update + jeff x m!reader tehehe

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sorry for the absence. this book ISNT discontinued. i've just had to move again and whatever so that sukz ballz

have this small jeff x m!reader smut as a mini apology you freaks <33


- oh, you're in for it now -

It was past midnight. Around one thirty A.M., and [y/n] was still tossing and turning in his bed. Shit. He felt utterly shit. A bad argument with his parents replayed in his mind over and over and over. It was over something small and stupid; he didn't want to cook dinner that night after his mother told him to, and of course she kicked off. He was just out of energy and didn't feel like doing it. Yes yes, it was a simple meal, but sometimes he just felt too drained and exhausted to do anything. [y/n] was depressed, to say the least. And you know what depression does to you. Small tasks seem like hurdles the size of volcanoes on venus. And it was tiring. Just for one day he needed to relax and think to himself, and that sparked the recent events of course. He felt useless, unwanted, a waste of space, annoying. All the things he had heard come out the mouths of onlookers of his life.
Exhaling deeply, he turned onto his side to face his open window. The night was hot, the sky was clear. All stars were on show, twinkling. Tears swelled in the eyes of [y/n]. Imagine being an adult and being forced to move back with your parents because you can't even look after yourself (a/n ....ahem @ me writing this, that's you, you hypocritical fuck). [y/n] held his breath, desperately trying to hold back his tears. He just wanted to be independent and free again, but he couldn't even do that for himself. Always managed to find a way to royally fuck up. Shakily releasing his breath, [y/n] closed his eyes, the small pools reabsorbing before they could fall.
"Get yourself together." He muttered to himself, brows furrowing as he opened his eyes once more. "Dumbass..." A sad smile adorned his lips, insulting himself was a form of therapy to him. He remained on his side for a couple of minutes, before rolling on his back once more to readjust and get comfortable. Even though he couldn't sleep, he at least wanted to be comfortable. Once again closing his eyes, he got lost in thought, attempting to distract himself from the negative repetitive hum in his mind.
Scratching on the side of the house grabbed his attention, cracking open an eye, a brow raised. Grabbing a sheet of paper on the bed side table, he scrunched it into a ball before tossing it outside. "Stupid raccoons.." he muttered, scrunching his brows tightly. A thud close to his window followed by more scratching jolted [y/n] straight up. Eyes wide, he swung his legs over the side of his bed and made his way over to the window, peering over. He did NOT expect to see a face staring right back as a figure stood on the ledge just underneath his window. Releasing a feminine high-pitched shriek, [y/n] stumbled back straight onto his ass.
Hysterical laughter boomed, as the intruder scrambled through the window, before flopping onto the floor.
"[f/n]-!" [y/n] hissed through gritted teeth, regaining his posture as a hand flew over his mouth in realization at the sound he had let out. "What. The. Fuckareyoudoinghere?!" Whisper yelling, [y/n] finally stood up shaking like a leaf, causing [f/n] to vibrate even more as they laughed.
"Dude! That was hilarious!" They wheezed, finally standing up themselves, hands propped on their knees to stabilize themselves from falling over again.
Clenching his jaw for a few seconds, [y/n] frowned before letting out his on laughter. "I would be DEAD if my parents were home right now, asshole!" After a playful punch to the shoulder, [y/n] sat down onto his bed before flopping onto his back. "You scared the shit out of me." Reaching to his neck, he felt his racing pulse under his fingertips.
"That was the objective dude!" His friend sat down next to him, grinning ear to ear.
Another playful punch on the shoulder. "Asshole." Sitting up again, [y/n] glared at his friend, though no malice was in his eyes. "What are you doing here?"
Shrugging, [f/n] reached into their pocket and took out a small baggie. Weed. Fuck. Yes. "Just doing my rounds, ya know. The usual." Beaming from ear to ear, [f/n] stood up and walked to the door before opening it, bowing gracefully as they gestured to the hallway. "Shall we, my thane?" They drawled in an eloquent tone.
Jumping up, [y/n] grinned, mimicking the tone back. "We shall, my housecarl." (ghost here, thane & housecarl are skyrim references, you and friend are skyrim nerds because i say so)
A small walk to the park later, [y/n] and [f/n] had parked their asses on a creaky bench. Full grinder and tobacco in hand, they both got to work rolling the biggest and fattest joint they could muster. Another kind of therapy. Good old mary jane always eased the troubled mind of [y/n]. It wasn't long before they and both sparked up. Inhaling a drag, [y/n] rolled his head back relaxing against the wood of the antique looking bench.
