Blurb/inside info

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As Kids they used to fight...They would always try and compete to see who was better at everything. No matter the years they have been together and no matter the time they have have spent in each other's company, they never seemed to get along...

The tribe (the name they called themselves) Lived in a large house in the country side where several fields surrounded it. There leaders (Foster parents) were named Clark and Claire and had adopted them when they were only 4 years old along with there other foster brothers and sisters. Jemilla was the oldest and the maturest, she had curly short hair that bounced up and down every time she walked, her skin was pale and smooth and she was very tall for her age and would always have to make sure everyone was in line, no mistakes. But much to her dismay one of the tribe members would always disobey her, never Listen to what she said...Zazzalil the youngest tribe member had tanned skin with freckles going across her nose, her hair was always in a high pony and a cheeky, malicious grin was always plastered on her face. The 2 never got along, Much to the tribe leaders dismay, and they would always compete to see who was better. Across the room they would give each other death stares and even occasionally kick each other under the dinner table. But they would never take it to far...until now.

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