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The Bella's had just finished their set, and were backstage. I overheard them arguing about Beca screwing up their set.

All I heard from Aubrey was, "Your attitude sucks, your a grade-A pain in my ass, and i know your hooking up with Jesse." Oh shit. Something's about to go down!

Jesse stepped forward to Aubrey to say "Woah. Aubrey, calm down, we're not hooking up, i swear." Beca cut him off "Jesus Christ! That's perfect, of course your here right now. I don't need your help okay? Can you just back off?!" Beca yelled. Shit.

"Treble's, time to bring the pain." A boy said while coming backstage. "If this is what i get for trying.." Beca said as she walked out. The backstage boy, followed her out of the room.

"Shit." I said. "yeah. That girls got some balls. Aubrey really is a bitch." Donald said. I looked over to Aubrey, and saw her glaring at me. Jesse looked really sad though.


I Knew You Were Treble (Pitch Perfect-Donald Walsh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now