"I fucking needed this. Thank you, [f/n]." The thanks was genuine, accompanied by a warm smile. He passed the joint to [f/n], and they smiled back with the same warmth.
"I know man. You know I've got you. I know you've been going through stuff lately. I'm here for you." They took a drag after their small heartfelt comment, passing back to their friend.
Another hit later, [y/n] rested his head against his friends shoulder. They had been best friends for over 8 years. Growing up together was a tornado ride. Constantly being separated and brought back together with the constant moving, yet they had never had a serious argument. It was amazing. That was probably what made their bond as strong as it is today. They both knew the value of a true friend, and by hell they stuck together even in moments of separation.
It wasn't long before they were both sky high as fuck, eyes red and half lidded, sheepish smiles adorning their features.
"I better be getting back, I'm sure you're still on the job." [y/n] drawled, looking at his best friend.
Standing up, [f/n] offered a had to [y/n], pulling him up. "You're right. A small break was nice though. Get home safe, yeah?"
Nodding, [y/n] encased his friend in a hug. "Ditto."
After the embrace ended, they both set off their own ways. [y/n] swayed as he walked, humming a song to his steps. The breeze was cool in the warm air against his skin. It felt refreshing and new. Peaceful. He decided to cut across the grass field, concluding that it would be a shorter route rather than walk around. Not before long, he was halfway. Taking a stop, the man looked up taking a moment to stare up at the clear night sky.
"You know what, maybe living isn't that bad."
"Maybe you're right."
A second passed.
"Yeah. I think I am. I mean, look at this!" [y/n] gestured to the open sky with his hands, before looking at the stranger with a small smile, who decided to join his self conversation. His smile faltered as he took in the features of the other, before a look of shock enveloped his face.
"W-whoa! Sick SFX dude!" He dropped his hands to turn at the stranger, who's own emotions faltered at the comment.
"What..? Oh- OH. Yeah! SFX. Suuure!" A small laugh emitted from the other man, a brow raised as he quipped. His scarred stark white skin and carved smile was lit up in the moonlight as the beams reflected upon it, almost making him glow.
[y/n] laughed back, hands now placed on his own hips. "That's so cool, uhhh.."
"Jeff." Jeff finished the sentence.
"Got it, Jeff." [y/n] repeated the name. "How'd you do it? Latex? Gum? It looks so.." He gestured to his own face, drawing a smile motion on his cheeks, "..realistic! Oh! Uh... I'm [y/n]!"
The other grinned wider, taking a step closer. "I can show you, if you want.."
Not knowing better and in his hazed state, [y/n] nodded enthusiastically, reaching out to touch before drawing his arm back last second half way. "Can I..?" Curiosity and awe was etched with his body language.
A small tilt of the head, Jeff laughed. His brows dipped, and he reached forward to grab [y/n]'s hand. "Sure~" Taking the hand of the smaller man, he raised it to his face, guiding his soft fingertips over the split smile and taking a closer step forwards. Jeff reached into his pocket, whilst [y/n]'s eyes were fixed onto the features of the man before him. "You're high as balls, ain't ya?" Jeff took notice of the reddened whites of the others eyes, an amused dark look in his own.
A hum escaped from [y/n]'s throat in confirmation, a small nod and big smile on his own face. "Yeah, pahaha-" He retracted his hand, though Jeff didn't let go but letting it lower. "It's my therapy for yesterday." Glancing down to his hand still being held, he noticed the red sticky liquid coating his fingertips. "Eughhhh!" A playful 'grossed out' sound trembled out of his lips. Jeff let go of his hand, and raised his other in the face of [y/n]. A knife. ("NO!"vine ref lol shh)
"Pretty realistic, huh?~" Jeff hummed, expecting the other to come to his senses and run. "Still want me to show you..?" A taunting flicker laced his words.
[y/n] blinked at the object in front of him, as it made its way closer as the man stepped in and closed the gap. Talk about personal space. His gaze moved from the knife and to the man, and back to his carved smile and snow white skin. What. He looked at his fingers again and once back at the same red liquid on the smile.
His focus was diverted back to the other as laughter erupted from Jeff; he grabbed the chin of the shorter man, moving his knife to the corner of [y/n]'s lips. "Tsk tsk tsk~ you're too easy~" malice coated his words, evoking a small tremble from [y/n].
"W-... what?" He STILL wasn't grasping it. He leant back instinctively as the cool metal tip made contact with his soft flesh. "Dude stop. That's weird."
