't you hear how he spoke about father? As- as if he was nothing. As if that incident in the caves had been a blessing. He's dead!" My voice broke as my hands shook at my sides. We stood opposite one another on the bridge, the sun subsiding around us as it's burnt-orange light reflected upon our faces.

"Do you know how we will survive brother? If you stop acting as the person you desire to be and more like the person you have to be. Pleasing society and keeping your head down is what keeps you alive, so stop listening to that warm heart of yours," he fumed as his lips curled inwards and his jaw clenched but then his face dropped and he ran a hand through his hair. "He's dead but you are not, live for him." Then, as if nothing had happened, his face returned to that emotionless state before he turned and stalked home leaving me stood on the bridge like I was nothing but a stranger.

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