Pause. Weird? Not scary, terrifying, horror inducing, panic causing- WEIRD? Jeff raised a brow. "You're not scared?" He almost seemed irritated, brows knitting together.
"Look, man, I don't know who you're cosplaying and I'm sooooo sorry I don't know, but you're getting a bi-" His words were cut short as he was shoved, his back making contact with the soft grass. He fell kind of slow, a small stumble at first before his knees gave in. "Oi!" Propping himself on his elbows, he scrunched his nose at the perpetrator. "You really want to fight, huh?" He made no effort to get up, instead glaring at Jeff.
Jeff just stood bewildered. Here he was, threatening a man with a knife, blood dripping from his cheeks. And this high motherfucker thinks he's in a costume and wants to fight. "Listen here, I'm going to gut you. Alive." A snarl left Jeff's lips, as he crouched over [y/n] with his blade to the others stomach.
Rolling his eyes, [y/n] went to grab the knife. "Piss off!" Jeff grabbed the lunging wrist of the man under him, pinning it next to his head.
"You piss off!" He yelled back, leaning his face closer to [y/n]'s. They both paused. [y/n]'s eyes studied Jeff's face closer, before widening. NOW he realized. Jeff sighed, glaring intensely at [y/n]. "Really?"
"Holy shit, man..." [y/n] whispered.
His grip tightened on the wrist of the pinned male, leaning closer to the point their breaths collided. "Yeah, and I'm going to give you a fucking demonstration." He spat, fully annoyed. "God you're slow."
[y/n] started thrashing after this statement, and the freak out endured. "W-wait! No!" He swiped with his free hand and his palm made contact with the side of Jeff's face, making him retract and let go. [y/n] wasted no time as he pushed the stunned Jeff off and scrambled to his feet, breaking off into a wild sprint towards the footpath. That proved much harder in his high state, almost tripping over his feet multiple times. Jeff let out a growl, raising onto his own feet and grinning ear to ear. This is what he wanted. He broke off into his own chase, gaining up on the slower man.
"You better run, bitch!" The footpath led them both into a small woody area. A bridge made of a fallen tree was was up ahead, over a small stream. [y/n] had two choices. Leap over the gap since crossing a slippery bridge high was a deathwish, or make a turn and run along side the river. He went with the aforementioned, preparing to leap as far as he could muster. That opportunity never came, as a body crashed into his own, causing them both to tumble into the gap and into the river. [y/n] hit his head, causing him to topple over every time he tried to stand. He was soaked and his clothes were holding him down. Thankfully the river was shallow and only came up to his ankles, otherwise he would be dead. Jeff, on the other hand, was perfectly fine, and had risen and made his way over to the other.
"You fucker.." He panted, grabbing the shorter man by his shirt and hauling him up before pressing him against the wall of the crevice. [y/n] grasped Jeff by the wrist with both of his hands, spluttering and shaking. Jeff raised the knife to the throat of his victim, leaning his face closer. His wet night-black long hair slightly covered his face, as he made eye contact with [y/n]. [y/n] gasped breaths of air, the chase wearing him out for good. There was silence between the two, except the heavy breaths and running river they were stood in. Tension filled the air. [y/n]'s own wet hair slicked against his cheeks, watered down blood dripped of its tips, resulting from the wound he sustained from the fall on his head; Jeff raised his knife further up, and moved his own hair and the hair of the other out of their faces with the flat end of the knife. Eye contact wasn't spared, and [y/n]'s breathing reached a stable rhythm.
"....w-well..?" [y/n] stuttered, his grip tightened around Jeff's wrists as he still held him by his shirt.
"Go. To. Sleep."
[y/n] made a frightened noise. He removed his hands from Jeff's wrists and shoved hard against his chest. Jeff stumbled back with a hiss, letting go. [y/n] took this chance and scrambled up the banking.
The head start was beneficial. The cold water seemed to sober him up slightly. Just enough for him to gather to his senses and run. Run as fast as he could. He could hear Jeff making ground behind him. Just in time, he had made it though the woodlands and onto the street. Recognizing the houses, he knew his way home now. Once again he was in a wild sprint back home, Jeff on his heels yelling profanities and taunts behind him.
It wasn't long before he leapt the fence of his front yard, scrambling to the door. He crashed into the front door, opening it, but before he could get though and close it, Jeff had caught up and shoved his foot into the gap before it could close. Jeff cried out in pain and anger as the door made contact, and slammed his weight against it barging though. [y/n] stumbled back and slipped. The water dripping off his body made the floor slick, and once again his head made contact with the ground. He let out a sob, unable to protect himself. Jeff closed the door behind him and made his way over slowly. Anger emitted from him in waves.
"P-please don't-.." He muttered over and over, begging to his attacker, his voice weak and quiet. He struggled to his feet, fumbling backwards. Jeff lurched forwards, grabbing the hair of [y/n] and yanked his head back.
"Please don't what?" He snarled, intimidating the shaking man in his grasp further. Hair still in hand, he strode over to the couch and yanked [y/n] onto it, straddling him after [y/n] made contact. "Oh, you're in for it now."
A broken cry escaped [y/n], struggling under the other. "P-please!" He grabbed the soaked hoodie on Jeff's body, terrified. Jeff raised his knife and slammed it into the couch, millimeters away from [y/n]'s head, catching his ear in the process, causing [y/n] to freeze up.
Letting out a rumble, Jeff gripped [y/n]'s chin leered closer. "You're such a pansy for a guy." He grinned, his voice lowering. "I wonder if I can make you scream like a girl~"
[y/n]'s face warmed up, and Jeff could feel the heat radiating onto his fingers. "N-no!-" He yelled, squirming once again.
"Why not! You're going to die anyway? Might as well have some fun.." His smile grew wider, as he thought of all the things he could do to the weaker man. "Carve you up, leave my name on your skin, bruise you up beautifully.. I could have you begging for me~.. Before I cut that pretty head of yours off." He mumbled, his breath fanning onto [y/n]'s quivering open lips.
[y/n] was lost for words, his thoughts conflicted and screaming in his skull. He wanted to escape so badly and live, but this man on top of him gave him a sense of excitement. Nonono. What was he thinking?! He was about to die for fucks sake.
"Would you like that?~" Jeff's lips were now grazing over the others own, his voice a whisper. A taunt. Silence passed, and before [y/n] could reply with a comment he found rough bloody lips had met the corner of his mouth lightly, silencing any thoughts of protest. A hum passed Jeff's lips, as he moved over to directly press his lips against the others, slightly surprised when [y/n] leaned to close the gap himself. Jeff smirked into the kiss, pressing [y/n] down further into the couch. [y/n] made a noise against the kiss, his brain and body conflicting what they both wanted. The noisy thoughts were back, and he tried his best to shut them out. There was no use fighting against the man on top of him any longer. He was defenseless and weak; ya know, a pansy. Jeff pulled back slightly, dragging his tongue over the lips of his prey, his panting beating the soft skin.
He trailed his hands down [y/n]'s chest, before taking off his own hoodie. His bare chest was on show; every scar and mark could be seen against his radiant bleach white skin. [y/n] hesitantly ran his own hands down Jeff's sides, his fingertips quivering with excitement. Jeff hummed in approval, and proceeded to remove his knife embedded from the couch, and stripped [y/n] of his shirt with the blade of the weapon. [y/n]'s face was alight with fear, anticipation, lust and submission. An expression Jeff wanted to create.
Lowering down to [y/n]'s ear, he muttered slowly. "I'm going to fuck you so hard into this couch that you won't be able to escape me ever again. You're not going to leave this fucking spot, got it?" His words were laced with a primal growl, as he rutted his hips into [y/n]'s crotch, who laid pinned and shaking, the occasional gasp and moan passing his lips. Jeff unbuckled the belts of them both, and took [y/n]'s pants clean off with his underwear as well. [y/n] squirmed slightly, the actions quick and hasty from Jeff sparking fear in the pit of his stomach. He was fully exposed.
"W-wait-!" Crying out, [y/n] spoke before thinking, panic setting in. A hand encased his chin firmly, forcing him to remain still.
"If you want me to kill you quickly after this, I suggest you shut the fuck up." Venom dripped from Jeff's tone, harsh and to the point, reminding [y/n] what position he was in right now.
Shaking, [y/n] could only clench his teeth together to prevent any more noises leaking past his mouth, tears welling in his eyes.
Jeff's voice softened, though wasn't genuine. Another taunt. "Good boy~" He released his hold on the others face and stroked his cheek, leaning in to gently kiss the corner of his mouth. "Now do as you're told and get on your front." He got off [y/n], allowing him to turn a 180 and onto his front. Jeff reassumed position and trailed the flat of his knife from the nape of [y/n]'s neck to his asscheek, before giving it a spank with his hand leaving a flowering red mark. [y/n] tensed, shivering in shock and almost delight at the sensation. Jeff repeated the action a few more times, before letting his pants and briefs drop. His hard-on sprang up and pressed between [y/n]'s thighs as he leant over, shoving [y/n]'s face into the pillow, his ass still raised.
"You ready?~" The question was a false one; as if he cared if he was ready. He thigh fucked the other beneath him, gripping onto [y/n]'s waist with one hand and a handful of hair with the other. His breath was hot against the shell of [y/n]'s ear, has he laughed in torment at his victim. [y/n] could feel beads of precum leak down his thigh as Jeff continued, getting himself worked up; he pressed his ass against Jeff, quivering in anticipation. A lick to the shell of his ear made him whimper, his hair pulled by the murderer. Nails dug into his waist deeply. Jeff ceased thigh fucking, and moved his hand from the waist to grab [y/n]'s cock, pumping the shaft torturously slow. He rubbed his own cock against the others own showcasing his size against [y/n]'s, before pulling back enough to line up and prod his unprepared entrance.
[y/n] shuddered with fear. Jeff was MUCH bigger than he was, and putting the fact that he was unprepared with that, he knew this was going to hurt. All he could do was brace himself, clenching his jaw, fists and eyes.
"I'm gonna make you fucking scream like a filthy slut.." Jeff mumbled, before slamming into the smaller male. A cry erupted from [y/n]'s throat and his body went stiff. He instinctively tightened around Jeff's member, a grunt emerging from Jeff's own lips. "Oh fuck yeah~ keep doing that~"
Tears spilled from [y/n]'s eyes as the pain left a throbbing heat in his abdomen, his own cock twitching. This was too much but he wanted more. It was intoxicating. Jeff moved slowly, yanking back [y/n]'s head to the side to attach his lips to his throat, leaving a dark bruising love bite. He peppered the skin on his neck with multiple, earning gasps, moans, and panting, all pain subsiding into pure blissful pleasure. Gradually he picked up speed, and the faster he went the more vicious he was with his action. The love bites started getting bigger and deeper, scattered all over his neck and upper back. He thrust harshly into [y/n]'s prostrate, forcing a strangled cry of a moan out of his lungs. "J-Jeff!~"
He grasped his knife again, slamming into that spot again and again and again. He leant back up, removing his hand from [y/n]'s hair and gripped his waist once again, bruising marks forming under his fingertips. Pressing the knife blade down in the center of [y/n]'s back, the thrust next was the final blow, and he released ribbons of his seed deep into [y/n]. The sensation caused [y/n]'s own orgasm, his legs quivering and back arching as he tightened once again around Jeff's member. His cum hit his own stomach and the pillows below him. A shaky wail erupted as a sharp pain shot through his back, Jeff panting and groaning in delight as he carved into [y/n]'s flesh. Not deep enough to cause blood loss, but deep enough to scar. He pulled out, cum leaking out of [y/n]'s abused sore hole.
"J. E. F. F." He spelt out his own name with a hum, his fingertips gracing over the now bleeding skin. "There, all done!~" [y/n] trembled as Jeff span him onto his back, leering over. "One last thing to do..~" Jeff darkly spat, his smile growing only bigger and bigger. [y/n] closed his eyes, still panting, fearing the impending doom that was to come upon him.
"Go.. to.. sleep..~"
Everything went dark, and silent. [y/n]'s head felt heavy, and it wasn't even a second later he was straight up and out.

-- morning --
"[y/n]?" A call echoed though the house. Bolting up, [y/n]'s eyes flew open. Oh shit, his parents were home. He darted out of bed, only to collapse when his knees gave under him and a searing sharp pain spread through his back.
"Y-yeah!!" He yelled back. "Give me a second! F-fuck.." Gradually, he rose from the floor, swaying.
"Hey doll face~" Hands wrapped around his waist, steadying him as his back was pressed against the chest of the person behind him.
A flushed red hue overtook his cheeks instantly. "J-Jeff?!" He span around to confirm. He thought he left. Apparently not.
Jeff raised a brow, moving his hands back to his waist again, bringing their lower halves to meet. "What? Think I'd leave you alive?" A grin plastered his face. "Killing someone who's passed out feels like cheating~" [y/n] felt himself go cold, his knees going to jelly again. This carried on for a few mere seconds before Jeff let a laugh erupt from his throat. "You should see your face right now!" Jeff carried on, before bringing his voice to a whisper. "You really should lock your windows.." He dragged his tongue over [y/n]'s lips. "..I'll see you tonight if you don't. Or do. Either way, I'm gonna fuck you up some way or another~" He gave [y/n]'s bruised hips a squeeze, before hopping out the window into the early hours of the morning.


ok would y'all like a part 2? lemme know lolol

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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